I Don't Want to Disappoint You

Ji Shiting swallowed hard and stroked her face.

Ye Shengge wrapped her arms around his neck, looked up and said, "Are you… unwilling to touch me because you haven't decided whether you want to go back with me or not?"

The man's tense body showed his desire for her, but he was trying hard to control himself.

Perhaps in his opinion, if he got intimate with her here, it would mean that he would agree to return to Yang City with her and be Ji Shiting again.

However, it was obvious that the man still had doubts about this unfamiliar identity and responsibility, so he didn't want to make a decision.

Ji Shiting blinked and said, "Can you stop messing around if I say yes?"

"Seems like I'm right." Her voice was muffled, and her eyes were red. "But you'll have to go back with me sooner or later. Ji Shiting, don't think you can avoid your responsibility just because you have amnesia."

The man pursed his lips and didn't say anything.