Epilogue: Dearest



Cannes, French Riviera.

Basking in the sun of the French Riviera, Cannes sparkles with glamour and exclusivity. In an enchanting setting on Golfe de la Belle Napoule Bay, Cannes is blessed with a balmy Mediterranean climate.

Leafy palm trees grace the streets of Cannes, and subtropical flowers flourish throughout the city, giving visitors the impression of being in Paradise.

In one of the most fashionable streets on the French Riviera, where the dozen of palm-lined boulevard were situated in every corner of the street and was the center of tourist activity, Boulevard de la Croisette.

A strikingly alluring and dapper mature man in his early thirties was standing inside one of the most luxurious boutique shop.

Fascinating glint laced his set of pearly eyes as he glued his gaze on the set of sexy women bikini, his hands were busy browsing through the rack of hot women swimsuit.

No other man could be seen in this store since this was a women only shop, yet here he was so engrossed in his own world without any shred of shame in his handsome countenance.

He was truly living example of famous saying of good looking is the greatest social privilege.

Every women around the store were holding their breath away as intoxicating glint lit in their eyes. They had seen a lot of sexy and hot men, but this so ever gorgeous man strikingly has the best look out of them.

He was simply transcendingly charming and suave beyond description. His devilish smile was dazzlingly enchanting.

His visual was extremely hot in that dark blue t-shirt that outlined every lines of his chiseled chest and showcased the glimpse of his eight-packs rock hard abs.

On his left ear there was a small silver hoop that hugged his lobe, and coupled with that devilish smirk on his red sensual lips, he gave off a bad vibes which could let any woman swoon.

His height was incredibly tall 6'2" and naturally attracts a lot of attention. His well build and manly figure was too perfect as if the god spent a lot of time just to craft his sensual being to perfection.

Everything about him was pure sexiness, sex appeal was literally oozing from every inches of his body. He was the type that makes women sexually uncomfortable in their skirt.

Some of women were secretly gazing at him with blushes on their face but most of them are shamelessly gawking with a lewd smile in their lips.

Many of them were secretly taking some pictures of him, thought it was shameless but no one would blame them because this kind of man is the rarest kind of highest-end man to catch.

The man himself kept flashing his signature smile and showing no objection to the pervert women. It was the smile that would make women weak in their legs and send tingling to their core.

Truly an epitome of handsome and sexiness, He was strikingly hot and was beyond handsome, too adonis even.

The way he smiles was unbelievably captivating, in that dangerously sexy way only mature men could have.

His pitch-black hair was slightly longer than they would have unbelievably found attractive, neatly tousled to the side away from his face, showing off his ridiculously gorgeous features.

His deep pearl dark eyes were startling and the way his perfectly structured lips smiled was intoxicating sight to behold.

There was a slight seductive smirk on his sinful lips and everything about him was pure sexiness.

He has well-toned muscles and broad shoulders with muscles that flexed with every movements of his body.

His masculine build was extremely hot as hell, not overly muscular, simply perfect and those alluring veins that adorned his well-muscled arms was breathlessly sensual.

They noticed the way his denim shorts fit over his narrow hips and muscly thighs. The way tight t-shirt was snug across his chest was a truly intoxicating sight.

His nipples were visible in that mouth watering tight t-shirt and their mouth went dry as they realised, to their shame, they were a little breathless and giddy.

Suddenly, his movement come to a halt and he tilted his head to the side when his eyes caught a movement in one of the changing room.

And sure enough, a gulping sound was heard as his masculine adam's apple bobbed up and down. His breath hitched as a wave lust started to glimmer in his set of black eyes.

As the door opened, a womanly hand slowly swept the curtain to the side, a breatakingly beautiful woman stepped out of the changing room.

She was stunningly beautiful woman with a set of shining hazel eyes that were seemingly carved out from the purest sapphire and emitted the same golden hue like her hair.

Her exquisite beautiful face was framed by her magnificent blond hair that was cascading behind her like waterfall.

She was enchantingly beautiful that it outshines even the most beautiful moon. Her jade-like smooth skin were flustered lustrously and so inviting.

She had a tall 5'9" statuesque frame with a pair of firm and tantalising breasts. As she stands gorgeously, her figure displayed in all its perfection.

Her waist was slim and her hips had a distinctive womanly curve that completed her hourglass figure. Those thin lines of abs on her sexy stomach only further increase her sexy charm.

Her body curves were in the right places. Those graceful swan-like snow white neck, round shoulders, firm and full breasts, slim waist and elegant long legs were all enough to get any man swoon.

Her crescent, sexy lips looked moist and inviting. She radiated elegance and nobleness, every part of her demonstrated an alpha woman type of charm.

The surrounding women also caught the sight of gorgeous woman and gasps of surprise appeared in their eyes before it changes to defeated look. With such a ridiculously pretty and sexy woman by the side of handsome man, forget about seducing him, even having his eyes over them is a praiseworthy achievement.

The sight of them together were like just an art that came out of painting, what a beautiful sight to behold. More than envy, the women nearby could not help but admire the beautiful woman, such a woman was truly worthy of being with that handsome man.

They look so picturesque and perfectly matched. The woman was graceful and elegant, from the vibes she was giving off, she stands at the pinnacle of beauty and nobleness. Unapproachable, she has her eyes high and has a very icy yet attractive smile.

The handsome man on the other hand, was sensually adonis and has a very charming smile. He was the type of man next door, warm and outgoing. A kind of man that both warms women heart and their panties.

Despite all of the stares at their direction, both the woman and man ignored them as they were used to being center of attention. They treated them like the air as if the world belongs to both of them only.

"That's hot." His voice was gruffly deep, tinged with laboring huskiness. He sucks a cold air and was having a hard time to calm the instant boner she just gave him.

"Eve, you really are prettiest and everything would look gorgeous on you." Sweet it might sound but he means what he said. Except one woman who was visually on par with her, this extremely beautiful wife of his has always been the most prettiest woman he had ever known.

A satisfied smirk flashed on the woman's face before an alluring smile graced her gorgeous features.

"You think so?" A sweet, womanly voice asked as she put a blush in her face.

Her set of pretty eyes showed no fluctuation when she received such a compliment, showing how prideful she was at herself. She knows herself well and know how to make her husband craves for her with his head over her heels.

"Don't you think that this is too revealing?" She asked with that dangerous flirtatious waves in her voice.

His feverish, ravenous eyes traveled her skin, the swell of her breasts, her smooth stomach, round hips and ever so slender legs. Assessing her from head to toe. A groan reverberate across his chest as he was getting so hard.

She turned around to give her husband a better view of the very slim halter bikini that covered almost nothing from her hourglass figure, more string than material.

The red bikini strip disappeared between the smooth white cheeks of her snowy-white butt and an equally thin thread crossed her back, tied in a bow.

The mirror from the inside the roon was on two walls which allowed him to to continue assess her front as well. His eyes focused straight on her firm and snowy breasts, the two small triangle just barely covering her pink nipples that were clearly protruding.

She turned back to him and he could not help but look down to the puffy flesh in between her legs.

He was really shameless enough to stare at her womanhood with that set of lustful eyes and wolfish smile.

The beautiful woman simply bit her lip sensuously when she felt he was like devouring her with his ardent gaze.

The bottom of the bikini gave maybe an inch of coverage and was essentially see through. Her snowy, pouty womanly lips was barely covered by the thin strap of the bikini.

He crossed his arms over his chest and calmed his raging beats, with that single move of his made the muscles on his arms and chest to flex in such a sexy way.

It seems the one who has a hard time is not only him, but the beautiful woman as well. Her eyes kept taking peeks at him with flush on her cheeks.

Wearing the kind of bikini that was screamed the vibes of "Fuck Me" and was passionately gawked by her hot husband. She felt her body was getting hot.

Biting down her lips, her pretty eyes caught the shameful erection in him that was clearly obvious. Thanks god he was wearing a denim shorts, things would have been more awkward if he was not since he has such a well hung male asset.

She has always been nagging him to always wear denim shorts when they are on dates, a thin shorts or any other types of shorts would not be able to cover his huge asset well when he was having hard on and she would not tolerate any other woman to see it.

She placed both hands on her waist and bent her leg slightly in a pose, "So what about this one honey?" She asked throwing a subtle wink at him.

He gritted his teeth and the way his jaw clenched was an intoxicating sight she loved to see for it was so sexy.

"I like this one, too revealing of course but doesn't matter since I'm the only one who gonna see it anyway." She saw him licked his lips sensuously.

She smiled flirtatiously and came up to him, wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her round soft twin peaks against his chest and kissed his cheek.

Her sweet lilac fragrance invaded his sense and tickled his nose, it was making him dizzy yet he could not help but sniff it for it was intoxicating.

In the mirror he could see she lifted a leg behind her in the process, "Gosh, you're so easy to please!" She teased with her intentionally heavy Russian accent.

"Easy to please huh." A scowl formed in his handsome face before it morphed into a lewd smirk. "This kind of bikini only lead to one thing."

"What thing?" She feigned innocent as she asked seductively.

Flashing his bewitching smile, he slightly leaned close to her ear to whisper, "Come to me tonight wearing this bikini and I will tell you the answer," he paused and smacked his lips.

Nestling his lips to nibble her ear he continued, "With my body." His voice was velvety and deep, there was an edgy husk to his tone that churned her stomach.

"I'll make sure to press you hard for the answer then." She playfully rocked herself against his hard on and just when he tried to capture her luscious lips, she pushed him.

Cracking up a misterious yet bewitching smile, she laughed heartily, "Not yet honey, let's get inside."

"But." His lips tugging into handsome frown as he was not sure of something. "How much time we have left?" He asked.

"About thirty minutes. Dear, just come in." She whispered in a voice that would not accept any no from him. With an icy attractive and bossy smile, she turned around and stepped inside and disappeared behind the curtain.

He sighed as he knows his wife well, she will do anything she wants and objection is out of question. Being a slave husband he always was, her word is his command. Anyway, just thinking what awaits him inside is enough to make all his blood to rush down to certain direction.

With anticipation grin on his face, he walked over the female attendant nearby. The young beautiful female attendant was also the one who was staring at him from the moment he stepped into the store.

She was taken by surprise when the handsome man walked toward her. She was gasped and amazed by his flawless features, he was already extremely handsome from afar but seeing him this close was really something, her blush could not help but deepen when he gave her his suave smile.

"Um." She nervously asked, "H-How may I help you sir?" She had always been a confident woman, but facing this mysterious yet charming man was entirely different case.

She does not want to look at his face that was extremely handsome that she might just get herself drunk just from staring at it.

With his signature smile, since he was too tall for the woman, he leaned down and began to whisper something to the her.

The handsome man whispering something in French and the way he spoke was very fluent. The female attendant was blushing so hard before it changes to shock when she heard what he was asking.

"But," she displayed a troubled expression.

"Please." His voice was warm yet magical, like no one could say no upon hearing his tone. He said as he put that irresistible smile on his face.

Hearing his warm voice and looking at his smile, there was no way the young girl could resist such charm, but she really can do nothing to the thing he asked.

The man himself could not help but laugh when he saw the young woman's expression. No one could blame her right when he himself knows what he was asking too much. Since he did not want to make it hard for her, he leaned down again and told her he would deal with everything later.

Taking out his wallet, the man took a card from it and gave it to her.

The woman looked at the card, from her three years of experience being the female attendant in this high-end store and had met many of Billionaires, she knows this card in her hand was a kind of Billionaires' business card. The card itself looks elegant with the accent of gold and black on it, she was sure the card itself cost more than her monthly salary.

"Julian Long." She softly mumbled, what a handsome name she thought, but she kinda feel she heard this name somewhere. But then, her mouth slightly agape with her eyes wide open when she read the line "President of Long Corp."

Undebatable, almost everyone know about this giant corporation since they are undisputedly the biggest corporation in Asia and one of world leading companies. Their market share are literally all over the world and is the major shareholder of many renowned companies.

By now, her hands were now slightly trembling from holding his business card. Not to mention her, he was someone even the owner of this high-end store could not afford to offend. Buying this entire store was as easy as lifting a finger for someone like him.

Seeing how nervous she was behaving, he let out a chuckle. Looking at her name tag, "Alisa isn't it, can you help me?" His charming voice was soothing as he smiled.

Nervously smiling, she nodded. Anyway, All she needs to do is stand by at the front of the changing room and make sure no one enter or distrub the room. Of course she was not that innocent and she knows what he was about to do inside. Since the handsome man promised her he would deal with everything later and stand is all she has to do, she easily agreed.

"Thank you." He said as a bewitching smile lined perfectly on his face dazzling all of the people who witnessed it, and the female attendant could hear her own heart beats as her face blushed pink.

Little did she knows the nervous smile she gave to the handsome man just now would give her a generous amount of tip she would never dreamed of, the amount of tip enough for her to stop her current job and allow her to continue her study, and she could also fund her two younger siblings' study to which she work hard for.

The handsome man turned around and take an internal note about the female attendant's name. He will include her tip on the bill later.

Right after the handsome man disappeared into the changing room, the commotion broke.

The women around just stood frozen on their spot, they just got drunk by his sexiness.

They had witnessed many of PDA, but this kind of public display of affection was really something else, the otherworldly gorgeous couple just kept displaying their love as if the world only belong to them. Shameless of course, but they could help but envy the woman, from the way the handsome man looked at her, they could feel his deep love for the beautiful woman.

As for what was about to happen inside the room, everyone could guess about it. Just imagining about how hot the room gonna be was enough to make them hot and wet.


Oblivious to the commotion he had caused outside, the handsome man was now inside the changing room.

Being more than just a businessman himself, his dark eyes reflexively scanned the room, nothing could escape his gaze when he set his eyes on something.

Do not get him wrong, behind his so ever gentle smile, there was something the people from dark society or those who stands at the top of this world society even afraid of.

His frightening dark eyes briefly lit for a second before it back to the captivating eyes women so loved. He smiled once he made sure there was no any devices or something alike in the room.

Honestly, there would be no such thing in the room since his wife had make sure of such thing, since she was also highly skilled individual herself nothing could escape her eyes but this time an indecent romance was about to happen between him and his wife so he does not want anything to ruin their time.

As one can expect from the changing room of high-end store, the room was quite spacious and soundproof.

Just when the door was closed, the beautiful woman impatiently bounced and pressed her gorgeous body against her husband as he had his back on the door.

Her enchantingly pretty face was grinning at him. Rising up on her toes she captured his lips with her luscious lips. A groan reverberate on his chest as her tongue slipped into his mouth and they made out so passionately for half a minute.

Just when his hands were traveling up her back and seeking out the straps of her bikini she pushed back off him and grinned again, "You have no idea how much I wanted to kiss you when you were drooling at me with those pervert eyes out there."

"How can I not." He scanned his eyes lustfully on the micro fabric of her bikini. "You're such a cruel woman, always love to torture me on public." He sighed, adjusting the painful bulge in his shorts.

"You just too cute, making me love to tease you." Feeling coquettish, she spoke in a lazy and flirty voice.

Arching his gorgeous eyebrows he scowled, "Cute huh." He pretty much hates this word since his manly pride roared at this compliment.

She just devilishly smirked at him and pushed him back with the handful of lingerie she held in one hand in the direction of a single, black-leather upholstered bench that crouched under some clothes hooks.

He impatiently obliged, finding she had deposited the tantalizing bundle of lace, ribbon, and straps into his hands.

She went back to lock the door and then turned around, "So." She breathed, clearly enjoying seeing his impatient expression she found it both cute and sexy.

"You have a choice to make." As she spoke she put her hands on her hips and turned her body from side to side, looking herself over in the three mirrors that made up most of the walls of the room.

He looked around and his brows raised into a slight frown, "I thought we're in the middle of buying bikinis?" He asked as he pointed at the pile of lace and lingerie.

Her lips tugged into a smug lopside smile, "Does it matter? They all are same since all you want is to get me naked anyway."

He laughed roguishly and nodded, "Hm, I choose all of them." He said in a hollow voice as he looked between the lingerie and his parading wife. "Or none of them. Whichever gets you naked fastest."

"Not yet dear. First, you have to see some of them." She blinked her eyes seductively.

"Really now?" He asked hesitantly, a handsome frown emerged in his features as he lifted his hand to look at the Vacheron Constantin watch.

Looking at him, her sexy lips twitched. She turned toward him and bent over, giving him a very purposeful, near aneurysm-inducing glimpse down her cleavage and lifted his head with her finger by his chin.

"Darling relax, all matters here is you and me. They will be okay." Her crisp, sweetly voice comforted and finally the frown in his handsome face faded.

He sighed and smiled so dashingly, "Alright."

Finding her husband finally gave in, she flashed her flirtatious smile.

"Now," he could see she snaking her hands around to her back and he heard a click of bikini clasp, the favourite sound he loves most. "Close your eyes, and you're not allowed to look until I tell you to." She instructed to which he amorously obliged.

The beautiful woman shrugged off her shoulder straps and he made an amorous noise in the back of his throat as her breasts were spilled free from their tight constraints.

Taking off the top, she threw the bikini over his head such that nearly his entire face covered by a halter bikini top. The feeling of her transferred body heat on his face combined with her sweet scent mollified him somewhat.

Like the good husband he was, he sat still, though he caught maddening glimpses of movement around the periphery of his vision and he heard the sounds of material sliding over smooth skin. His mouth went dry and his raggedly breath was echoed across the small room.

He gave a small jerk when he felt a warm and smooth hand land on his lap. It brushed teasingly over his prominent bulge until it found what it was looking for.

With a quick squeeze down on his tip, that forced a moan from him and another giggle from her, he felt one of the sets of lingerie being lifted off his hands.

He could feel his gorgeous wife was stark naked, barely a few inches from him and yet he could see nothing. All he had to do was give my head a vigorous shake and all would be revealed.

If he only reached out a hand he could caress and fondle her warm, soft skin. But he knew his wife well, she hates disobedience. So he clasped his hands together over his throbbing hardness and waited impatiently.

"Okay," her sweet voice trailed off, "You can open your eyes." The words had barely left her lips before he snatched away the bikini and flared his black irishes to try and draw in as much light as he could to absorb everything seductively beautiful before him.

His wife was wearing a lacy black teddy. It clung to her figure and emphasized her shape without lifting or constraining her. The fine lacework was a barely-there layer over her skin that wove together in strategic places to give suggestion to, without completely revealing, what lay beneath.

When she saw his eyes linger on her mesmerizing cleavage, where he could make out the the glimpse outline of her nipples, she straighted her back to show off her provocative breasts and teased, "How about this one?"

"Perfect, that looks so hot on you." Was all he said as he made to grab her in close so that he could run his hands over the soft fabric and the nose-bleeding body that lay beneath.

The way how hard he breathed clearly shows how impatient he was to press her down with the bikini on.

She grinned, clearly amused by him. "If you say so." She ran her hands down the sides of her body seductively in a way that he longed to replicate with his own hands and looked herself over in the mirror.

"You know what, had we're on date by ourselves, I would've already pressed you down so hard right now." He amorously smacked his lips which won him a naughty smile.

She turned and swayed her backside towards the mirror. He bit down hard on his lip. Her teddy rode low on her back, with a cut out in the middle. Best of all was how the material turned in sharply near the top of her bottom and tucked into the deep cleft between her pronounced butts.

He could not help himself. He grabbed a handful of each cheek, hefting their weight and giving them a hard squeeze.

"Julian!" She admonished half-hearted, stepping back so that his hands slipped off her. She knows her husband so well, things would have turned nasty and out of control if he started to touch her indecently, she had to back him off.

He knows he could not have her right now, but he could not help himself when his hot wife looks so eatable, he just so fucking horny right now. He pouted, earning a teasing grin from her.

"Be good. You'll have your share later." She flirtatiously promised him as she leaned forward to give him a guiding push back towards the couch.

She gave him a peck on the lips while her finger toyed with his hard nipple underneath his t-shirt. "Now, it's time to close your eyes again."

"Aw, do I have to?" He whined.

She glared at him, "You don't want to?" Her eyes were clearly the eyes of woman who have been dominating him in his entire life.

He immediately closed her eyes obediently. He was the most influential and wealthiest man in the nation and one of the world top figure. But before this bossy wife of his, he was no more than a slave husband.

"Good." She smiled as she tugged one shoulder strap off.

Sitting there in his pleasant deprivation chamber, he heaved a sigh as he fought the urge to free his hard on and touch himself. But suddenly, he could feel her warm breath right in his ear. He was suddenly aware of the press of her naked, firm and soft breast against his shoulder.

"Baby, you're so hot yourself. Honestly I also want have you right now but sadly we don't have enough time." She whispered before teased him further by licking his ear with a hot, wet tongue before retreating yet again.

More time passed, longer than the first interlude, or perhaps his patience was just wearing thin. When he thought he could bear it no longer, she finally said, "Okay, time to have a look."

He opened his eyes wide and simply stared. "Everything look hot on you really." He croaked, as he leaned and pulled in her new outfit.

She was now in a more not too revealing bra and panty set, yet oddly enough he finds her sexy charm is enough to make him nose bleed.

It was white and so brief it barely contained her incredible bosom. The generous flesh of which puffed out of its confines like rising batter.

She also wore a garter belt around her flared hips but this, rather discordantly, was black and was connected to sheer thigh highs that were also black in color.

When she saw him pulled her in she shifted her weight and sighed, "We would be here all day if I took everything off and on each time."

He wanted to say something but nothing left his lips and she continued, "I will get most of this dress packed and send it home. We will try all of this back home if you want." She plucked at the hem of one stocking with her nails.

He could only nod and lick his lips. The panty line was cut so low he could see the glimpse of her shaven pleasure bud. He really loved how her breath caught whenever he fucked his fingers in that pink and pouty flesh.

"How about this one?" She asked knuckling her back and swinging her mesmerizing breasts back and forth right in front of his wolfish eyes.

"I love it. A true classic. But." A mischievous smile lined on his handsome features.

"Go on," she urged, sidling up closer to him so that her stockinged legs were astride his knees.

"It would be perfect if you fuck me hard wearing this and call me master." He laughed shamelessly.

"I always know you have such a weird maid fetish." She chuckled impishly while sitting down on his lap before lacing her fingers behind his head.

He placed his hands gently on her flanks and for a moment they just gazed into each other's eyes, a wave of lust could not be hidden in their eyes.

Looking at his sexy, tantalizing lips. She yearned for them to take her own lips in a sea of endless waves that crashed one on another.

Unable to hold herself any longer, she leaned in and they kissed, long and deep, wet and passionate kiss.

He was aching for her now, desperate even. As she shifted closer he knew she could feel his hardness poking into her mound.

His muscular arms enclosing around her body, his large feral build intertwined with her delicate body as they meld into wet passionate kisses.

His hands rose up her back and, almost without instruction, began to toggle to the bra clasp over her spine.

He had just unsnagged one hook, the straps were being stretched mercilessly tight by her straining breasts, when his wife broke the kiss and stayed his hands, he let out a long groan as she rose up off his lap.

She placed her hands under his chin and lifted his drooping head. "We couldn't," she grinned before placing another soft kiss from her full lips on his.

"Next one," as she spoke she picked up her bra again and threw it over him. "Come on, close your eyes."

He sighed and squeezed his eyes shut, as he fight his frustrated sexual drive, he heard the frustratingly erotic sounds of thin fabric sliding over smooth skin.

Looking at his glorious tent in his shorts, "You look so desperate." She grinned, sounding a little breathless.

"Okay, time to have a look." Right after he opened his eyes, he could not help but swallowed his saliva as his eyes ogling over the absolutely beautiful woman before him.

She had kept the stockings and garter on, but had changed her underwear. The panties were more demurely cut in terms of length, but were made completely indecent by their almost total lack of opacity.

He could see her snowy white mound. Below this, her plump lips were pressed flat against the see-through material like they were up against glass.

Most startling of all was the ludicrous shelf bra she now wore. It made no effort to hide her mesmerizing breasts, it only served to lift and emphasize them. Almost bare if not for a framed constricting black nylon.

"Eve, you really like to torture me." He tried to say but his voice was so hoarse it barely sounded above a whisper. He was really desperate, she looks so eatable, he can look but unable to eat.

"I thought you might like it." She coyly said as she returned to straddling his lap.

As her legs widened her pussy spread itself against the sheer panties and he glimpsed the pink petals of the loveliest flower he had ever known.

She brushed her fingers through his black hair as she cooed with mirth gleaming in her eyes, "I can't wait for tonight so we can get to play with this."

"Damn." He growled as his sex drive reached his limit, his hands digging with almost painful force into her hips.

"Julian," She protested as he buried his face between her deeply tantalizing breasts and began to lick up the valley between them.

Her enormous soft breasts cushioned his face and muffled all sound, making him blessedly insensible to the world around him. He barely heard her protests after that. They were half-hearted at best anyway.

She clutched a hand on his hair, possibly to stop him, but he ignored it. He nibbled at her flesh, breathing in her intoxicating scent deeply, and she ended up using her hand to hug him closer.

"Julian, dear, we couldn't." Her voice resisted yet she made no attempt to stop him.

"Hell no," he snuffled across her flesh, "You don't get to tease me all through the store, then drag me into a changing room, parade around me in lingerie and then just walk away."

"We don't have enough time." She reminded yet she did not stop herself from wiggling her butts sensuously on his lap, grazing his painfully inflamed hardness with her sex.

He groaned and looked at her grinning lips, she looked completely both enchanting and playful right now.

"You're completely at blame for this." He groaned as he tugged the straps of her indicent bra to the side.

He could see the amount of lust in her pair of pretty sapphire-like hazel eyes. She grinned playfully at him but it turned into a gasp as he sucked her hard little nipple into his warm mouth and began to suckle.

Lifting his mouth off her for a moment he smirked at her erected nipples, "Eve, look at yourself, you're dying to get sucked."

By now she was not grinning anymore, her eyes were closed to suppress something, mouth open in a silent moan, so he did not wait for her green light.

He flicked his tongue, niblling and sucking on her errected nipple, covering nearly her entire pink areola with his mouth.

His expert tongue sucked wolfishly on her breast, as he always did, he snaked his hands to slide up and down her sides.

His wife made an amorous soft moan as he performed the double ministrations, his mouth worked ever so sensuously on her nipple while both his hands stimulating her heated body indicently.

As he worked her she began to move on his lap. Initially, it seemed as if she were trying to find a more comfortable position, but soon it morphed into a kind of slow rocking motion that rubbed her barely covered pussy against my straining hardness.

A gasp of muffled moan kept singing on his ear. While he was uncovering her right nipple and slurped up her breast she tried to suggest they really should stop.

When his hand slid over her prodigious backside and curved back under to find her bottom lips she just could help herself and finally gave in his advance.

He breathed in his intoxicating scent and his fingers found her puffy slit under the silky fabric and began to caress it lovingly.

By then the only sounds she made were excited little moans as he began to burrow a path of stimulation to her core. Wetness seeped through the fabric, drenching his probing fingers.

"Good, you're so wet for me." He breathed, his face was now in full of indicent and lustful smile.

Withdrawing his hand, he brought his hand and licked his wet fingers, tasting her sweet love milk.

"You're so sweet." She blushed pink looking at him licking her secretion in his fingers.

Again, he slipped his hand between her panties and her hot skin. While he tended to her with tortuously attentive detail, she began to move her hand down his chest. When it reached his belt it gave a violent tug, unclasping the buckle in a single, efficient motion.

She continued to moan and kiss him intermittently as her fingers fumbled his briefs and she slipped her hand to feel his long and thick hardness.

They stroked each other while they brought their open mouths together for another kiss. "Eve, I want make love to you so bad." He groaned into her mouth.

"I know," she whined, "I wish we have enough time."

As if the cold bucked of water hit his heated head, his face distorted painfully. He raised his hand to look at his watch, "Shit, the time is up."

As much as he want to press her down, he could not, he brushed off the thought of having her right now and suppressed his raging desire. But just when he was about to stand, she wrapped her flawless hands around his neck.

"I need you." She breathed with desire laced in her voice, her sweet voice carried amount of need and he could see how bad she wants him.

He just looked at her, he wanted to say something but could not bring himself to say no, not when he knows his dearly wife needs him. Being a gentleman he was, he hates leaving women hanging.

Without a word, he lifted her up and shifted their position, laying her down so ever gently he stood in between her parting legs.

By now, she found herself sitting on the couch and saw him kneeling before her. She smiled seductively and look straight at his eyes with her pair of lustful eyes, telling him how much she wants him.

"I will make it fast." His gruffly deep, manly voice exclaimed.

As much as he wanted to enter her with his humongous size, he was sure he could not control himself if he decide to do so. Moreover, a vigorous man like him tends to need more time to get sexual orgasm, which was out of equation since the time is up. All he needs to do is to get her orgasm as soon as possible.

He got the hold of the back of her knees parting her to give him access to her womanly lips. He kissed her inner thigh and moved ip towards her awaiting wet core.

Her sweet voice moaned as he kissed her lips through her expensive lace, they were soft and full.

He easily slid her lace panties down off her hips and as he did so kissed the skin which became bare, he pulled them down her smooth legs and off her feet.

He parted her thighs further apart and moved his sexy lips closer, kissing her there reverently, and then delving and flicking with his tongue

This whole time she watched him with amount of deep love and lust, and when he raised his eyes while his tongue kept licking on her, she found his dark eyes looking up at her with unrestrained lust for her.

As soon as his tongue flicked her pulsating womanhood, she lost it. Her head fell back behind her as she started whimpering and moaning straight away.

Her hands grasped his hair and instinctively she opened her thighs even more.

She could feel his shoulder pressing against her inner thigh and the familiar aching tension building inside her.

He was kissing and licking, flicking and nibbling, her moaning was increasing and becoming louder and her body was moving rhythmically with the movement of his tongue.

His tongue was long and dexterous, it was a very sensual and perfect tongue as if it was natural born to pleasure women. He began to push his tongue inside her deeper, licking her inner smoothness as he went, flicking against the sides tight walls with his tongue.

As it delved deeper, coiling, swirling and flicking, her moans became longer and louder. She was pulling his silky hair, pulling him closer and deeper while his lips kissed her swollen lips and his teeth grated against them too.

Soon her thoughts started to get blurry as the winding coiling tightness built higher and higher. Her eyes rolled back due to intens pleasure he was giving her.

He was like a hungry wolf. He lapped at her secret place and his tongue going in and out of her aching womanhood.

He ran his hands up and down her soft, smooth legs until her eyes were blinded with whiteness as every muscle tensed, crying out from his penetration.

She kept screaming and moaning out his name, "Julian, Julian! Aaaah."

He could feel her body go into spasm and she sounded as though she was crying. Faster and faster his tongue lashed, deeper and deeper, tasting her inner walls, filling her with his long nimble tongue.

And soon with a loud moan, "Juliaaaann." She came.

She orgasmed and he let her love milk fills his mouth, sucking her out even. He could feel her body spasm one last time and her thighs stiffed around his head. A jolt of pleasure ran through her body and when he felt her muscles relaxed, he released his hold on her thighs.

Her taste and scent coating his mouth, his tongue, that even her scent was driving him insane. His pulsating hardness was aching, desperate that he needed her now, so badly. But damn he could not fuck her right now.

Standing up, he pulled up his shorts and clasped his belt. Running up his hand on his messy hair, he fingers combed it.

He looked at her post-orgasm face which was completely arousing. Damn, he has to leave or else he would not be able to suppress himself.

Pecking a loving kiss on her forehead he sighed, "Eve, I'll wait you outside." He turned around and unlocked the door. Soon, she could not see his back as he was completely gone.

The beautiful woman's face blossomed into smile at his departing figure with ripples of love in her eyes. It could be said she was living a live of her dream, having him in her life as her husband is the best thing she could ever wish for.

She began to tidy up herself. She picked her dress and wear them as she adjusted her blond messy hair.

Looking down at the pile of sexy bikinis and lingeries, she just needs to pick some she needs. She will buy them all of course, but since she was on vacation the most of items she bought would be packed and delivered to her house per her order.

In the outside, the handsome man cursed inwardly, he felt like he was about to explode. He exhaled a mouthful of cold air to calm his raging desire.

While he was looking frustrated, the beautiful female attendants and the women nearby could not help but blushes around him, he was already so gorgeous but with the sex glows, he was simply irresistible.

He ignored them as he was a bit moody right now. Looking at his watch, he hurriedly made a walk toward the cashier.

By the time he was done on settling the bill, his beautiful wife walked over him. Her blond, long magnificent hair was still a bit messy and there are wrinkles here and there in her dress.

She was gorgeously enchanting as ever. Since she was natural stunner, she has always applied minimal on her make up, she was just the type of woman that could not look bad in any situation.

Since he was in hurry, after the female attendants finished packing the clothes, he immediately picked the shopping bags and grasped his wife's hand. Soon, the sight of him and his wife disappeared into the bustling street of French Riviera.


Meanwhile, inside one of the most famous cafe in the street of French Riviera, Emilie And The Cool Kids Cafe.

"Auntie, I'm full. Why papa is late?" An angelic voice asked as she blinked her eyes to the side.

The beautiful little girl of five years old pouted, she was so full after munching a lot of sweets, and now she could not even move her petite hands to eat the blueberry muffin on the table.

She was here on family vacation, her father and mother told her that they need to leave by themselves for about an hour.

Like a good papa girl she always was, she agreed to wait them here, anyway she loves to eat sweets and tasted a lot of food in this cafe. But more than an hour has passed yet her father has not come back, she has already missed him.

The adult beautiful woman movement stopped, she was about to slice her tasty salmon bagel but stopped when she heard the little girl asking.

Tilting her head to the side, she cracked a small smile as she answered, "Wait a little more, I'm sure your papa is on the way here." Then she resumed to eat.

The little girl just nodded her delicate head adorably before turned her head again, eyeing her brother she said, "Hey, don't eat too much or else you will get fat."

The cute yet dashing little boy in front of the little girl just gazed at her briefly before continued munching the chocolate muffin in the plate. Every of his movements was graceful and elegant, an air of nobility hung around him. One could clearly see from the way he carried himself, he was the true noble born and high end noble born at that.

"Different from girls, when the boys eat a lot they will become stronger." He countered his sister.

"Don't worry you can eat a lot and become fat, I will always by your side and protect you." He smirked, it was a cute and adorable smirk but any ladies could tell he would definitely grown into a dangerous lady killer many years later.

Looking at her brother annoying smirk, the little girl scowled adorably, "Impossible, this lady here is everlasting fairy so I won't become fat."

The little boy just smiled and continued minding his business.

Since the little girl was full and bored, she just kept turning her head from side to side, admiring the the artistic decor of Cafe and the bustling people. By the time she was almost sleepy she caught the glimpse familiar figure she has been waiting for, with a delight smile on her face she immediately ran over her father.

The handsome man walked hand in hand with his wife, just when he pushed the door and stepped inside, a familiar petite figure immediately jumped and ran over him.

A loving smile graced his face and he quickly kneeled to embrace the little girl.

"Papa you're late." The little girl pouted cutely as she was being lifted by her father.

"I'm sorry. It took more time since your mama demanded me to finish eating first before we come back." He grinned, flashing a subtle wink at his wife to which earned a furious glare from her.

"Was the food delicious?" The little girl innocently asked, her short lashes blinked curiously at her father.

Under furious glare from his wife, he could only let a dry cough. "Delicious and sweet." He smacked his lips, almost indecently.

"Anyway. Have you been a good girl?" He quickly changed the topic as he rubbed his face on her petite face.

"Yes. I've always been papa good girl!" She laughed heartily as she was tickled by her father's rubbing face.

The beautiful woman's face quirked into a warm smile as she looked at the pair of loving father and daughter. And when she tilted her head, she saw a cute and handsome little boy running toward her.

"Mama, the sweets here are yummy." He said as he hugged his mother's leg.

The beautiful woman bend over to pick her handsome son, pinching soft his cute cheek she asked, "Do you want to eat it home?"

The little boy simply nodded his small head sweetly.

The beautiful woman could not help but chuckle when she looked at her baby son's smile. Being a doting mother she was, she always loves to spoil her son. She will have someone to look at this Cafe's recipe and brought it home so the Chefs back home can serve it for her baby son.

Affectionately looking at her smiling son, the beautiful woman could not stop the urge to kiss him, he was so cute and adorable. Even as five years old, the lines of adonis features could be seen on his petite face as he has already had some of her husband striking signature.

Between hate and proud to admit, since he was her husband's son, he would absolutely grown into a finest man and countless women would be aching for him. Her husband adonis genes were passed completely to her son.

He just like a mini version of her husband, they are completely alike. If she had to compare her husband as a child and her son, aside from blond hair which he inherited from her, she could not really find the difflerence.

Same pearl black eyes, same adonis features, same voice and same charming smile, he also had her shining blond hair. Since she was completely inherited her mother, his grandmother's Caucasian genes, it could be said her son also have a mixed features, just like his father's which was extremely lady killer.

As for his personality, he was also same just like her husband, gentle and charming. Since they were born in same ancestry and have the same status, the heir, they are grown under the same teaching. She knows her son started to develop his two sides.

Since he was the first legitimate born, he was the heir of the Long and will fully inherited the Long in the future.

Honestly both her and her husband were too doting and spoil on him too much, just like how her father and mother doted and spoiled her husband. In the Long, the strict role and the one who responsible for making him the worthy heir is the grandfather. Her father, Alexander Long is heartless and merciless to her son, of course as a mother she could not stand it but since it was necessary, she could only stone her heart when she looks at her crying and miserable son.

With his daughter in his hand, the handsome man walked over and smiled to his little son, "Come give your papa a kiss."

The little boy in his mother's embrace giggled and leaned his petite face over to kiss his father.

A contented smile graced the handsome man's face as a warm fatherly love was oozing from him. Looking at his daughter, son and then his wife. He was really living a blissful life.

He was now a thirty two years old and it has been six years since he married this wife of his, a year later his two beautiful prince and princess were born.

A lot had happened, he was once hit the lowest point in his life. Fortunately, the fate decided to give him the second chance to redeem his most sinful sin.

All thanks to this dearly wife of his, the woman who has always been there, by his side. Without her, he would already lost the will of life.

And now with this two cute and adorable children around him, his life is complete.

Long Zhaolin and Long Yuanyue were their birth name with Vincent Long and Azalea Long as their English name.

His daughter, Azalea, even as five years old, was already a very beautiful girl. He could already see she would become the most beautiful flower in the future, just like her transcendingly beautiful mother.

She was the exact copy of her mother, with a bit of his Caucasian genes, such as snowy white pale skin. Having a mini of his wife as his daughter was truly a blessing. She was his child he spoiled most.

"Evelyn." The handsome man called the name of the woman who once was his sister, or still his sister, now his dear wife.

The beautiful woman, Long Evelyn, gazed her pretty eyes at the man who once was her younger brother, or still her brother, now her dear husband, "What?"

The handsome man, Long Julian, asked, "Do you mind if I become just like father?"

Long Evelyn knew what he means, she looked at her daughter, then her son. She sighed, she always knows her husband.

The truth was, the reason why she and her husband developed an incestuous love was because their father, Alexander Long. He had a strong obsession to their mother, and having a daughter which was just like the exact copy of his wife, he could not let any other man to take his daughter, that was why he manipulated his daughter and son to love each other.

Not for nothing did the society forbid this kind of relationship, since there is a high chance the couple's offspring will have a defect.

Her marriage also had received a lot of criticism and rejection by the most of society. She and her husband also had a share of hard times because of it.

Fortunately, with the help of advance science the Long technology researched. They can reduce the chances of defective offspring.

She always thank to God that Vincent Long, their dearly son was born without any defect of incestuous parents. He was now even grown to perfect alpha male, just like his father.

Long Evelyn looked at her husband, smiling warmly, "If you wish so." She nodded, since she and her husband could do it, then why not their children.

Long Julian just smiled warmly and again, kissed his daughter. Both little boy and girl were oblivious that their future had just decided by their shameless father, they kept giggling at their parents.


It was still almost ten in the morning and the weather was too good not to have tour around the beautiful town. Their families of four plus Angelina decided to visit the famous tourist spot in the town.

Angelina was Long Evelyn's long serving right hand person, she was with them to look after the children when they are not with them. Still as usual, her mixed beautiful face devoid any emotion but she looks really beautiful in her white shirt and black trousers.

Turning on the engine of the black Lamborghini Urus, with the car's trunk was full of things they bought along the way, Long Julian drove the black luxurious SUV through the bustling street of French Riviera at slow speed, allowing the kids to admire the beautiful town.

The little Azalea and Vincent were sitting on each side of their mother in the backseat. Long Evelyn kept caressing their little heads as they look around curiously.

Long Julian was sitting in the driver seat with Angelina sat beside him, being gentleman he always was, he would not allowed a woman to do his thing. Moreover, Angelina was not a servant, she holds the highly respected post in Long family since she was the right hand person of Madam Long.

After a minutes of wandering around, Long Julian stopped the car at the parking lot of Rue d'Antibes, one of the most famous shopping district in France as it has some of the chicest shops and boutiques in the country. Rue d'Antibes is a particularly wonderful place to window shop for the riches.

Looking strikingly dapper and alluring as ever, Long Julian walked his way elegantly.

They were naturally attract a lot of attention since Long Julian could be said the most sexiest man alive. He was already striking in his youth but now, an air of mature charm from him was enough to get women wet in their panties.

His vibes was literally screaming a young hot daddy. Any woman, be it young girl or mature lady, around him would have the urge to push him down and ride him.

His dark-blue tight shirt sensuously showcased his adonis figure, the way it stretched and outlined his eight-packs rock hard abs was truly a sinful sight women so loved.

The sight of his manly chiseled collarbone peeked through his v-neck shirt and the way his muscles flexed each times he moved were enough to get any woman bleed their nose.

The woman who wore a black sunglasses next to him, Long Evelyn, also looks gorgeously enchanting as ever. Her killer body had adorned a white button down shirt with high-waisted skirts on her bottom.

She was typical Russian babe, just at the highest level. Beautiful, blond, tall, sexy and prideful.

Her breasts was pressing against the fabric proudly while the garment was synched tastefully to show off her wilowy waist.

She looks classy and elegant, her not revealing outfit did not hinder her sexiness from shining through.

Such an otherworldly couple, plus a pair of angelic little boy and girl, their family of four just look like a painting.

And there was also Angelina who looks like a noble servant who closely following behind them with her expressionless yet attractive face.

Long Jinnian kept flashing his suave smile while Long Evelyn displayed a cold yet captivating smile. They were used to being center of attention as everywhere they go, they have always got both admiring and envious look from the surrounding.

A mini high-end DSLR hung around Long Julian's neck. He was walking behind his wife while the little Vincent and Azalea walking on each side of their mother with their hands grasped both hands of Long Evelyn.

Long Julian kept snapping pictures of his pretty wife and cute children.

"Come on, baby. Just post there." Long Julian pestered them to stand near a small aesthetic building. The little Azalea was too energetic since she was a cheerful child, she kept posing for her father with a happy smile on her petite face.

"Here, pose here." He pointed at the beautiful spot. Honestly, the little Vincent is the type of calm one, since he was grown to be the heir of the Long. He was extremely smart and more mature for child at his age. Only around his parents would he behaves like an adorable child. The little Vincent kept hugging at his mother's leg or his sister when posing for his father.

"There, there! Stand there." He shouted heartily as his finger kept pressing the snap button.

"Smile, baby. Smile." He was like a mother that kept pestering her child to pose. Long Evelyn could not help but chuckle beautifully at her husband. Well, his anthusiasm was pretty much normal since this kind of trip is their yearly vacation. Being the president of one of world's mogul company, one could expect how busy his schedules are.

They were now inside a luxurious souvenir shop that sells accessories, dresses and many more.

"Papa Papa. That looks beautiful." The little Azalea pointed her small hand at the shining necklace.

Thought he has always been spoiling his children so much, that does not means he does not know the boundary. His children's good upbringing is his priority. He does not want his children to grow into spoiled child with bad attitude.

"You like that?" He asked his daughter. He always told her to buy the things she really love or need, teaching her to value one's belonging is important and wasting money to buy the things they do not really like is a bad thing.

"Yes." The little girl looked at him with her pair of beautiful amelyst eyes and nodded her head adorably. Long Julian sighed, he had the urge to kiss this adorable daughter of his, when she gave him such a cute look, how could he say no?!

They kept walking and stopped at the hat store. Long Evelyn happily browsed through the colorful array of cute children hats.

She picked one out and extended it over to her daughter. The hat she chose was a cream colored straw hat fit for the summer and had a perfect bow tie at the side

"What do you think about this one baby?" She smilingly asked, gently putting the hat on her delicate head.

The little girl ran to the mirror and inspected it by turning her head cutely.

"Mama It's beautiful. I like it." The delight smile on her small face was the evident she likes the hat her mother picked for her.

"Vini," she affectionately called her baby son. "Try this one on too," she offered, already putting another a cute hat on her son head to which he giggled happily at his mother.

Long Evelyn then proceed to look at the other stack of headband. She picked one of the headband that looks girly and cute, "Dear, come hear." She lovingly called her husband.

Long Julian walked over and his wife smiled, "Let me put this on you."

Long Julian bowed his head so his wife can put the headband on him. He did not complain, usually men do not like such thing on their heads but for his wife, he just could not bring himself to say no.

Long Evelyn pinched his prominent, sharp jaw and happily complimented her work, "There, you're so cute!" She grinned.

Long Julian pouted, the bystander especially the surrounding women could not help but giggle at him.

He stared at his grinning wife, her full and pouty lips look so kissable, he did not know but the urge to ravage those softly red lips was taking him over, then he shamelessly asked, "Kiss me, please?"

Her well maintained eyebrows frowned at him, she was the type of woman who has no problems displaying PDA but still it would be a bad example to her children.

"Here, right now?" She asked but before she knows he leaned his head and captured her captivating lips.

That was a quick kiss and he smirked roguishly when their lips parted.

Long Evelyn immediately look at her children and thanks god they were had their eyes on the hats. But the surrounding bystander coughed and blushed when they saw this shameless couple.

Long Evelyn glared at her grinning husband, but when she caught the sight of him licking those red sexy and tantalizing lips of his, her cheeks flushed as she bit her lip.

The whole morning till afternoon, they spent their time enjoying the beautiful scenery and shopping various of stuffs.

The little Azalea was too tired since she was walking more than a hour, she was now being embraced by her father as she had her tiny arms wrapped around her father's neck as they continue wandering around.

Being more than a normal child, the little Vincent was still energetic as ever, he was now walking alongside his father hand in hand.

Long Evelyn was now eating some pocky while they walk and enjoy the view, she was also now holding her husband mini DSLR and frequently taking pictures of her little family.

She also frequently took selfies together with them. She and her husband have always been extremely sweet, they always look like a newlywed couple.

But right now, her heart could not stop fluttering from their romantic actions, she did not know why, but she was now behaving like a young girl having a date with her first crush, except of course there were two little angel around them. What a truly butterfly feeling for her.

Seeing there was also a made man river and a boats of Gondola on it, Long Jinnian suggested that they should try it. Both the children happily agreed and rode the ancient looking boat.

When the white haired old gondolier began row the boats along the canals using long oars, the children beamed at the beautiful scenery.

Everything was beautiful and the little Azalea and Vincent kept staring at the beautiful scenery and buildings.

Long Evelyn was holding the DSLR and snapping some pictures while Long Jinnian gently put his hands on her slim waist.

While they enjoy the boat ride, Long Evelyn called her children for family pictures. It was perfect moment to shoot a sweet picture with them.

The little children happily agreed and then they sat on their parents laps. The little Azalea was on her father's lap while Vincent was on his mother's lap.

This whole time just like an invisible air, Angelina silently following behind them. Long Evelyn then handed the DSLR to Angelina.

Long Evelyn put her hands on her son and warmly snuggled her head on top of her husband's shoulder while Long Julian wrapped his hand tenderly around his wife's slim waist and put his other hand to hold his cute daughter.

The photos gave the feeling of a blissful family with loving husband and wife.

It was already almost one at afternoon when they disembark the boat. Since both the children were so hungry, they decided to walk towards the food court to have their lunch.


While they were waiting for the food to be served, Long Evelyn opened her luxurious Hermes handbag and took out her mobile phone.

She then browsed through the DSLR and send some of the pictures to her phone.

Long Julian just chuckled when he saw his darling wife smiling by herself with her pretty eyes set on her phone. Without peeking on her phone, he pretty much could guess what she was doing.

Honestly, both him and his wife were not fond of using and posting anything personal on social media, especially him, but being the most searching man women so thirsted of and most influential man in Nation, having a verified account is a must.

Since most of time he was a very busy man and he himself is a private person, his wife is the one who manages his social accounts. Depend on the situation, sometimes his wife sharing his private moment, but most of time his wife shared a business related things on his social accounts for business purposes.

Alexander long, his father completely retired from Long Business at the age fifty, pretty much earlier than most of businessmen. His father was now living a blissful and serene life with Long Cassandra, his beautiful mother.

Since the age of thirty he had shouldered his born duty to manage Long Corporate Group and the other Long family businesses, such as political thing and underworld or dark business of Long family.

Moreover, having such a perfect woman, Long Evelyn, as his wife was his utmost blessing. She was not like his mother, who was a full-time mother and wife, Long Evelyn was an extremely capable business woman.

Actually, in paper she was the main secretary of Long Corporate Group's President, but the truth is she was second in command only after the President, her own husband.

In business circle, he himself was widely known as a heartless and ruthless business person, but Long Evelyn was not any less than him since she was also known for her calculative and cold nature. With both of them leading Long Corp, one could already imagine what miserable face their competitors have made.

"Papa, I need to pee." The little Vincent said to his father. Long Julian then led his son to the restroom.

The little Azalea just busy on her own business, licking the ice cream so adorably, she was really a little gluttony but oddly enough her shape is perfect, she was the type of person who just could not get fat despite having a high appetite, just like her mother.

Long Evelyn just contentedly smiled by herself when she looked at her Weibo and Instagram account.

Truth be told, she also same as her husband, not too fond of using and posting on social media, but she could not help herself when the thought of sharing the pictures of her little family to the world flashed on her mind.

The pictures of her dreamy husband and little children is too perfect to be seen by herself. She was just want to show off how blissful her little family is.

And of course, to annoy a certain woman.

True enough, just a couple of minutes has passed yet her post has already garnered almost a million of likes and reacts.

She was Long Evelyn, many of renowned magazines crowned her as the most beautiful woman. She was also undisputedly known as one of the world most prettiest woman.

Plus as successful and established business woman, one of top thirty Forbes successful woman. It was natural for her social media to have hundreds million of followers.

By the time Long Julian and their son came back, the food are already served on their table. Their family of four and Angelina then proceed to have their lunch.

Since they had already been wandering around the town since six at the morning, and pretty much satisfied after visiting a couple of famous tourist spot in this town, by two at afternoon, they decided to called the day off and return Vieux Port, where their Luxurious Yacht was docked.

Visiting Cannes of French Riviera is just one of their to visit list of their a week yearly vacation. This year they decided to have vacation in Mediterranean, one of their family favourite place.

Since Long Cassandra, Long Julian's mother, love to tour around Mediterranean Sea, Long Julian's father bought a luxurious superyacht and have it permanently floated in Vieux Port when the Yacht was not in use.

It was a premium private Yacht only the very top Billionaires could afford and was like a luxurious mansion floating in the sea.

Since the Yacht was their family property, it was completely available for them to use whenever they have a tour on Mediterranean.

On the walk back to their parking car, The Little Azalea and Vincent for one last time decided to buy some souvenirs for their close ones. Long Julian and his pretty wife walked hand in hand while looking at their cute children.

While their children were busy on their own business, Long Julian just could not help himself, it seems the raging tension he has been holding back since their heated romance in the changing room began to somewhat, burning him from the inside.

Long Julian began to tease his pretty wife with his sweet gestures like sweetly holding her hand and kissing her hand, stealing kisses on her cheeks and raining her with his honeyed words. He kept giving her his stormy gaze and his naughty smile.

Long Evelyn eyed her amorous husband and gave him a troubled frown, "What's with you?"

Of course she knows why her husband was behaving this touchy and tipsy, she was not the kind of shy girl who embarrassed at displaying affection in public, but she was definitely not that shameless touching him in front of their children.

The problem is, the somewhat heated attention her husband was giving her right now began to burn her, and she feels her body was getting hot.

He was the most sexiest man in her eyes and was the type that makes women sexually uncomfortable in their skirt. But he was entirely different when he was aroused, his sexual charm could get any woman wet and moist.

"My wife, you're the prettiest, you've always been one, but today, all my eyes could see is only you for what you look so beautiful today." He sighed, his feverish eyes told her no lie when he praised her because he meant what he said.

"Moreover, today you just look like a young girl attending her first date with her first crush." He teased.

"So lovely." He squeezed her hand playfully, he was just trying to score some point in skin-ship that was why he did that.

Long Evelyn blushed in a deep shade of red since the combination of his heated gaze and honeyed mouth really hit her heart. He was gorgeously sexy that she might get herself drunk when staring at those sensual smile.

She bit down her lip in flush when she felt he put his arm around her, wrapping his strong hand at the top of her slim, curvy hip.

"Stop it." She breathed.

Long Julian looked at his children, finding that they are so busy unaware of their shameless parents. He just has to touch her sneakily.

Finally, Long Evelyn completely gave in when he kissed the back of her ear, her sensitive spot.

Slightly breathless with her pulse raised, she hugged her husband solid arm and surreptitiously pushed her inviting cleavage against him, forcing her ripe, firm breast to push even higher over the plunging neckline of her dress.

Long Julian roamed his hand sensuously onto her rounded ass and gave her cheek a quick, hard squeeze to let her know how success she was at making him aroused.

He was so hard as an impressive bulge was formed in between his legs, his warm breath became hot.

Her nipples were hard as ripped cherries and the pink blush on her cheeks intensifies.

Long Julian dropped his hand over his her bountiful ass after gave her cheek a quick but hard and playful squeeze.

Then he rose his warm palm back up to the base of her spine, ever so softly yet sensually he caress her spine, and it was enough to make the blonde's nipples tighten and her face flushed.

But suddenly. "Mama, mama."

The little Azalea running toward her mother, showing a beautiful earrings in her tiny hand she said with an innocent smile in her face, "I think this earrings look good on you Mama."

The shameless Long Julian quickly retracted his hand from his wife's pleasurable curves and his face distorted painfully.

Long Evelyn also quickly heaved a breath to cool herself. Cracking up a warm smile she answered her daughter, "How sweet of you Honey. Thank you." Then she walked with her daughter to escape from her pervert husband.

Nothing happened between Long Julian and Long Evelyn on their walk to the parking car. With an uncomfortable smile on his face, Long Julian put all of the shopping purses full of souvenirs they bought to the trunk.

Soon, a black Lamborghini SUV could be seen speeding around the bustling street toward the direction of Vieux Port.

[ The continuation of this chapter is in the next chapter, please read two chapters as one chapter ]