Chapter 030 - An Accident

Diagon Alley was a twisting street made of stone slabs and cobblestones.

At this time, a father and son were standing at the crossroads between Flourish and Blotts and Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

The boy was around ten years old, and he had the same slick, light gold hair of his father, the pale oval face, and the gray-blue eyes. At this time, he was uneasily looking around at the crowds of people walking past.

"I will head to Flourish and Blotts to buy your books. You don't need to come with me. Head straight to that store to get your measurements done."

The man glanced at his son, a snake-headed walking stick turning around in his palm. His brow creased as he spoke in a stern and displeased tone.

"Draco, let me repeat myself. You are of the ancient Malfoy family. I do not wish to see this sort of weak and childish expression on you again."

"I just don't want to interact with the poor. Father, relax, I know what I should do."

The golden-haired boy, none other than Draco Malfoy, took in a deep breath and attempted to mimic his father's composed tone in his reply.

"That would be best. Hogwarts has been taking in too many dubious people as of late. Always remember who you are."

The elder Malfoy proudly nodded and patted his son on the shoulder, his tone relaxing.

"In short, we'll be parting here. If I still haven't come over by the time your measurements are done, go to the wand store and find your mother."

"I know. You don't have to repeat yourself."

Draco somewhat uncomfortably moved his shoulders, and then he walked away without turning his head in the direction of Madam Malkin's store.

(In the future, when Lucius is not present, Malfoy will be used to refer to Draco Malfoy)

Following the signs, Malfoy traversed the winding cobblestoned street to reach his destination.

As he got close to the entrance, Madam Malkin noticed that a girl of around the same age as he was seated on the steps in front of Madam Malkin's.

As Malfoy curiously looked toward the stone steps, his eyes were instantly fixed on that silver-haired girl.

This girl was cautiously licking a massive ice cream, so focused that it seemed like nothing else in the world existed. She appeared exceptionally cute and adorable.

The sunlight shining upon the girl's silken silver hair made it flash with golden light. Her face was as exquisite as an elf's, and her long eyelashes trembled. Almost every person who walked by would slow down for a bit and glance at her a few times.

"Ahem! Excuse me, are you a student at Hogwarts?"

Malfoy tidied his knitted clothes, cleared his throat, and slowly came forward, courteously reaching out to shake the girl's hand.


The girl said nothing, too lazy even to move her eyes. She continued to focus on consuming the ice cream.

"Hey! Are you also a student at Hogwarts?"

Malfoy raised his voice and waved a hand in front of the girl.


The silver-haired girl took a soft bite of the ice cream, her eyes squinting in joy. She continued to treat Malfoy like he was just empty air.

Malfoy, who had needed some effort to work up his courage, now awkwardly stood, his right hand just hanging in the air while his pale face turned light red.

"Hey! Do you not hear me talking to you?!"

Malfoy angrily walked up the steps and attempted to shake the girl on the shoulder.

This time, the girl finally reacted, moving to the left-right before Malfoy touched her. Successfully avoiding the boy, she continued to eat.

The surrounding pedestrians had noticed something interesting taking place, and excitedly watched the 'little incident' taking place in front of Madam Malkin's.

The gazes at his back and the whispered conversation made Malfoy's go even redder. His eyes chilled as he threw himself at the girl's arm.

Why did this world have so many naughty and unreasonable children?!

The silver-haired girl, Alina, impatiently frowned. Turning aside and standing up, she deftly dodged the boy.


As the girl dodged, the half-eaten ice cream on the cone wobbled and then splatted to the ground.


The massive ice cream ball, carried along by the force of inertia, splattered into the cobblestones and showered the area in chocolate droplets.

As if someone had pressed the pause button, all sounds died away for half a second. Everyone turned as one to the splattered chocolate ice cream.



Alina looked at the empty cone in her hand, and then she looked at the nearby 'corpse' of the ice cream. As Malfoy stared in shock, she emotionlessly devoured the cone in a few bites.

"Speak. How do you want to die?"

The girl raised her chin and stared down at Malfoy, her silver hair beginning to drift around her and her lake-blue eyes beginning to radiate a deathly chill. There was a flash of light from her left hand, some sort of divine symbol appearing.

The area seemed to freeze, and even the air became abnormally heavy.



A painful look appeared on Malfoy's face as he clutched his throat as if he couldn't breathe. His pale face began to turn red and then liver-colored rapidly.

"Stop! Now!"

A roar came from the distance, and a frantic white-bearded older man vigorously waved his wand.

There was a sound of shattering glass, and the frozen air began to flow freely once more.

"Think of your vow! Alina Kaslana!"

Pa! There was a crack in the air.

Dumbledore Apparated from ten-some meters away to appear in front of Alina. He seized the girl's shining left hand and grimly rebuked her.

"Did we not agree that you would obediently wait here after you finished eating your ice cream? Why have you made trouble again?"

It was fortunate that he had been in the nearby Flourish and Blotts, and that he was also the other party in the Unbreakable Vow. Thus, he had been able to sense immediately when the half-Veela girl began to lose control over her magic.


Alina angrily pouted and turned her head to ignore Dumbledore.

Following Alina's gaze, Dumbledore saw the fallen ball of chocolate ice cream on the ground.

And on the stone steps where Alina had been sitting, Draco Malfoy was curled up in a ball, his slick light gold hair scattered across his red face. He was constantly hiccuping, and his eyes were brimming with the fear that came from barely escaping death.

"Oh...fine, but once you have control over your magic, you cannot injure someone else over a matter like this."

Dumbledore had a rough guess of what had taken place, and he rubbed Alina's head as he weakly reprimanded. He could already feel a headache coming on.

"In a little while, I'll take you to Florean's ice cream parlor, and you can eat your fill."

"Draco, what happened? Dumbledore, what did you do to my son?!"

There was turmoil from the edge of the crowd, and Lucius Malfoy pushed aside everyone in his path and ran up to the side of the curled-up Draco. After checking his son over, he furiously pulled his wand out and roared at Dumbledore.

"Good morning, Lucius," Dumbledore warmly said as he placed himself in front of Alina.

"I demand an explanation!"

Lucius Malfoy's cold eyes stared at Dumbledore, almost spitting flames of rage.

"It is as you see, Lucius," Dumbledore calmly said.

"It was just a small accident between children. After all, loss of control over magic is something that neither you nor I can predict."

"Oh?" Lucius Malfoy sneered, dangerously narrowing his eyes at the girl hiding behind Dumbledore.

"This is called...a small accident?"

"I think that the young Mister Malfoy needs to learn a little about the correct method of interacting with girls."

Dumbledore shrugged his shoulders and helplessly said.

"After all, there are quite a lot of young witches at Hogwarts."

"Mister Malfoy, I can confirm that your son was the first to grab at that girl, causing her to lose control of her magic in her shock. Fortunately, Dumbledore arrived promptly and was able to save your son."

Madam Malkin suddenly came out and spoke to Lucius Malfoy.

"That's right. Before that, the girl didn't even say a word."

A wizard in the crowd nodded his head in agreement and added.

"Yes. Thank goodness Dumbledore was around."

"Was that wandless magic just now? As expected of Dumbledore..."

Soon after, more witches and wizards who had witnessed the scene began to concur, and through their various comments, the entire incident was fully described.

"...Then I must truly thank you, Professor Dumbledore. We're leaving!"

Lucius Malfoy's face turned ashen, and after forcing out a word of thanks, he roughly seized Draco and prepared to leave.

"Wait a moment! Why are we leaving? It was just an accident. I still haven't gone inside to have my measurements taken."

Draco stood up and saw Alina, who seemed to be enjoying the show. Suddenly, he shook off his father's hand and stood firm, a stubborn look on his face as he fearlessly met his father's gaze.

"If you're still not done buying books by the time my measurements are done, I'll go to the wand store myself."


Lucius lowered his head, and coldly glanced at his son. Raising an eyebrow and giving a noncommittal snort, he ceased arguing. Not even looking at Dumbledore and Alina, he went straight back to Flourish and Blotts.

"Then, Professor Dumbledore, I'm still not done haggling..."

Alina lightly pulled on Dumbledore's sleeve and cautiously said.

Although she did not hold the majority of the blame for this incident, and Dumbledore was taking her side, she had still injured someone, so she felt a little guilty.

"Dear, you're truly too frightening. Forget it. Dear, I'll make all your clothes for free."

Hearing the silver-haired girl's words, Madam Malkin felt a headache and immediately waved her hands and smiled at Alina.

"I think I can understand why Dumbledore brought you. It seems that Hogwarts will soon have another outstanding witch."

"Eh? Then it's settled! Thank you, beautiful Madam Malkin!"

Alina blinked her eyes in shock, and then fiercely nodded in agreement. After that, she looked up at Dumbledore.

"She happily said, "Then why don't we get going? Destination... Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour!"