Go Fuck Yourself

[ Chapter 29 ] [ R-17 ]

"Mm, little man." Long Evelyn moaned with lust as she moved her body over him.

Her sultry voice came from her lips, as she was breathing heavily at her brother's ear. Her hips were grinding her entrance on her brother crotch and she was getting wetter by the minutes.

Long Jinnian could not resist his sister temptation. His lips decided to venture lower and landed on her neck, shoulder and her breasts. He kept sucking and leaving marks before going back to her sweet lips.

"I want you." Long Evelyn sweet voice sounded in her brother's ear as her delicate hands slowly unbuttoned her brother black suit before his upper body completely naked for her to drool.

Long Jinnian tugged on her dress and with little effort, unleashed the beautiful twin peaks of his sister perfect firm breasts. His sister voluptuous breasts bounced in front of him, braless.

Both of her pink nipples were hard as her her sweet breasts spilled out of her dress, and she moaned and grinned at the sensation.

Instantly, his hot lips latched onto her nipple and he started kissing and licking at it.

Suddenly, Long Evelyn stopped and pulled away from Long Jinnian, and stood up. She had to push her brother back a couple of times since he was did not want to stop.

"Take off your trousers!" Long Evelyn demanded.

It did not take a long time before Long Jinnian pulled down his trousers and underwear as the mighty shaft of his completely visible before Long Evelyn.

Her eyes darkening with lust as she could not help but gulp when she looked at her brother's 8.5'' hardness. Then, she sat down on his lap with her back facing him.

"Do you want me?" Long Evelyn whispered into his ear seductively.

She leaned backward and lightly bit the tip of his ear as she rubbed her entrance back and forth over his hardness.

Long Evelyn keep pushed back against Long Jinnian grinding her entrance against his hardness as she did. Long Jinnian could feel her hand rubbing the tip of his member.

Long Jinnian could not help but thrust his hips forward putting more pressure against her hand and her entrance.

Long Evelyn started kissing his neck and started moving toward his lips. Long Jinnian tilted his head into Long Evelyn and their lips met.

"Mm." Long Jinnian could not help but moan as he moved one of his hands from cupping his sister's breasts and slid it down her body.

"Sis, I love you." Long Jinnian said as he slipped his hand into her panties and moved his hand toward her wet entrance.

Long Evelyn moaned as she took her hand and pushed her brother's hand toward her entrance. She was still grinding him rubbing the tip of his shaft.

As she squeezed his member harder, Long Jinnian found her clit with his finger and started rubbing it in a circular motion.

Long Evelyn letting out another gasp into her brother's mouth and he squeezed his sister's breasts with his other hand.

Long Evelyn was grinding her brother harder as Long Jinnian could feel her butt pressing against his stomach as she moved her hips back and forth rubbing her entrance lips along the shaft of his hardness.

His finger moved from her clit and found the the center of her sweet pink entrance. He was rubbing it harder as Long Evelyn could not help but let out a louder gasp.

"Little man." Long Evelyn moaned into her brother's mouth and pulled her head away from his and looked at Long Jinnian in the eyes.

"I really love you." Long Evelyn said in sweet voice and Long Jinnian could not resist pressing his lips back against hers as his tongue entering into her mouth.

Long Evelyn could not resist to reach down and pull her panties and skirt down. As she sat on Long Jinnian lap, his hardness was wedged in between her butt cheeks.

Long Evelyn lifted her legs off the ground so she could take her panties all the way off and her butt pressed harder against his member.

Long Jinnian could not help but gulp as he looked Long Evelyn stood back up and reached down between her legs to grab his hot shaft.

Long Evelyn guided his hardness toward the lips of her pussy between her thighs and rubbed the tip of his member around her lips and clit.

"Little man." Her tone was combination between love, lust, and plead as she looked back at her brother.

Long Jinnian could not help but move his eyes off of her as he did not dare to meet her eyes.

Seeing his eyes, Long Evelyn could not hide her disappointed as she felt both sad and angry at him. But she still do not want to back off.

Long Evelyn tightened her thighs to completely clamped his member as Long Jinnian could not help but moan because how good it felt.

Long Evelyn began to moved her hips back and forth as Long Jinnian could not stop himself from moving his hips back and forth to slid his member in and out of her thighs.

When Long Jinnian thrust up into her Long Jinnian had his hands on her hips and he pulled her down onto him.

Long Evelyn could not help but moan from how good it felt when the hotness of his hardness sliding up and down inside her thighs.

Long Evelyn felt bump of his member against the inside of her thighs and shifted her body so that she could get the best position to trap his hardness with her body and using her abdomen and pussy.

Long Evelyn could feel the pulsing of his member as she rode her pussy up and down the shaft, without allowing the head to enter but letting the shaft push her pussy lips and engage her clit.

"Aaahh— Evelyynn." He moaned into the small of her back as she rose up and down on his member. As Long Evelyn came down he thrust up into her.

Long Jinnian and Long Evelyn started to pick up the pace. Long Jinnian could feel her perfect butt on his thighs and stomach everytime she sat back down. Her breasts were bouncing in his hands while he cupped and messaging them.

Long Evelyn slid her pussy lips up and down the full length of his member as her eyes start to half close and her breathing begin to shorten.

Long Jinnian keep pushing up in between her thighs and was not enough in his seat to penetrate her so he pushed on his sister back till she was bent over with her hands on the desk.

Long Evelyn turned around to looked at his obscene eyes as she could not help but bit her lips and tightened her thighs for him to penetrate her from behind.

Long Jinnian lifted his sister up by her butt and slowly started to thurst his hardness slinding in and out of her tight thighs.

Long Jinnian sped his pace of how quick he penetrate her the quicker he got the louder Long Evelyn got along with the slushing sound his member was making from penetrating her tight wet thighs.

A half hour later.

Long Jinnian grabbed his sister by her hips and started to thrust her harder as he catch after his climax.

After sliding his member in and out several hundred times between his sister tight thighs, that tightness of her let him at last near his climax.

Long Jinnian suddenly felt that his load going to spurt as he immediately drew out that hot member of his from her thighs, Overflowing sperm ejaculating from his member, shooting at her sweet buttocks.

"Little man. P-Please I need you. Enter me." Long Evelyn turned her body and threw herself onto him as she said in pleading voice.

Long Jinnian could not help but hug his sister warm body when she threw onto his but suddenly, his heart felt pain when he heard Long Evelyn pleading voice.

"Sis.... I...." Long Jinnian pulled his sister deep in his embrace as he could not give the answer his sister wished to hear.

Knowing that the answer she wanted to hear did not come from his mouth, Long Evelyn suddenly pushed him and her cold eyes looked straight to his.

"Go Fuck Yourself Then!" Long Evelyn said in cold yet disappointed voice as she turned her body from him.

"Sis.... Evelyn... I really love you." He reached her hand but Long Evelyn broke her hand off of him.

"Please sis, don't do that to me." Long Jinnian said in desperate voice as the soft tears sliding down from his cheeks.

Long Evelyn ignored him as she pulled her dress and skirt, and wears them as she adjusted her messy hair while continued ignoring him.

"Sis, I'll never give up on you." He said as he looked at her lonely back.

As she walked off, she gave him a last cold glance, then she unlocked the door and stepped out.

Long Jinnian could not help but shut his eyes as his heart filled with helplessness. He knew everything has its price.

[ End of chapter ]