What Have We Done

[ Chapter 14 ]

The warm glow of the sun came in through the window, illuminating a king sized bed, where two naked bodies remained asleep embraced each other.

"Hmm," she lazily opened her eyes.

"Oouchh." Grumbling, she tried to slowly sit up from the bed.

Qin Feixue felt extreme sore in between her legs and her waist is cramping so much as if someone hazed her. She could not even sit properly on the bed.

She slowly rubbed her watery eyes with her left hand, while sitting on the bed with her bare, plump butt.

She was as lazy as she was every morning, but today she woke strangely with her fatigue body and extremely pain in between her legs.

It was a nice yet unfamiliar morning for her.

But then, "Aahh?!" She noticed that a hand was hugging her around her waist.

She looked at her right side and couldn't help but be taken aback by what she saw there.

Long Jinnian was sleeping handsomely next to her, and top of that he was completely naked, with his tempting abs in sight and his towering manhood exposed.

"What!" Qin Feixue was dumbfounded to find her naked son in law sleeping next to her, but then when he looked down, she even more dumbfounded.

She was completely naked as well!

A man and woman was sleeping together and completely naked!

It was not necessary to mention what happened, she was petrified as the memories of the previous night began to become more vivid.

The memories where she was hammered by her son in law, Long Jinnian! And it was not just that, the memories where his hardness fiercely entering her pussy nonstop for over three hours.

His hardness pumped her from many different position. The more she remember the more shy she became. Her extremely shameful expression and the way he thrust without too much effort because how wet she was.

"Aaaahh, that was too embarrassing!" She screamed, so shy that she wanted to find a hole to hide herself inside it.

Qin Feixue remained silent for a long time looking at the sleeping ethereal handsome face of his. Her mind was blank.

"What have I done!"

"What have we done!"

It was the first time in her life she was in a situation where she did not know how to react, she did not know how to face her daughter after the sin she committed with her own son in law.

"What a shameful mother I am!"

She did not know if she should blame her lustful son in law or blame herself for seduced him over and over.

Unconsciously, tears were sliding down onto her cheeks. She really did something unforgivable! She bedded him, her own daughter's fiance!

A strong yet warm hand suddenly embraced her from behind. They remained embracing each other for a long time, then he gently wiped her tears while his eyes looked lovingly at her moisture eyes.

A times goes by while they remained looked into each other eyes.

There was complicated feeling inside their hearts. Guilty, regret, happy, satisfied, and the other complicated feeling they got for what they did.

"Auntie, don't blame yourself for what we did, the things has reached to the point that we no longer son-mother in law relationship as we were. I do regret it a little for Lanlan, but I still do the same thing even if I leap back to the past."

Qin Feixue was listening to his gentle tone silently as she try to finds his reasoning is somehow acceptable.

"Auntie, what we did didn't change the fact that I love your daughter dearly. Thought our relationship no longer as it was in the past. I hope that you can understand, yes we did intercourse, but we're still the same. I love my fiancee, and you love your daughter, we can continue our live normally. I think there is no mistake for me being a man and you being a woman to satisfy each other needs. As long as our love to Xiulan remains same, everything is fine. So please don't think that what we did is cheating on her."

Qin Feixue tried to justify his reason and drowning in deep thought,

"Yes we did intercourse, but it's just physical relationship. He did not cheat on Xiulan as he still love her dearly and I didn't snatch his love from my daughter. yeah there's no mistake for what us did." She assured herself, trying to reason out to remove her guilt she felt.

"Mm," she finally nodded softly and give a warm smile on him.

His heart skip a faster beats as he saw her warm yet enchanting smile. At the moment, even himself did not realised that his feeling for her is the same feeling he has for his fiancee.

"Morning Auntie." He finally greeted her as a gentle smile lined perfectly on his handsome face.

"Morning too, Jinnian." Her face blossomed into beautiful smile, finding herself loving this moment.

Ring— Ring—

A sudden cellphone sound broke their special moment. He frowned as he took his phone only to found that the caller is the woman he loves dearly. He smiles and said on the phone lovingly, "Hello love."

[ End of chapter ]