Gloating Is His Style

Hua Cheng thought for a bit. There weren't any suitable girls recently. Just as she was about to reject him, she was suddenly reminded of Ye Shengge in the room.

"Tell them I have one here." Hua Cheng smiled.

After all these years, she had lost her humanity. To her, people were all just objects, and they were separated into what she could use and what she couldn't.

The only time she had felt any sympathy was three years ago when Ji Ziliang had knelt in front of her and licked her feet, hoping to take Ji Shiting away after the operation. She had thought that Ji Shiting would come back if the operation was successful, and Ji Ziliang's humble begging had made her feel like taking revenge, so she nodded and agreed.

However, Ji Shiting hadn't returned yet, and he was still alive. Thus, they had to spend a lot of effort to get him here three years later.

She wouldn't make the same mistake again.