Something Might Happen

That night, Li Yinian was about to participate in the recording of a variety show, but she received a call from Ye Shengge two hours before she left.

Li Yinian's heart sank after taking the phone call.

She had known Ye Shengge for three years, and she had always been deemed as invincible, as if nothing could stop her or beat her down. If it weren't for that, she wouldn't have been able to support T.S. Corporation in the three years after Ji Shiting left.

However, Ye Shengge sounded more dejected than ever tonight. Li Yinian could feel the sadness and despair through the phone.

Recalling the changes in Ji Shiting that Qiao Yanze had mentioned, Li Yinian felt that something had happened.

Thus, she agreed without hesitation when Ye Shengge asked if she was free tonight.

On the way to the clubhouse, she called Shang Tianyi to postpone the recording.