Because You Still Love Him

No, this man would not collapse so easily.

She only hoped that he would stop probing here. He should know what kind of earthquake would happen if the rest of the Qiao family found out about this—not only because of her identity, but also because of the well-known past between her and Qiao Yanze. At that time, Qiao Yanze's siblings would never let go of this opportunity to attack him. His life might not be able to recover because of this past.

She and Madam Qiao had spent so much time hiding it to avoid such an outcome.

Qiao Yanze definitely knew the stakes and hoped that he wouldn't let her down.

For a moment, Li Yinian almost wanted to call him to remind him, but she quickly rejected the idea.

There must be no more contact between them. Absolutely not.

"How does it taste?"

Qin Hongyu's voice snapped her out of her trance.

She looked up and forced a smile. "Yes, it's delicious."