What A Fine Asset

[ Chapter 32 ]

"My dear, open the door for mommy." Sweet and crisp voice could be heard from the outside.

Long Jinnian find he had just lost control of himself. He could not help but gulp when he looked at beautiful woman he was about to deflower before him.

Long Evelyn was waiting for him to enter her before suddenly, an annoying voice was sounded and broke the sweet moment they were about to have.

The feeling inside her was really good, and only one small push would she becomes completely his. But then he shook his head as he quickly pulled his hardness out of her entrance.

'Sis, I do love you. But I'll make sure that there will be no regret for both of us as it was not the right time.' He promised.

Sensing that his hardness is no longer inside her, Long Evelyn find herself feeling empty. It was so close for her to completely claim all of his, but she was aware that it was no longer possible to make love with him, at least for tonight.

She cursed her mother inwardly.

"Hurry up, open the door." Long Cassandra's voice was sounded as the door knocking' sound getting louder.

"Wait a moment." Long Jinnian answered nervously as he quickly pulled the blanket to cover his lower body.

Seeing his nervousness, Long Evelyn did not even try to cover her naked body and she wore a very annoyed expression on her beautiful face as she looked at the door.

Getting out of the bed, he went to the door and nervously unlocked and opened the door.

Long Cassandra was impatiently stood in front the room before the door was opened and the view of her son's topless body exposed before her. She could not help but blush a moment before she adjust her composure.

Long Jinnian could not hide an inappropriate traces in his face as the sweat covered his body making his appearance looked so seductive. Even the thickness of the blanket could not hide his towering hardness as one could see the obvious bulging in between his legs

"Mom, I..." He was so nervous that no words came out from his mouth as he embarrassedly tried to cover his bulging in his groin with his hand.

As experience woman she was, Long Cassandra could smell the manly scent and the sex scent coming out from his body. She rolled her eyes from him to the woman in the bed before she stepped into the room.

Long Evelyn pouted at sight of her mother as the annoyed and dissatisfied expression was displayed in her face.

Upon seeing how wet the bed was and her daughter shamelessly laying naked before her, Long Cassandra was fuming and gritted her teeth.

"Have you done it?" Her voice was stern as she stared furiously at her daughter.

"Um, mom what do you mean?" She answered as she grinned, feigning ignorance.

"Don't be silly with me, you know what I mean."

"Oh, what do you think?" She rose from the bed and stood naked as if she wanted to show off the traces of passionate mane out she had as she kept that grin on her face.

"For the god sake! You can't do that, that's incest!" She was frustrated at how shameless her daughter was.

"Mm, the feeling of him inside me is really great." She smirked and continued teasing her mother.

"Y-You!!" Long Cassandra was so angry that her cheeks reddened and she closed the distance to give her daughter a lesson.

Seeing how angry her mother is, Long Evelyn grinned before she grabbed the blanket to cover her body and quickly fled out of the room as she shut the door with a loud bang.

Leaving behind Long Cassandra and Long Jinnian in the room. He did not dare to look at his mother eyes as he tried to cover the bulging crotch that still as hard as ever. But could not stop himself from take a glance at the beautiful curves of his mother.

Long Cassandra wore a pretty short, black satin night dress with thin straps that showed a great deal of her sexy legs. It was elegant and smokin' hot at same time.

Seeing how shy her baby son was behaving, Long Cassandra giggled at him. She always likes to tease him.

"What are you looking at, young man?" Her sweet and crisp voice sounded as she lifted her dress a little.

"Um, N-Nothing."

Long Cassandra zeroed the distance between them and stood a couple of inch in front of him. She studied and looked at his handsome features dotingly.

It could be said he is the person she loves most in her life. Since he was child, she had always been doting on him and could not angry on whatever he did, yet very strict on her daughter.

As a noble woman she was, she does not accept the incest between her children. Upon knowing the taboo relationship her childs committed, she has always placed the blame on her daughter, yet could not on her son.

He is the fruit of love between she and her husband she loved. Despite she loves his son more than the man himself.

"Hm, his features is more handsome than his father in his younger days tho. I bet I surely would fall for him if I met him in my younger self. No wonder even my daughter became brother complex." Long Cassandra mumbled under her breath.

"Come, give your mommy a hug." She said as she pushed herself onto his embrace.

"Uhm." As they were embracing each other, Long Jinnian really felt awkward as Long Cassandra pulled him tightly against her.

She pressed her body against him as they embraced very closely, Long Jinnian could feel the warmth of her breasts against his naked chest.

"The home without you for the past two years is very lonely for me. Mommy really miss you."

"I miss you too mom." His voice was hoarse and nervous.

Long Cassandra looked up at his face, seeing how crimson his face and neck was, she giggled and thought, "How cute! My baby son has grown into such a fine young man."

She looked at how tempting his adam's apple was and could not stop herself from roaming her delicate fingers over his firm chest and wonderfully sculpted abs down to his V-lines.

"Mmm." Long Jinnian shocked at the sudden touch he felt, he closed his eyes as he was too embarrassed at how his body reacted.

"Ops." Long Cassandra bit her cherry lips as she thought that she had gone too far from teasing him. She could feel the hotness through the thin fabric of her night dress as his hardness kept poking at her stomach.

Long Cassandra hands circled around his neck and pulled him gently, she placed her sweet lips on his cheek.

"You're sweaty, don't forget to take a warm bath first before going to sleep. Good night, I love you honey." She whispered as she let him go.

Her mouth curved in crencent moon and she gave him her enchanting smile as her eyes looked dotingly at him.

"Good night, I love you too mom." Long Jinnian said softly as he tried to hide his blushing face.

Long Cassandra chuckled before she reach and open the door. She could not stop herself from teasing him once more in seductive tone before close the door.

"What a fine asset you have down there young man, that without a doubt would give me a lot of adorable and cute grandbaby."

Her voice echoed around the room, leaving Long Jinnian stood in blank on his face from embarrassment.

As the saying goes, mother is the first crush in ones life, and it was no exception for Long Jinnian. As far as he could remember, she is the most gentle and loving woman in his life, she would always be there for him when he need her. No matter how he grown up, men would always be a little man in front of their mother.

She is the woman he admired and respected most. Despite all of that, he is neither has an oedipus complex nor harbored unhealthy though about his mother. He loved both his father and mother, as they are the best parents he could ever wish.

Looking at the towering hardness he has down there, Long Jinnian sighed. He was so embarrassed that in the end, even though he never had disrespect thought about his mother, as a grown man his body could not help but reacted at the teasing of his beautiful mother.

In the end he could not hold it, Long Jinnian made his way into the bathroom. He closed his eyes as he began to caressing and stroking his hardness.

Meanwhile, Long Cassandra was breathing raggedly as she made her way toward her bedroom. She licked her cherry lips in arousing manner.

"I won't let you go before completely dried you up tonight. Humph, blame yourself for having such attractive son." She grinned as she imagined herself being pressed under her hot husband.

. . .

Back to the present

Long Jinnian opened his eyes as he sighed, that was the memory of four months ago when he had just came back from abroad.

In the end he did not claim his sister flower as Long Evelyn stubbornly and unreasonably demanded to make Feng Xiulan his mistress.

Under Long Evelyn continuously advances, Long Jinnian was afraid to lose control of himself. He loved both Long Evelyn and Feng Xiulan, he did not want to disappoint Feng Xiulan, and would not give up on Long Evelyn either. Therefore, he decided to left home to live with Feng Xiulan in her house temporary.

But who have thought, that upon living with his fiancee, Long Jinnian finally lost control of himself and committed adultery with his mother in law.

Even the feeling he has for Qin Feixue was no longer lust, but desire love all of her. He is afraid, what will happen if Feng Xiulan and Long Evelyn knows about it? He did not even dare to imagine it.

He loves them, he will never give up on Qin Feixue, neither the others two. Yes, he is such a selfish man.

[ End of chapter ]