He's Laughing at Us

"Shengge will have an interview in three days." Shang Tianyi didn't dare hide it. "She's going to audition for the lead actress of 'Meeting Cupid'."

Ji Shiting clenched the cup in his hand and didn't say anything.

"When is Li Yinian going to rest?" Qiao Yanze said. "Is this how your company exploits artists?"

"You're mistaken, Fourth Young Master," Shang Tianyi said happily. "Yinian really enjoys the current situation. She doesn't like to take leave and would rather work. Of course, I'll try my best to give her time to rest."

Qiao Yanze's face sank.

Shang Tianyi and Lin Ran didn't say anything. They said goodbye again and escaped.

After the two left, Ji Shiting put the cup on the stone table with a gloomy expression.

Qiao Yanze wanted to mock him, but he realized that he wasn't any better than him, so he clicked his tongue and said, "It looks like sister-in-law is determined to avoid you."