I Never Thought You Can Escape From Me

Jing Zhiyuan had called him just as the case was progressing… What a coincidence.

Although Jing Zhiyuan was just expressing his concern, Jiang Yu still had a strange feeling in mind.

Actually, even the fact that he had been sent to Yang City seemed strange. Although this case was sensational, it wasn't to the extent of requiring the transfer of another personnel.

Jiang Yu hadn't thought too much about it prior to this, but Jing Zhiyuan's phone call made him feel that something was wrong.

'Does Jing Tong know that her father can't wait for Ye Shengge to be convicted?'

Jiang Yu slowly took a deep breath and left the office.

Qianfan Villa.

Ye Shengge wanted to read the script after dealing with her emails, but in reality, she only had time to deal with the emails from the studio before Sister Xiu stopped her. Sister Xiu said that expectant mothers shouldn't overexert themselves.