The Right to Name the Child

Grandpa Ji then walked to the dining room.

Ye Shengge couldn't help but be surprised as she watched him leave. She thought that he would be reluctant to accept her, but he wasn't displeased with her arrival at all.

She couldn't help but look at the man beside her.

Ji Shiting raised an eyebrow and said, "I told you, Grandpa was eager for me to bring you home."

Ye Shengge was a bit embarrassed. "Is it because I'm pregnant?"

"Not just that. It's mainly because he trusts your character." Ji Shiting stroked her face and chuckled. "Or rather, he believes that you love me very much, so you won't put me in danger."

Ye Shengge couldn't help but nudge him with her elbow.

They sat down in the dining room.

Lunch was sumptuous, and every dish was beautiful. There wasn't any smell of grease or smoke, which whetted her appetite.