Affair In The Kitchen III

[ Chapter 19 ] [ R-18 ]

In the middle of the night, Long Jinnian and Qin Feixue were still having passionate love making in the kitchen.

Qin feixue was sitting atop the tabletop with Long Jinnian stood in front of her. Both of his hands were taking off her gown and apron gently while his lips sealed her luscious lips.

She kissed him and this time she pulled out her small tongue lightly licking his lips. Both of her legs wrapped around his waist while having his cock inside her.

Due to her lightly movement he could not help but let out soft moan because the pleasure she gave by their connected sex.

Her tongue intertwined with his and her hands slowly unbuttoned his shirt and took it off.

Their clothes did not stay longer much more than that as both of them were now completely naked in front of each other.

He let go of her lips and dropped his lips to kissed and sucked on her neck. Due to soft pain he gave to her neck, both of her hands gripped his back tightly, leaving nails print on his back.

Using his hands to squeeze those two plump breasts which he would probably never get enough of. He was now pistoning his waist more to have his cock sliding in and out of her.

His sudden movement got her pleasure and she could not help but moans loudly from how good it felt inside her.

He then let go of her breasts, both of his hands holding onto her waist to help him move swiftly. Before accelerate his hips faster, his eyes looked tenderly at her beautiful blue eyes.

Qin Feixue also looked tenderly at those pair of his dark-eyes that seemed so passionate, there was tacit understanding that deep in their eyes represent their true feelings for each other. Nodding her head she gave him her warm and enchanting smile.

His heart skip a faster beats as he looked at those beautiful smile of hers, warm feeling invaded his heart as his face blushed lightly like a highschool teenager seeing his crush.

Tightening his grip over her waist he began on pistoning himself faster against her, his cock kept sliding in and out in what seemed like eternity.

Qin Feixue bit her cherry lip, her face was so crimson by blushing in embarrassment, she was shy as he kept looking passionately at her face while he had his cock in and out of her.

"Jinniaan, can you look at somewhere else?" She requested shyly.

"I want to see to see your pleasurable face." He teased.

"Y-You bad guy!—Mm," before she could finished her word he further increased the speed of his thursts which caused her to repeatedly let out many moans.


"Yesss.. Jinnniaaan.. Yesss…"

He was satisfied listening and seeing her pleasurable moans. He would make sure she would never forget every second of the time they spent together.

He did not hold himself any longer and followed with another thrust right after.

Long Jinnian suddenly stopped In the middle of his pounding. Grabbing both of her legs he lifted it and placed it on each of his shoulders.

Qin Feixue was laying atop the tabletop while her legs was leaning on his shoulders which exposed her beautiful pussy leaving it open to pounding.

His hands holding onto her waist tightly to support his movement, after which he gave mighty thrust, which led to Qin Feixue once again moaning loudly.

"God… yesss…"

He did not waste time as he fiercely thrust from the front, causing a series of flesh slapping sound to resonating around the kitchen.

He pounded her pussy for over more than a hour before finally his pistoning began to get faster and harder as he chase after his climax.


"AUNTIE, I'm going to come—"

She did not answer him as she tighten her vaginal muscles, ready for his release. He did not hold back and poured all his hot sperm inside her.

Groaning loudly from how good it felt, pulling her body he embraced her.

Their heavily, raggedly breaths could be heard around the kitchen and they they were still embracing each other for a while to relish the aftertaste of their passionate love making.

Long Jinnian held her chin up so he can looks clearly at her eyes, there was no voice came out of his mouth as he just looked into her eyes, there is affection he wanted to express in the way he looked at her eyes.

At the moment, some unknown feeling gradually grows inside his heart as he looked at those beautiful eyes of her. He reached his hand to pinch her cheek softly and other hand was caressing her hair.

Qin Feixue just looked silently at him, her mouth curled up into a contented smile as both of her hands rested on his broad warm chest.

Bringing his face forward he touched their forehead and sealed her lips in a gentle kisses. He ran his hand to hold her head gently and supported her back.

This time, there was no tongue involved as he just kissed her lips gently, there was no lust in the way he kissed her.

Qin Feixue shut her eyes, enjoying every tenderness he gave by how he kissed her.

[ End of chapter ]