Are You Silly, Ye Shengge?

"It's like this…" Ye Shengge looked up at him, looking pitiful. "Another investor is withdrawing his investment in the show I'm filming now. I've checked, and that investor's parent company is related to President Tang."

Ji Shiting said, "I'll make up for it."

"I'm not short of money…" Ye Shengge's voice became softer. "Tianyi and I want to take the chance to participate in the production of the TV show, but the studio doesn't have enough cash. We want to use our dividends, which involves a small problem…"

Ji Shiting raised an eyebrow.

He understood what she wanted to say.

He suddenly smiled.

Ye Shengge was a bit nervous. Her eyes widened. "Are you mad? It's not that I don't trust you. I'm doing it for Tianyi. He's worked hard after all… Besides, even if T.S. Corporation reduces its shareholdings, it won't affect your interests. The shares under my name are still our shared assets."