Chapter 013 - This Is a Pretty Phoenix

Alina wasn't that surprised by Dumbledore's reaction to her three requests.

This was the advantage of knowing the personality of the characters in the plot. Unless this Dumbledore was a fake who had drunk the Polyjuice Potion, then based on what Alina knew about Dumbledore, the requests she had made had mostly been in line with the ideals Dumbledore had always pursued.

In truth, Dumbledore could be said to be the most open-minded Headmaster in the history of Hogwarts. If Professor McGonagall were standing here, instead, the mood would have never been so happy and relaxed.

"So, Miss Kaslana."

Just as Alina began to dream about her beautiful life studying magic, Dumbledore suddenly smiled and spoke.

"I have a small request here that I need you to work with me a little on."


The silver-haired half-Veela's eyes blinked, and she suddenly had a bad feeling. It was the same feeling she got whenever Benitez caught her after she got into trouble and scolded her.

"Then...can I add another request: Professor Dumbledore can't make any requests of me?"

Alina weakly raised a hand, her eyes turning as she pulled on Dumbledore's hand and cutely asked.

She didn't know what Dumbledore was about to say, but it was never wrong to resist ahead of time.

"It seems that quite a few of the owls Hogwarts uses to send letters have gone missing this year. Has Miss Kaslana heard about this?"

Dumbledore amusingly watched as Alina put on her cute act, and then his lips curved into a smile as he looked down his somewhat crooked nose and warmly asked the silver-haired girl.

"Ha, hahaha, how could I know? Perhaps, they got a heat stroke or got lost...fine, Professor Dumbledore, what is it you want?"

Alina's sweet smile instantly froze, and she began to laugh awkwardly. Under the pressure of Dumbledore's silent gaze, she dejectedly dropped her head and obediently sat back down on the piano stool.

"There's no need to be so grim. It's a very simple little thing." Dumbledore couldn't help but shake his head at Alina's childish display as he spoke in a stern tone.

"I hope that you can pledge to never use the Unforgivable Curses, and that you never allow greed, hatred, and ambition to blind your pure soul, that you never betray Hogwarts and the Magic World."


The silver-haired girl instinctively looked to her left and right. Such solemn words couldn't have been said to someone as cute and innocent as her, right? These sounded more like words meant for some great devil.

"But, Professor Dumbledore, didn't you say that it was only a little?" Alina gave a dazzling smile as she tried to change the subject.

"Promise me."

Dumbledore was unmoved, his sharp, azure eyes locked onto Alina's face.

One had to admit that, as the greatest White Wizard of his generation, when Dumbledore got serious, he truly had a powerful aura. At the very least, it was enough to intimidate a little girl who was tougher on the outside than the inside.

"Ugh, fine, I promise."

After meeting the elder's eyes for a few seconds, Alina awkwardly looked away. She kicked the leg of the chair in a huff and groaned before finally agreeing. Even if Dumbledore didn't mention it, she had no desire to become the third Dark Lord.

Upon hearing Alina's answer, Dumbledore gave a satisfied nod. He gripped his half-moon spectacles as he prepared to speak.


The door to the abandoned classroom was thrown open, and a giant more than three meters tall bent down and squeezed his way in. His long hair and thick beard almost entirely obscured his face, but one could still see those glimmering eyes like little black beetles peeking out from under all the hair.

"Professor Dumbledore, I finally found you. Tomorrow is little Harry's birthday. We have to go and pick..."

The giant anxiously said, his voice sounding like rumbling thunder. But then he stopped halfway, noticing Alina's head peeking out from behind Dumbledore.

"Oh, Professor, my apologies. I didn't know you had a guest. I'll wait outside."

As the giant spoke, he scratched his face in embarrassment, his feet stomping as he tried to turn and leave.

"Hagrid, it's fine. I've just about finished my conversation with Miss Kaslana."

Dumbledore shook his head and indicated that Hagrid didn't need to leave. He then turned back to Alina and spoke in a rather apologetic tone.

"My apologies. I have a few matters that I need to discuss with Mister Hagrid. If you don't mind, Miss Alina, you can wait in my office for a bit. Just go up the stairs next to that large stone statue. There are sweets, cookies, snacks, and drinks inside that you can enjoy at your pleasure."

"I can eat all the food in the room?" Alina's eyes went bright.

Dumbledore thought if over. After confirming that he hadn't left any dangerous magical tools in the Headmaster's office, he warmly replied, "Of course."

"Mm, then I'll go over while you talk."

The silver-haired girl looked up and took one last look at the giant Hagrid, who had suddenly appeared in the abandoned classroom, her mind recalling how Hagrid had been described in the novel. This was probably one of the characters that the Harry Potter fan base had the greatest understanding of.

Compared to his portrayal in the movies, this Hagrid seemed to be even a little taller, but knowing the kind-hearted nature of giants, Alina wasn't afraid at all. On the contrary, while she was walking by, she poked at his hanging arm. It was incredibly tough, and it felt like she had poked her finger at a block of granite.

"Professor, who's this kid?"

Hagrid asked in confusion as he turned and watched Alina skip out of the classroom.

This was the first time he had encountered a child who not only didn't fear him but was even so bold as to poke his arm.

"Alina Kaslana, a very special student." Dumbledore helplessly shrugged his shoulders as he watched Alina leave.

Pausing, Dumbledore looked around and then waved his wand, causing the door to the room to shut. He sternly looked at Hagrid. "Let's not talk about her right now. It's not just picking up Harry. I also need you to go to Gringotts and get..."


Alina went past the stone gargoyle and up the spiraling stairs. Walking up to the glossy wooden door, she pulled on the half-eagle half-lion bronze knocked and opened the door.

The walls of the room were covered with portraits of previous Headmasters. There were both men and women, and all of them had refined expressions. However, perhaps because Dumbledore wasn't here, the people in the portraits were either not present or sleeping.

Just as Dumbledore had said, the large table in the center of the room was piled with an assortment of cakes, cookies, candies, and other such snacks.

Just when Alina was about to walk up and sample the 'Headmaster's Special Snacks' when she heard a strange sound behind her, like someone was singing.

Alina turned and saw a bird perch behind the door, upon which was a noble red bird, about the size of a swan. It had a dazzling golden tail, and its beak and claws were both very long and gleaming gold. This was Dumbledore's pet Phoenix Fawkes.

Phoenixes were known as the undying birds and were a kind of magic and immortal bird. The Latin poet Ovid once said in a poem, "...But there is one creature that never changes, that reproduces and renews itself over the many months and years. This is the bird the Assyrians call the Phoenix..."

This was a magical creature that was truly very difficult to kill. When its body began to decline, it would enter a blazing inferno to be reborn in flames. No matter what sort of injury or attack it suffered, even if it lost a body part, all of it would be mystically restored upon its rebirth.

From the original work, one could tell that the Phoenix Fawkes was a wizard's ideal pet. Its tears could heal injuries and cure poisons, and it could fly while holding the weight of several people. It had a magical song, could act as a sentry or messenger, and Dumbledore could even use its power to vanish from the Headmaster's office even though Apparition could not be used in Hogwarts (As seen when the Ministry of Magic attempted to arrest Dumbledore's Army). It could even 'teleport' so that it could help its master take a fatal blow (Directly took Voldemort's Avada Kedavra Curse and was reborn).

Thus, Newt Scamander, in his book 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,' Phoenixes were designated as XXXX magical creatures. The reason why it did not enter the fifth level of the Ministry of Magic's (M.O.M.) classification was that Phoenixes were not a creature that would kill witches or wizards, and Dumbledore had proved that they could be tamed.

"This Phoenix is so pretty."

Alina's blazing eyes stared at Fawkes's erect chest and muscular wings, and she subconsciously licked her lips.

If she recalled correctly, Professor Dumbledore had said that she could eat all the food in the room, right?