The House Suspected to Be Cheated

"That's right." Ye Shengge sighed.t

It wasn't easy for her to deal with her love rival.

"Our funds are about to be deposited, and we can fill this gap immediately. When you become an investor, you can more or less reverse the public opinion," Shang Tianyi said and paused. "Su Yao just posted on Weibo recently, saying that the rumors on the Internet are all false. He said it as if he was with you all the time."

"He really loves chaos." Ye Shengge resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

She had already scrolled through Weibo on her iPad while talking to Shang Tianyi who had described the situation.

The people who had insulted her online were obviously paid posters.

"Speaking of which, have you really never thought of announcing your relationship with Mr. Ji?" Shang Tianyi couldn't help asking. "Actually, this is the only way to solve it once and for all."