Chapter 35: The Reason Why Humans Are Humans

"Mu Beiting, I'm going now…"

"Come and eat."

"I'm good, I don't want to eat."

Su Xiangwan subconsciously responded, she woke up quite late and really didn't feel hungry at all, besides, she was in a hurry too.

Before Mu Beiting could speak again, the door closed with a bang, her figure had already disappeared.

Mu Beiting's face immediately became gloomy, he sat down at the table alone.

It seemed that the food was prepared while she was changing earlier, steam was still rising up from the ten delicate dishes on the table.

Mu Beiting picked up his chopsticks and grabbed some food.

His gaze fell on the pair of chopsticks across him, his eyes were fixed on them for a few seconds.

After retracting his gaze, he suddenly threw his chopsticks on the table, he clearly lost his appetite.


After Su Xiangwan ran all the way out of the hotel, she caught a taxi and went straight to the company.

Xu Mingli gave her yet another scolding, she also informed her the time to enter the set for the role of the mistress. But in reality, Xue Zhicheng already helped her settle things for that garbage role. It's just that she hadn't told Xu Mingli about this, of course, the matter with her signing up for 'Yongle Gate' was also included with the things she didn't mention.

After all, she was still waiting to slap her stepmother in the face, in order to prevent Su Yufei's aunt from causing her more trouble.

As for 'Yongle Gate's' contract, because of Mu Beiting's defense last night and the new round of investments, the signing of the contract went by very smoothly.

So far, Su Xiangwan's heart could finally settle down, she was in a rather good mood now.

After rushing home, Su Xiangwan hadn't even walked through the villa's main door before she heard a series of barking from 'Er Bing'.

After quickly walking into the yard, she found 'Er Bing' tied to the railing. Su Yufei pulled at the rope with one hand, hanging him by the neck while repeatedly kicking him.

"You beast, go on! Bark! Keep barking! You're just like your cheap owner, you just need fixing up!"

"Keep barking! See how I'm going to fix you up if you bark again!"

Seeing this, Su Xiangwan's blood boiled in anger.

"Su Yufei, what are you doing!"

Hearing this, Su Yufei paused and turned around, "Oh, is this not my sister? It's nothing really, just that this brute keeps barking all day, it's disturbing my peace and quiet."

Su Xiangwan ignored her. She quickly walked over and squatted in front of Er Bing.

Even more bloodstains seeped out from his small body. She never imagined that he would suffer from such abuse when she had only been away for a single night.

She already looked after him for a week. During this time, he wouldn't normally bark unless someone tried to harm him, only then would he retaliate.

"Good boy… it's my fault… I shouldn't have left you alone at home."

As if he was trying to respond to her, Er Bing gently rubbed at her feet. Only when he did this, did Su Xiangwan feel relieved.

In her previous life, Yao Ji was also abused like this by Su Yufei. At that time, she wanted to take Yao Ji away, however, Su Yufei was obstructing her in every way possible. It came to the point that when they argued, fists were involved, and Su Zhiguo just happened to see this scene.

At that time, since Su Xiangwan's reputation was already bad. Su Yufei complained first even though it was her fault, she immediately said that she hit her for a dog.

Su Zhiguo immediately slapped Su Xiangwan across the face and refused to even listen to any explanations. He then ordered her to face the wall and ponder about her misdeeds, even forcing her to apologize to Su Yufei.

Even until now, she could still remember how she held back her tears, alongside Su Yufei's smug smile.

Su Xiangwan's eyes reddened as she held up Er Bing. She didn't waste her breath with Su Yufei and decided to take him to get bandaged.

Sure enough, Su Yufei stopped her just like in her previous life. "Sis are you really going to put in this much effort for a beast?"

Su Xiangwan's eyes were cold. She said mockingly, "The reason why humans are humans, is because we have conscience and emotions. But you, you're even worse than a beast, don't tell me you still expect me to waste my breath on you?"

"Su Xiangwan, what are you trying to say?" Su Yufei's pitch rose immediately and was enraged.