Drinking Her Sweetnees

[ Chapter 22 ] [ R-17 ]

"Jinnian, you're becoming more and more naughty." Her sweet voice shyly teased.

He found himself somehow hard to breathe as a lust building inside him.

His handsome face displayed a light frown as he found out that thin gown of hers was annoying, covering her perfect body underneath it.

Placing his mouth on her shoulders he bit the hem of her gown and slowly tore it apart.

"HEY! My favorite gown, you—" She could not believe him to be that impatient and before she can finished her words he gently turned her around by her waist.

He could not help but gawk at her beautiful front, his heated eyes spoiling over such heavenly art of her perfect figure.

Those full breasts of hers were flashing out to show their beauty, full and stunning like the beautiful lotuses.

His smoldering eyes scanned her slender, curves build. He could see her wet pussy and in a second he felt his throat was dried, he stuck his tongue out and licked his lips.

Feeling so thirsty for the very certain thing, he wanted to drink her love juices.

Qin Feixue saw the handsome man before her was stunned silly and looking at her with his passionate eyes, his mouth was opened it seemed to drool.

Her face was so crimson from the heat within her as she badly wanted him, then she looked down at his 8.5 inch long hardness.

Her eyes gawking at it, knowing that this naughty thing of his was the always the suspected of her pain in every morning. She blushed and she felt her pussy was dripping wet with secretion.

Her eyes glimmered with lust and he knew it, very pleased with it. He could not hold back his desire any longer as he found out that her love juice was overflowing just by the seeing his hardness.

Lifting her up by her waist her placed her atop the dresser gently.

"Am I that beautiful to got you turn on everytime you saw me?" She teased him, could help it when she saw he was so eager, almost always having a hard on when the were together.

A lustful smile formed in his handsome face. "Yes," he breathed before bending down and crushing his lips on hers.

He kissed her in urgent and she kissed him back passionately, her small tongue rejoined his and he moaned in throaty voice, satisfied with her response.

He kissed her hard and hot, use his tongue to chase hers. His lips was on her soft skin, kissing and dragging his tongue along her neckline.

Qin Feixue tilted her neck a little, allowing him to get on her, she went soft with his touch.

"Oh Auntie, you don't know how I always badly want you." He muttered, his voice was hoarse and needy.

He buried his face between her full breasts. He opened his mouth to suck her pink nipples until it was wet and red from his mouth ministration.

She was simply so breathtakingly sexy that he almost gushed his own blood and dropped dead on his spot with the beauty in front.

His warm hands reached and squeezed her plump breasts. He bent down and slashed her pink nipples with his hot and wet tongue, licking and nipping them rapidly and hungrily.

"Yesss.. Mmmm…" She moaned out, her body was so hot under his touch, she wrapped her hands on his head.

His tall body moved in and stood between her legs. He bent down and put his lips on hers again. Two bodies were close with no gap between them.

He kissed down her beautiful body. Drawn and pursued both of her nipples hungrily making her arch up to meet his mouth eagerly and unknowingly to herself.

She placed her hands on his shoulders and dug her fingernails hard on his shoulders.

"Yess.. Soo.. gooood.." Her beautiful body writhed.

Her hands moved to grab his hair when his tongue licked and danced around her nipples and his teeth lightly bitting it.

Long Jinnian fed himself with her yummy plump breasts until satisfied. After that, he moved his lips from her breasts down to her stomach.

Then the handsome face of his moved lower, toward her heavenly wet entrance. He parted her legs wider until the beautiful pussy of hers appeared clearly before his very eyes.

Her moistured pussy was beautiful and firm, love juices at her center almost dripping. He bent down to use his tongue to lick, and drink her sweet juices instantly.

"Jinnniaaan.. God.. Yess.." Her seductive voice moaned, her hips were bouncing up until her body floated uncontrollably.

He dragged his tongue all over her wet pussy, flicking hand licking rapidly at her pink pussy and then he opened his mouth to suck her clit, suck all her love juices that made her slender body bouncing wildly.

"Jinniann, I can't stand anymore." He knew that she was about to come, so he positioned his middle finger in front of her pussy, but he immediately stopped when he was about to enter it.

"This pussy belongs to my cock." He mumbled, in the end instead of his fingers he inserted his tongue a little and moved in and out of her.

"OH.GOD.YES.SO.GOOD." At end of a long moan, her body floated and twitched, releasing the sweet juices into his mouth overwhelmingly as she grabbed his hair tighly. He drank every drop of her into his mouth lustfully.

Satisfied, then his his tall body stood up to his full height, his eyes looked at her passionately as he licked his sensual lips provocatively.

Seeing his sensual lips, Qin Feixue could not help but blush crimson realising that sensual mouth of his is the one who sucked all her release just a moment ago.

Tilting down she looked at her pussy only to found that not even a single drop of her released was wasted.

"He was so thirsty." She muttered inside her head, she just could not believe that he actually sucked all of it. As far she could remember not even her late husband ever done this to her.

Just as she still stunned silly from what just happened he used hand to hold his majestic cock, caressing and stroking it in provocative manner, pleaded right after,

"Auntie, I've done mine, so now it's your turn." He gruffly deep voice stated and a groan rumble under his breath.

[ End of chapter ]