Sharing A Private Cabin II

[ Chapter 50 ]

"Julian." An alluring yet manly voice was suddenly sounded.

His handsome voice brought back Brina from her pervert thought.

She bit down in flush, 'Please god! Don't tell me that my face showing a shameful expression!'

She was so embarrassed for the fact that she just lost control of herself. A bit angry at him, his presence was both dangerous for her health and fatal temptation for her womanly desire.

Flushing cheeks, "yes?" she replied.

"Julian," His drawling voice repeated.

"You can call me Julian." He handsomely said, flashing his dimples smile.

Long Jinnian introduced his english name with his natural thick Russian accent, his voice was deep and crisp.

Hearing his manly voice, she could not help but dazed for a moment, wondering how could a simple words be so sexy. Any woman would have melted with just his sexy voice. Fortunately, she was not just any woman, she needs to compose herself and respond him with much of confident.

Composing her lady-like posture, she replied, "Brina Liam."

Trying her best not too nervous while looking at his eyes, "You can call me Brina."

"Nice to meet you." She smiled, forcing a confident smile to grace her beautiful face.

"Hmm." Long Jinnian nodded approvingly, he kept gleaming his alluring smile while his eyes kept looking at her, amused.

Resting an arm to the armrest and a leg over the other while his other hand playing over the tablet.

"What?" She bluntly asked, finding how awkward the atmosphere around the room as he keeps silent, but he has that annoying yet alluring grin on his face.

"Beautiful name," he paused, making her eyes widened, not expecting a sudden teasing tone came from him.

"Perfectly matched with such," his sparkling eyes assessing her figures.

"Beautiful lady." He praised, showing his pearly whites.

Though she used to men to praised her beauty and had developed immune to it, yet a simple words of his praise could make her blush deepened. She had to admit that she was uncomfortable because of him, sexually.

After experiencing much in life, she was not a naive girl who dreaming about some prince charming in shining armour to come into her life. If she had to make choice, she preferred an accomplished man with commitment, rather than pretty man with a good looks that she believed almost all of them were a complete scum and jerk.

But there is something different about this insanely handsome man before her. Though he was charming and smokin' hot beyond description, he did not have that aura that pretty man usually has. How does she put it, he was not flaunting his handsome aura, rather, his strong handsome aura was exuding right from his very bones.

A noble handsome.

She was a confident woman, having met with countless kind of people through the business, she have always face them with her back straight and confident eyes. But she did not know why, she could not stop herself from being nervous when looking straight into his warm yet sharp eyes.

Though Brina felt so uncomfortable between her legs, she did not want to show him her shameful side, for some reason she wants to give her best impression to this man.

"Thank you." Brina smiled.

Long Jinnian kept showing his signature smile, intrigued as he likes how sexy she looks like when she was trying her best to resist his charm.

Honestly, he was not a saint either. It was true that his first was with Qin Feixue, or Lin Nan without his consent. But that does not mean that he never touch a woman before.

A man like him tend to have an inborn casanova characteristic, as a thick of casanova blood flow within his veins. It was against the nature for him to fight his desire not to appreciate after beauties who throw themselves onto his embrace. It was due joint effort of Long Cassandra, Long Evelyn, and Feng Xiulan did his inborn characteristic being suppressed.

As his love for his women was held over everything.

But as a man in his prime, he has too much of vigor to suppress. He was a real and gentle man who appreciates beauties, but never did he goes as far as sharing bed with them.

Having a raging hard on from this morning because of Qin Feixue, after some effort did he finally succeeded on taming the heat inside him. But who have thought that he had to share a room with this very beautiful lady, no one would blame him if the heat inside him reignited once more.

"Relax." Seeing how nervous she was behaving, he could help but said a comforting word.

She shut her eyes and took a deep breath, then opened her eyes after she truly calmed herself. Looking again at the man in front of him, after she had a better look at his handsome face, she could help but wonder,

'He seems familiar,' she thought, finding that she had seen his features somewhere, but she could not remember clearly.

He was not an actor right? She immediately brushed off that thought from her head because it was impossible for her not to know him if he was the one, he would have his face plastered all over the world if he was an actor because of how heavenly handsome face he has.

But then a jolt of shock shot inside her, 'What was his name again?'

As if he knew what she was thinking by looking at how a suprised lines formed on her beautiful face, he said once again,


"You mean that Julian?! Julian Long?!" She spontaneously raised her voice, shocked.

"Hmm." He confirmed as he gave a handsome nod.

She gasped, looking at his charming smiling face without blinking. There is no way a woman could stay calm upon hearing his name, just like any other woman, his name represents many things. He was epitome of handsome, success, accomplished, wealth, and all other perfect aspects many women could ever ask in man.

Unlike a normal woman who would have screamed his name with full of admiration and lust, she is a business woman, she knew how much power the Longs hold within their hands. As one of the world's oldest and most prominent family, the Longs is clearly the giant of the East. A real powerful family and a business mogul.

Just like Long Tian who in business circle was known as the uncrowned King of Huaxia, Long Jinnian was also famously known as uncrowned Crown Prince of Huaxia. And she clearly knew the taboo of how cruel and frightening side this pair of father and son could become.

She could not believe that the man who in the business circle was infamous because of his cruelness and ruthlessness, could display such charming and gentle smile.

Her heart could not help but pounding wildly. Finding herself was actually sharing a room with a man who can become both angel and devil.

"Forgive me sir from my rudeness because I can't recognise you earlier. It was pleasure for me to met you." She immediately straighten her back and said in most polite manner.

It was true that Liam Holdings, her family company was one of world's big companies, but they still lack some point comparing to the real world's Business mogul like the Long Corporation. She did not want to offend him in any possible way.

Long Jinnian already knew who is she the moment she introduced herself as Brina Liam. As business man himself there is no way he could not recognise the aloof and indifferent heiress of Liam Holdings.

Actually she was the huge reason of Jiang He' recent frustration. Jiang Holdings and Liam Holdings sharing the same field and was clashing against each other for any business project in Southeast Asia. Recently, Liam Holdings was suppressing Jiang Holdings and was success on wider their influence in the Asia. The fact the present of Liam Holdings's heiress clearly explained how ambitious Liam Holdings is.

"As I have said earlier, relax." His drawling voice comforted.

"Brina, would you like to drink?" He asked, smiling charmingly.

How could her name be so sweet in his lips? She liked how intimate he called her, finding herself comfortable with him, she nodded.

[ End of chapter ]