Chapter 2

"No"  Fan BingBing, Fan Zhi Rou, Fan Ai Bo and Fan Huizhong said at the same time.

"Please... Eldest sister, Second sister, Eldest brother and Third Brother. Please help this poor meimei out. This weak meimei can't possibly do this without your help" Fan Wei Lan plead with puppy eyes.

"Wei Lan, it seems like everyone here will not support you, I can't tell you the plan if you can't get your other siblings to support you" Fan Gouzhi said as he chuckles at amusement from this rarely seen scene. He never expected his cold meimei will be willing to plead like this.

"This is ridiculous, you want us to help you break your engagement?! Don't you care about your family at all?! What will others think when they hear that the Fan family wants to break an engagement bestowed by the Emperor. Wouldn't that greatly disrespect the Emperor?" Fan BingBing said with anger at Wei Lan.

"What BingBing said is true, I can't get myself to help Wei Lan to break her engagement. This engagement was bestowed by the Emperor. You can't defy the Emperor's wishes. Just give in Wei Lan" Fan Ai Bo said while agreeing with BingBing.

Wei Lan kept pleading and pursuit her sisters and brothers to help her.

After lots of attempts, finally one of her sisters changed her mind.

The least expected one changed their mind. Fan Zhi Rou changed her mind. Fan Zhi Rou is known all through out for her wise and intelligent nature. She could beat a scholar in many aspects. She is simply a genius. She has many talents in many things. She easily became an advisor for the Fan family problems and decisions.

Seeing that the Fan family advisor is changing her mind, of course it will cause the others to change their mind as well.

"So, before I could help you, I need a very strong reasoning as to why you don't want to marry the crown prince" Fan Zhi Rou

"It's because of the Imperial harem, I am not qualified to become this nation mother, there are many strong intelligent women that are qualified to be the empress. Why must it be me who takes the throne?? I don't want to" Fan Wei Lan

Fan Zhi Rou hearing her sister reasoning could only sigh and shake her head, what could have father and mother taught her so that she doesn't dare to become the empress?

"Sigh..." Fan Zhi Rou

Fan Wei Lan looked at Fan Zhi Rou with puppy eyes until Fan Zhi Rou finally nodded, meaning that she was willing to help her get out of this unwanted situation from her.

"Yes!!" Fan Wei Lan stood up and jumped up and down.

"Eldest sister, eldest brother and third brother will surely help this poor meimei too, right?" Fan Wei Lan asked with sparkling eyes.

All of her sibling could only nod and sigh, now it was time for Fan Gouzhi to tell his supposedly "amazing" plan.

"Ahem" Fan Gouzhi fake coughed before starting his going to be ridiculously long speech.

"So here's the thing, My plan for Wei Lan to success fully break off this engagement of hers is to cheat, If she can get herself another great man the crown princes will surely back-off, sure this plan can hurt the Fan Family reputation but it's worth it since the Fan Family could surely shut anyone up, right Huizheng? I'm sure you could big a very big help in that part but this cheating must be made very realistic. Wei Lan, I'm sorry but if you wanna break this engagement so bad, I need you to betray the prince, I need you to act like a bitch cause I know that men hates bitches the most and for that I need Fan Zhi Rou to help her train her acting skills. As for eldest brother and sister your jobs have to wait, for know make sure that no one knows of this plan and this plan must go smoothly according to the plan. If this plan get leaked out somehow it will greatly tarnish the Fan Family reputation. Do you understand?" Fan Gouzhi finally stopped his so goddamn long speech.

Fan Zhi Rou was on the edge of madness, what kind of ridiculous plan is this? She though that her second brother who is the deadliest general currently could come up with such a ridiculous plan? She wanted to start an argument when Fan Wei Lan stopped her.

"Second sister please stop, I know second brother plan sounds ridiculous cause it is ridiculous, but lets try this plan shall we? Beside if the Fan Family reputation goes downhill, we can always throw him out" Fan Wei Lan said to her sister while chuckling at her sentence.

"You're right, Why didn't I think of that before, anyway the risks are yours Wei Lan, you make the choice since this is your problem. I'll be here when you need help" Fan Zhi Rou said before leaving the room and returning to her courtyard.

Everybody else was utterly disappointed by Fan Gouzhi plan, they all feel like he proposed such a terrible plan on purpose but again, he was someone who's plan always worked however ridiculous they sound. So they all trusted him. They just hope for the best results before returning to their courtyards.

Now Wei Lan has returned to her courtyard. The moment she stepped into her room, she quickly ordered her trusted maids to bring a brush and a paper. She started writing all of her previous feelings towards the liar she loved so much, the crown prince. In the midst of writing, she once again cried but this time her tears was very little. It looked like a child trying to cry but they can't.

What a troublesome choice has Fan Wei Lan gotten herself into.

The young miss finally retired when she finished about twenty pages. The next morning all of the writings Fan Wei Lan wrote yesterdays was burned by her.

While burning the letters she wrote last night, she had swore an oath to herself to never ever fall in love with the man who betrayed her.

By then she had "changed".

End of Chapter 2


Regards to you, Tynthix ( ◠‿◠ )