Why Should I Hate A Failure?

"I didn't stab a major artery. I told you, I didn't cause a deep wound on her body at all. Xie Siqi was fine when I left with my assistant. At most, there were some bloodstains on her face. After that, my assistant and I went for dinner and went to the amusement park. Do you think I would wait for you to capture me if I really killed Xie Siqi?"

"Was it your assistant who killed him?"

"Of course not. She didn't do anything except tie Xie Siqi to the chair."

"Ms. Xie pointed a gun at you to destroy your relationship with Mr. Ji, so you hate her, right?"

"Why would I hate failure? You saw it yourself. I'm the one Mr. Ji cares about. Xie Siqi hates me because she thinks I stole Mr. Ji."

"You used a blade to cause so many wounds on the victim, which means you have sadistic tendencies. Who knows whether you'll kill someone for a small reason?"