Chapter 35 Agreement


"Teleportation Formation? What is that?" Chu Ninghai showed confusion.

Su Han slapped his forehead, "Right, you haven't even heard of formations, let alone Teleportation Formations."

"Hmph, you talk as if you're so well-informed," Yun Qianqian pouted dismissively.

She already had a poor impression of Su Han, and seeing his hesitant manner now, she naturally ran out of patience.

"At least more than you've seen," Su Han glanced at Yun Qianqian.


Just as Yun Qianqian was about to speak up, Chu Ninghai butted in, "Young Master Han, please just explain for now, what exactly is this Teleportation Formation?"

"The super strong beings of Dragon Martial Continent all move at incredible speeds, something you're probably aware of," Su Han explained.

"Not to mention those at Dragon Emperor Realm or Dragon Venerate Realm, even those at the Dragon Pill Realm can traverse miles in a single step, akin to Shrinking Ground into Inches, or rather, akin to Teleportation."

"Right, cultivators at the Dragon Pill Realm can already control a thread of the Power of Heaven and Earth, indeed capable of overcoming some spatial restrictions to traverse miles in a single step," Chu Ninghai nodded.

"But, they can only do so individually!"

"If they were to bring others along, their speed would be significantly decreased, the more people they bring, the slower they become," Su Han said.

"Uh-huh," Chu Ninghai nodded again, unsure what Su Han was getting at.

"And a Teleportation Formation allows for instantaneous travel without restrictions on Cultivation Base," Su Han finally revealed the function of the Teleportation Formation.

He was somewhat helpless, as in his previous life, Teleportation Formations were an extremely common type of formation, any Array Master could set one up, albeit with varying strength depending on their proficiency in formations.


This mundane fact to Su Han was astonishing to Chu Ninghai and Yun Qianqian.

"Even those at the Dragon Vein Realm can teleport?" Chu Ninghai exclaimed in surprise.

"Even those who can't cultivate can," Su Han nodded.

"You're lying!"

"Strong beings' ability to teleport comes from their grasp over the Power of Heaven and Earth reaching a certain level. As for those at the Dragon Vein Realm, let alone those who can't cultivate, how could they possibly teleport?" Yun Qianqian challenged.

"Calling it teleportation is just to give them more credit than they deserve, but do you know what real teleportation is?"

Su Han looked towards Yun Qianqian, a gleam flashing in his eyes, "Real teleportation is the process of breaking through the void in an instant, traversing millions of miles in the blink of an eye!"

"You don't possess that kind of Cultivation Base, how would you know?" Yun Qianqian retorted, unconvinced.

"That's none of your business,"

Su Han shook his head and continued, "However, Teleportation Formations also have drawbacks, they need Spirit Stones for maintenance, and most Teleportation Formations, unlike those strong beings, can't move freely but are fixed between two points to teleport back and forth."

"So, you're saying there are Teleportation Formations that can move freely?" Chu Ninghai asked.

"Of course, but you might as well not think about it for now, the materials needed for such a Teleportation Formation are incredibly astonishing, even Myriad Treasures Pavilion would find it costly," Su Han said indifferently.

Yun Qianqian tilted her head, "Do you realize how wealthy Myriad Treasures Pavilion is? On Dragon Martial Continent, there's nothing that Myriad Treasures Pavilion can't afford."

"Then you must be really impressive," Su Han remarked with a click of the tongue, clearly not sincere.

The wealth of Myriad Treasures Pavilion?

If it were in Su Han's previous life, just one item he could offer would be worth the entire wealth of Dragon Martial Continent, let alone the mere Myriad Treasures Pavilion.

"Let's do this instead."


Su Han then said, "For that Purple Gold Dragon Skill, I'll trade for twenty Low-Grade Spirit Stones."

As those words fell, Su Han stood up, seemingly waiting for Chu Ninghai to bring the Spirit Stones before he would leave.

"Don't be in such a hurry!"

Chu Ninghai, however, became anxious. As the Chief Pavilion Master of the Myriad Treasures Pavilion in Yuanshan County, he naturally had some business acumen. After a brief thought, he knew how much money the Teleportation Formation could make for him.

"Let's discuss the matter of the Teleportation Formation again," Chu Ninghai said.


Su Han glanced at Chu Ninghai, "Myriad Treasures Pavilion will act on my behalf three times, and I'll help you construct three Teleportation Formations, but you must prepare the materials yourself. Moreover, my Cultivation Base is limited, so for now, I can only build Teleportation Formations within Yuanshan County."

"The operation of this Teleportation Formation must require quite a few Spirit Stones, right? And how many Spirit Stones will be needed for teleportation?" Chu Ninghai asked pointedly.

"For operation, it only takes one Low-Grade Spirit Stone a month, since Yuanshan County isn't too large. However, the materials required to build the Teleportation Formation are quite precious, though Myriad Treasures Pavilion should be able to procure them with ease. As for teleportation, one Low-Grade Spirit Stone is enough to teleport a million people," said Su Han.

"One Low-Grade Spirit Stone is worth a million Gold Coins, but it can transport a million people. If we charge ten Gold Coins per person, that's… ten million, a tenfold profit!"

Chu Ninghai's eyes suddenly lit up. Even at its lowest, the transient population of Yuanshan County was over ten million, and ten Gold Coins really wasn't much for a cultivator.

To put it simply, would a cultivator be willing to spend days traveling to a destination or prefer to spend ten Gold Coins to arrive instantly? What if there was an urgent matter?

The answer was obvious.

"Wait a moment."

Chu Ninghai finished speaking and then left the room.

It took half an hour, but Chu Ninghai finally came back, "Young Master Han, the higher-ups have agreed to your terms. As long as you can help build three Teleportation Formations, then Myriad Treasures Pavilion will act on your behalf three times."


Su Han quickly listed out a bill of materials and handed it to Chu Ninghai, "These are the materials needed to construct the Teleportation Formation. Once you have gathered these, come find me at the Xiao Family."

"One Spatial Spirit Wood, ten Mid-Grade Spirit Stones, one Spatial Stone..."

Reading the list of items, Chu Ninghai's face involuntarily twitched a bit, "The value of these items must be over a hundred million Gold Coins, and that's just for one Teleportation Formation."

"It shouldn't be difficult for Myriad Treasures Pavilion, and considering the profits that could be made in the future, I believe the Pavilion Master can imagine," Su Han said with a smile.


Chu Ninghai took a deep breath, gave the twenty Low-Grade Spirit Stones to Su Han, and also handed him an invitation.

"This is an invitation to the auction event of Myriad Treasures Pavilion three months from now; when the auction is about to start, this invitation will light up."

"Thank you."

Su Han didn't hesitate, took the Spirit Stones, and walked out of the room.

"Make way!"

Upon arriving in the hall, a commanding shout reached his ears.

Looking up, Su Han saw a large group of people coming in from outside, all exuding powerful auras. Anyone who stood in their way was aggressively pushed aside, extremely domineering.

In the center of the group was a young man clad in splendid robes, clearly a member of the nobility.

On either side of this person were two young men, who appeared to be nodding and bowing in a fawning and flattering manner.

"Is it them?"

Su Han's eyes narrowed, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.