Hooking Her G-Spot

[ Chapter 63 ] [ R-17 ]

Long Tian reached down and held her hips, letting his left hand to wander along her delicious thighs.

In short, smooth movements his fingertips lightly danced over her warm skin, which felt soft and juicy.

She mewled a moan as she felt his double ministration, "Alex, Aahh."

His mouth was hungrily feasting on her milky breast while his fingers trailed along her thigh, sliding deeper between her thighs as they roamed sensuously.

He could hear her labouring breath as her breasts rising and falling in long and deep, rhythmic breaths. By now she stopped her grinding on him to relish every motion of his sexual ministrations.

His dancing fingers slowly slipped deeper between her thighs and she parted her legs wide open to let him has the better access of her warm, wet rosebud.

His fingers slipped deeper until the back of his hand brushed against her inner thighs. He stroked the soft skin beneath his fingertips.

Long Cassandra shut her eyes, breathless moan escaped from her lips. She balanced herself from falling by clutching on his hair.

"Cassey, look at yourself, you're already so wet." He breathed in whisper, his fingers were now gently massaging the crotch of her panties, which was already soaked wet from her secretion.

"Yes," she breathed.

"You're such a good girl. Always wet for me." He began to massage her soft, mature rosebud through the sheer fabric of her wet panties.

As he explored the contours of her fleshy mound beneath the tight-fitting material, he felt her body tense then relax and her clutch on his hair tighten and loosen as his fingers did their work.

He ran his fingertips lightly into the crease at the top of her thigh, feeling his way along the panties before sensually beginning to work the tip of one fingers underneath. A moment later he could feel the warmness and the dampness of her skin under his fingertips.

She breathed heavily into his ear as his finger wormed its way further under the tight panties until he felt the heat of her wet slit.

Long Cassandra gasped softly and leaned back, conceivably to allow his fingers to advance further inside, holding her lower lip in her teeth as his fingers dangled in seek of her sensitive slit.

With the slightest pressure, he pushed her lace panties to one side and gingerly slid the tip of his middle finger into her hot, soaked wet rosebud.

"Mmmph," she moaned as his fingertip passed along the length of her outer lips and he felt her hand tighten around his head.

He playfully wiggled his fingertip further inwards, sliding it up and down her short, hot slit until he found the entrance to her hottest, deepest core.

Long Tian kept sucking and milking her delicious breasts as he ran his fingertips up and down her warm slit, from its base deep between her thighs, over the mouth of her rosebud and up to the tiny nub of her clitoris.

She moaned into his ear, "Ohhh! Alex! Aaahh!"

Her moan deeply aroused him and he fingered her gently but firmly, feeling the tension in her body is about escalating to explode.

"How about we stop and you suck me off?" He teased in whisper.

"Don't you dare to stop!" She screamed and he grinned.

He traced the sides of her slit with his fingers again then boldly pushed the tip of his long middle finger into her pink pussy.

It was soft and tight, very tight, and warm, her lips resisting his penetration. He felt her walls contracted and he twirled his finger, then slid into her pussy up to the first knuckle.


She moaned, the amorous sound like pleasure mixed with triumph and he pressed his finger a second knuckle deeper into her rosebud. It clamped hard on his finger.

"Cassey, you're always tight for me."

He groaned then began to move his finger round inside her tightly-gripping passage. After a moment he felt her loosen a little.

"Mmph! Harder!"

Her moans were intoxicating and it was too much for him to handle, he began to finger her tight pussy with as much care and caution as his increasing passion would permit.

His erection was now painfully tangled in his brief as his hand slipped completely inside her panties to cup her entire rosebud.

Long Cassandra kept moaning as he thrust his middle finger deep into her extraordinarily tight pussy, turning it back and forth then hooking it upwards within her body in a half instinctive attempt to find her g-spot.

"Ohhhh! Yessss! Ohhhh! Yessss!"

Her moans were screamed close into his ear and he redoubled his efforts to finger-fucking her imposibly tight pussy.

Long Cassandra gasped as he experiencely curled his finger to firmly stroke her g-spot.

Raising her hips to assist him, she humped against his hand. He wrapped her free hand behind her, tightening his grip on her soft waist.

Curling his finger and working it in short, fast movements he found the small rough patch behind her pubic bone that he had been searching for and ran the tip of his finger across its surface over and over again.

Her pelvis writhed and flexed against his hand as he kept on finger-fucking her, working the best of his hand to pleasuring her.

Long Cassandra moaned aloud and her eyes rolled back due to intense pleasure he was giving her when he slid his two fingers inside her. He rammed his fingers in and out of her and it was too much for her.

Tightening her grip over his head, she cried out, "OMG! Oh God yes. Yes."

"Fuck, you're so hot baby." He groaned. "Moan for me."

In one simple movement he filled her pussy with three of his fingers and vigorously ravaged her g-spot. He kept biting her nipple as his hand kept fingers-fucking her.

She grasped hold of his head and screamed out in delight and surprise. "Alex.. Alex.. I'm gonna—"

Long Cassandra felt the waves of her orgasm rolling over her body from head to toe. She cried out again and her thighs tightened against his hips.

Knowing she was orgasming, he kept ramming his fingers on her gushing pussy.

Tilting her head back, she arched her back as a powerful shudder pulsed through her body, followed by the second and the third.

Waves of pleasure shot through her body, overwhelming her. The sensation of her climax was too delicious to resist and, as her walls retaliated against his violating fingers, she heard he grunt as he felt her body devour him.

The warm milks splashed out from inside her, dripping down his thighs, pooling around the chair. Her knees buckled and threatened to give way.

Her breasts rose and fall as she tried to catch her breath, as the raging orgasm calmed down, she looked into his eyes that looked stormy and burning with lust.

He tilted down to look at his thighs, which were so wet from her warm juices. He smirked and teased, "A bit slutty are we?" And chuckled, "Look at me, you're wetting me, I'm so wet right now."

His fingers gently sliding out of her, he brought his hand into his mouth and he sucked and slurped her juices on his fingers. "Yummy." He growled, "Cassey, you're so tasty."

A pink blush swept across her beautiful face as she looked into his handsome face. The way he sucked and rolled his tongue over his fingers looked impossibly erotic and sexy.

Wiggling his hips, he pressed his huge erection into her pussy, coupled with her post-orgasm pretty face, he gave an erotic sigh, "Your pussy feels so fucking good against my cock."

"How's it? Is it feels good?" He asked huskily as he jerked his hips.

"Mmph," she whimpered.

"I know." He groaned, "I know how to make you feel more pleasure." He whispered in needy voice, "Imagine how good it would feel, my cock inside you."

"Cassey, I can't hold myself any longer."

Long Tian reached down between their bodies until he grabbed her soaked lace panties. He tugged it to the side of her plump pussy lips. Right now, he wanted nothing other than filling her up and making love to her.

[ End of chapter ]