Is Oozing With Sex Appeal

[ Chapter 48 ]

"Jin-gege, thank you." Silver hair girl smiled innocently.

"Jin-gege, sorry." Emerald-like green eyes woman said tearfully.

"Jin-gege, I miss you." A beautiful woman looked at him with yearning.

. . .

The morning rays broke through the horizon and found its way to rise and bathed the world with its light as the cold slowly fading into warm.

There was a fragrance of blossoming flowers in the air and those flowers that were crestfallen in cold were now standing proudly showing their newly found youth.

When the pearly rays of the sun fell on Long Jinnian eyes, he squinted his eyes and covered them with the back of his hand. After a few moments he decided to wake up.

His mind could not help but drifted into the distant memory where there was once a girl that always smile on him warmly.

But then she suddenly chose to leave, silently. Left him with all of her beautiful memories.


Though deep inside he knew the reason.

But still why leave?

His mind could not stay calm knowing that finally there is a news about her. From the information Gu Mohan had delivered yesterday night, she is indeed in this country. But that is all, there is no more information about where is she or what is she doing.

She disappeared just like that, again. Even with their huge connection from all over Huaxia still can not find about her. Regardless, from what they had found. It seems there is something or someone that covered her entire information and erased her trace.

Long Jinnian closed his eyes and sighed.

He would, definitely find her.

Searching around, he found and opened his phone. His phone's lock screen is a picture of a smiling golden haired woman in a white sweater, he looked at it lovingly.

Unlocking the pattern he could not help but miss her. His wallpaper is a sleeping violet haired woman in blue pyjamas.

Looking at the date, it is weekend. Today is the day for him to flight to United States. He could not bear anymore, he misses her. Bringing his phone closer he kissed the phone screen.

He rose from his bed and dragged his legs toward the bathroom. He had his bath and then packed his things. He got dressed and walk his way toward the dining room.

Descending from the stairs he could see that Qin Feixue was still in her white laced nightwear dress. Never will he get enough to see the beautiful her as his heart would always beats warmly whenever he looks at her.

"Good morning." Qin Feixue greeted as she smiled at him.

He pulled a charming smile on his face, flashing his pearly whites. "Morning."

She had served their breakfast with her own home cook. Despite being a wealthy woman, she had always do the things by herself as she is a very private person.

For some reason, she chose to leave the Qin's residence and live in her own house. She live in this beautiful Bungalow by herself and her only daughter, that was before he came into their life. There will be a few of house stewarts that take care house chores in day, and they will go home at night. Because she prefers to live the night, privately.

"That's sure look delicious." His deep and manly voice praised, he said as he walks toward to the dining table.

She had always proud of her own cooking and was very pleased with his praise over her cook. "Thank you," she smiled, looking at the food.

Looking at her innocent face, he could not help but laughed in amusement, finding how fresh and cute she looks at the moment.

"Yes, I mean sure the food look delicious but," he paused to have her look at him.

"You look more delicious." He parted his lips and licked his lips sensuously. His face blazing a boyish and hungry grin.

Qin Feixue's ears down to her neck turned crimson instantly as an instant blush graced her beautiful cheeks.

"Y-You shameless!" She shouted, pretends to be an angry lioness ready to defend herself from the bad wolf before her, yet the way she looks like is more like a shy little kitten.

He huffed a laugh, stepping closer he bended down.

"Delicious," he smacked his sexy lips.


"Tasty," he breathed.

His breath caressing her crimson ear, sending ticklish up to her spine.

Without delay, her demeanor as an elegant and dignified mature woman cracked. Her body turned limp, like a warm cheese, his smoldering gaze melting her, into him.

She bit down in flush. "Let's eat." She said meekly.

Goddess! Her simple voice gave him the chills down in between his legs.

"You mean," he leaned back to take a good look of her alluring and blushing face.

"Eat you?" He teased, in bewitching and inviting tone.


Eat me?" He flashed his delicious smile, offered himself to her as if he is the most delicious delicacy.

Blushing, Qin Feixue was trying hard to resist his devil seduction. She shook her head looking not so interested, yet her blushing face betrayed her.

"Are you,

sure?" His deep voice questioned.

"You yourself know," his blazing eyes melted her.


Delicious I am." He whispered. His voice like a devilish melody that tempted her to commit a beautiful yet addictive sin.

He sure he would take her hard, right here, right now. If only not because of his flight schedule. She would be below him in no time and being pounded by him, hard and fast, in the heat of passion.

She screamed inwardly, In the brink of insanity. He is really dangerous for her health. She, of course knew his schedule as today is the last day of her daughter internship. So it is impossible to have some steamy exercise with him. Her mouth dried while her bottom lips began to get wet, and drenched.

He is flaunting his overflowing sex appeal before her, any women would have melted and had their panties moist and cream if they were her. She is no different as her panties was so damp and wet right now.

Actually, the one who feels tortured is not only her, Long Jinnian is also having a hard time as he felt so tight and uncomfortable between his legs as his oversized hard on begging to be free and enter its nest,

Her sweet and pink nest.

Qin Feixue did not realise that not for nothing did Long Jinnian surrendered his years of self control to her. Having met countless beautiful and sexy women throughout his entire twenty four years of life, yet she is the only woman he could not resist sexually.

Unlike Long Jinnian who was obviously oozing with overflowing sex appeal. Someone as dignified and elegant as Qin Feixue was sometimes the dangerous type when it comes to intimacy.

Thirty six years of life being a dignified and noble woman. Aside from two months of her marriage, Long Jinnian is the only ever man in her life, be it physically and emotionally.

Sure she loved her late husband, and they did a couple times of intimacy. Feng Zhihan was her childhood love, he was also an extremely handsome man in his own, unlike Long Jinnian who is the type of masculine handsome, her late husband was that type of feminine handsome.

Honestly, not even her late husband could make her so need when it comes to intimacy. She believed that maybe her body did not really have that type of desire as she feels lust to no one. Long Jinnian is the only exception as she always had her body heat and wet between her legs when she was with him.

Both of them were trying their best to tame the heat in between their legs. Long Jinnian knows himself well, he certainly could not resist her charm if he decides to take her right now, at least he need more than a hour of pounding her hard before he get himself a sexual relief. So that is out of question because he had to leave as soon as possible.

She took a deep breath and stabilise her hoarse breath. Then she replied, "I mean the food." She uttered softly, almost only mosquito could hear.

He gazed at her mouth, nearing it. Breaths escaped their slightly parted lips, mingling softly. "It's a shame." He said low, held with passion.

His flirting earning instant glare from her, she raised her brows at him in angry yet cute glare. How shameless he was, she is having a hard time to control herself yet he still continued teasing her.

"How cute." He chuckled.

He needs to stop it as he afraid that he could not resist her if he continues teasing her.

Pulling a chair next to her he sat handsomely beside her. They had their breakfast heartily as Long Jinnian kept praising how delicious the food was and Qin Feixue kept placing the food in his plate.

Having finished the breakfast. He gave Qin Feixue a warm and gentle kiss before he bid his farewell. He marched his way toward his parked Black Maybach and then drove it toward the Imperial International Airport.

[ End of chapter ]