President and Madam Have A Loving Relationship

Ji Shiting was interviewing for a new assistant when Ye Shengge called.

Although he had only taken over the company for a few days, it was enough for him to familiarize himself with all the affairs and procedures. Ye Shengge had basically followed the rules he had set in the past few years, but it was also because of this that he needed to make some changes. He had to fire those subordinates who couldn't keep up with the pace.

Thus, the HR department hired a few assistants for him again. Sun Ye was in charge of the two sides, and Ji Shiting selected three candidates.

The three of them had good academic backgrounds, and Ji Shiting only chose one person after talking to them.

He took out that resume and said to Sun Ye, "Ask the HR department to inform her to come here as soon as possible."

Sun Ye was a bit surprised as he took the resume.

"Tang Ranran? Only her?" He couldn't help asking.