Too Intimate

She suddenly looked dazed, and she couldn't hold her chopsticks anymore. In the next second, she fell onto the sofa.


Ji Shiting immediately stood up, walked to the woman and hugged her. He patted her face and said, "Shengge? Wake up."

The woman's eyelashes fluttered, and she finally opened her eyes. After being dazed for a moment, she suddenly panicked and said, "Shiting, I feel her coming out! You…"

"I'm fine." Ji Shiting grabbed her hand. "Don't worry, I'm fine. She won't hurt me. She admitted it herself."

"I could feel her killing intent. You lied to me…"

"Perhaps I was too anxious and used too much strength. She was just angry." Ji Shiting chuckled and hugged her. "I knew you wouldn't disappoint me. You immediately stopped her when you felt her killing intent."

Ye Shengge was dazed, as if she finally believed that she hadn't hurt that man. After the panic subsided, she felt fear and anger.