How Can A Goddess Be So Shallow?

Ye Shengge didn't want to read those boring financial news anymore, so she clicked into Weibo and used a sub account she had registered.

Both Summer Wood's and Ye Shengge's accounts were managed by someone for her, but because she had retired in the past few years, the two accounts were basically silent. She had asked Shang Tianyi to discuss her comeback.

However, she hadn't expected to find two familiar names on Weibo today.

Qiao Yanze and Li Yinian.

An entertainment account with a million fans released photos of the two of them coming out of the nightclub. Although the light was dim, it was enough to tell that they were very intimate. He held the woman in his arms and said something to her with a smile on his face. Li Yinian also looked up at him and listened attentively.

To Ye Shengge, it was normal for the two of them to stand together, but to the netizens, it was like a huge earthquake!