Chapter 38: Waiting For Your Return

Er Bing ate some food and quietened down.

Su Xiangwan picked up a photo frame at the head of her bed and became a little absent-minded.

In the photo, there was a 15-16 year-old girl with a bright smile. Beside her was a cold-eyed boy, around 18-19 years of age. He seemed quite young and was extremely handsome, but one could definitely see the love he had for the girl in his eyes.

Su Xiangwan's gaze grew bitter. The girl in the photo was herself, the boy right next to her was her elder brother from the same mother, Su Jincheng.

Their mother died in a plane crash the second year after giving birth to her. Soon after, Su Zhiguo married Liu Yuerong and gave birth to Su Yufei in the following year.

Ever since this pair of mother and daughter arrived, their lives were never peaceful.

Fortunately, her brother had always protected her, so life wasn't too difficult.

However, it wasn't until her brother was set up by the pair and he was forced away from the family. Ever since then, her reputation began to get worse by the moment, and her life was gradually ruined.

But right now, she wasn't that worried, it was because she knew that her brother would return two years later, and he would make a dazzling return too.

What she really needed to worry about was after her brother returned.

In this life, she would never let her brother repeat the same mistakes… she would never let him ruin his life for her again.

"Brother… take care of yourself… I'll wait for your return."

Su Xiangwan's eyes flashed with determination as she lightly placed the photo back in its place.


That night, because Su Yufei had put on such a good show in front of him, Su Zhiguo didn't look into why she didn't return home all night.

But the next morning, Su Xiangwan had just gone downstairs when he saw Liu Yuerong and Su Zhiguo sitting on the sofa, their faces firm.

"Wanwan, come here."

Su Xiangwan's heart paused, sure enough, it came.

She walked over while remaining calm, she sat down across from Su Zhiguo while greeting, "Father."

Liu Yuerong was beside him. Her hair was coiled up and she was wearing a dark purple cheongsam. Her makeup was quite meticulous, she was pouring tea for Su Zhiguo, "Wanwan's here."

Su Xiangwan ignored her. But she could tell that after one night, Su Zhiguo's anger had calmed down a lot.

She really had to admire Liu Yuerong's pillow talk, it truly was powerful.

"Wanwan, I heard from Feifei's aunt that you signed a contract for a new script?" Su Zhiguo said in a deep voice, his face looked a bit displeased.

"Yes." Su Xiangwan's heart slightly quivered. In her previous life, Su Zhiguo was also furious because she signed up for the mistress role that her agent had arranged for her. The situation at that time was exactly the same as it is now.

"Reject that script back immediately! You're not allowed to act in it!" Su Zhiguo's face was filled with anger. While one caused trouble, the other also caused trouble, these imbeciles would sooner or later make him die of anger.

Su Xiangwan said calmly, "I will not reject the role, I will act in it."

'Slam!' Su Zhiguo banged his hand hard on the coffee table. "How dare you! Do you have no shame? You are a disgrace to the Su family! Just how much of a disgrace do you want to be?!"

"Calm down Zhiguo… Wanwan's still young, she's still at the rebellious stage that tends to act impulsively. If you have something to say, say it to her nicely, don't lose your temper." Liu Yuerong tried to mediate on the side, almost like a caring mother.

"Aunty Liu, I'm already past the rebellious stage. I also didn't act on impulse either, I took on this role after thinking about it very carefully. I know what I want, and know what I'm supposed to do." Su Xiangwan's gaze fell coldly on Liu Yuerong, not caring about her so-called 'affection'.