This is the luck of being loved.

"Hello!" Jing Tong's heart was bursting with joy. She snatched the twins 'small hands from their parents. come here, Auntie will prepare some good food for you. What do you guys like to eat?"

Seeing this, Jiang Yu was both helpless and amused. The twins were indeed very cute, and he also liked them very much. However, he did not expect Jing Tong's reaction to be so strong, and he even lost his self-control.

I'm sorry. Tongtong misses her two children very much. She's been waiting for you two since early in the morning. Jiang Yu said calmly and tried to smooth things over for his wife without changing his expression.

it's alright, miss Jingtong Wanwan, oh no, I should say that it's all our good fortune that our First Lady likes children so much. Ji shiting smiled.

"Yup, I know. Jing Tong's character is still the same, all thanks to Your Excellency." Ye Shengge sighed sincerely.