Chapter 29: Brother-in-law, Please Let Me Go

Mu Beiting narrowed his eyes and strode towards her. Su Xiangwan didn't even have the time to react as she felt her feet rose up in the air, he carried her up by the waist.


Upon leaning against the man's warm chest, Su Xiangwan felt herself go numb. He had a faint sweet scent on his body, it was cool and comfortable. In the midst of her absent-mindedness, it felt somewhat familiar to her, as if she had felt it somewhere before.

"Mu… Mu Beiting, put me down."

"It doesn't hurt anymore?" His dark eyes were deep, he lightly studied her small face.

"It... It doesn't anymore! I don't why it hurt a moment ago!"

He curled his lips up but didn't let go of her.

Su Xiangwan felt both anxious and embarrassed, she thought of all the possible perverted fetishes he might do to her, she couldn't help but get goosebumps all over.

No way… she absolutely couldn't go in a room with him, she might die in there!

Su Xiangwan glanced at him and gritted her teeth. Mu Beiting, if you're going to be heartless, then don't blame me for being unjust!

Immediately, she pounded on his chest and cried while choking on her tears, "Brother-in-law, please let me go… we can't… we can't do that!"

Mu Beiting was stunned, Brother… Brother-in-law?

As soon as she said this, many people around them looked over.

Su Xiangwan wiped at her invisible tears, she secretly kept stealing a glance at the man with gloomy eyes from the gaps between her fingers. She immediately cried out again, "Brother-in-law, if my sister knew you had done this kind of thing, she'll be upset. She treats you so well… you can't do this to her…"

"Boohoo… We're going against human relations… it's immoral… Brother-in-law, please let me go… boohoo…"

The man was handsome as the woman was beautiful, there enough people in the surrounding area to watch the drama unfolding.

As for those who didn't know the actual truth, they instantly assumed the cause from the few isolated phrases said by the woman. They began to comment in low voices.

"Honestly though… he looks pretty decent, how could he do this kind of thing?"

"Exactly, he's worse than a beast!"

"How about we call the police, I don't think the girl's willing to do this, she's really pitiful."

"I heard that he's the Brother-in-law, I wonder if the sister knows about this… he really is a beast, it's a pity for that handsome face though."

Upon hearing the chatter around him, Mu Beiting's face ashened, the blue tendons on his forehead were raised a little. His cold gaze fell on her small face, however, he looked directly into her provoking eyes.

What, are you gonna bite me?

He narrowed his eyes and gave her an abstruse look.

Su Xiangwan couldn't help but shiver and feel a bit terrified.

Mu Beiting lifted his head and scanned his surroundings, his eyes were carrying a sense of warning. Everyone who met his malicious black eyes had subconsciously avoided his gaze. Their heart tightened and they lowered their heads, they didn't dare to speak again.

Su Xiangwan was starting to panic. What happened to that guy who said he was going to call the police? Where is he? Don't go!

Before she could react, Mu Beiting had already carried her into the elevator and placed her on the ground.

As soon as her feet touched the floor, she tried to escape but a huge hand clasped tightly onto her wrist and pulled her back.

Su Xiangwan leaned against the wall of the elevator, she was held by the crook of his arm.

She gulped as a thin layer of sweat seeped out from the tip of her nose, she couldn't help but feel a bit guilty.

The elevator door slowly closed as she became increasingly nervous. They were the only two people inside this small and confined space. 

Don't be scared... Don't be scared...

She said to these words to herself again and again, she tried to constantly adjust her mental state.

Mu Beiting narrowed his eyes and held one hand against her ear, his gaze was dim and unclear.

She lifted her head and directly met his handsome face. Her heartbeat inexplicably increased.

"You…" She spoke softly, somewhat absent-minded.

"Brother-in-law, hm?"

"Um… I…"