Consoling her

After Xu Chuchu left, li Yinian closed the door of the ward. She then walked to the table by the window with the paper bag and took out her dinner from the bag.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't even look at a certain someone.

Qiao yanze pursed his lips tightly, his eyes fixed on her, looking completely stunned.

Even though Xu Chuchu had left for a while, he still felt like he was in a dream.

Yi Nian's body was not convenient now.

Also, find a father for the child.

It was a specially-ordered meal for pregnant women.

He couldn't urge all of them to work together to deceive him, right? So, this was true?

Was he really going to be a father?

He tried his best to calm himself down and called out in a hoarse voice, " "Yi Nian."

Li Yinian had just finished placing the dishes on the table and picked up her chopsticks. She looked up at him and snorted."It's useless to be greedy. This is mine."