Chapter 5- pregnancy

Gemma's POV

I was able to keep a somewhat normal schedule for a week after the suprising revelation that we were going to have another baby.

The week after I definitely would have suspected that I was pregnant if I hadn't already known. The morning sickness was the worst I had ever experienced in comparison to my last 2 full term pregnancies.

It got so bad I wasn't able to keep any food down and had lost weight which concerned both Adrian and Kensi. I felt so powerless when I would look at my husband's haggard face and know there was nothing I could do to stop his worry. I knew his biggest fear was losing me and I made a promise to myself that this would be the last time I would put him through this anxiety.

On the other hand, Jasper was ecstatic and every morning, even before we told our children that there would be a new baby in the household, jumped on the bed first thing in the morning to 'talk to the baby'.

"Hey baby, how are you doing? Are you comfortable? Is your food tasty?" Jasper would start with question and inevitably move on to what he did yesterday, what he planned to do that day, what he saw, etc.

He was so precious. I would just smile and rest my hand on his head which often was either right next to my stomach or laying on my stomach.

'He's going to be such a great big brother' I thought.

"Mama, what's her name?" Jasper asked one day.

I didn't bother to tell him that we wouldn't know the gender until he or she makes their appearance. If Jasper called the baby a girl then I was fine with going along with it. Hopefully he would not be too disappointed if 'she' was actually a 'he'.

"She doesn't have one yet. She will get her name after we take her to the Temple for the ceremony" I explained.

He nodded his head in obediently, but his scrunched up face showed he really wanted his baby sister to have a name.

Kensi, her healing mentor, and her fellow healer mentorees, poured through manuals in search of a safe solution for her (Gemma's) problem. A few weeks later they finally found a medication that would help with the nausea and vomiting, but was safe for pregnancy.

Being able to hold food down helped immensely. I finally had enough energy to get out of bed, go for walks, and spend time with my family outside of my bed.

I could feel the anticipation of my whole family as my due date got closer.

The last two weeks, Adrian took a leave from work in order to spend time with me and to make sure he was there for the delivery. He had been at my side for Sapphire's and Jasper's birth and he didn't want to miss this one.

Then the anticipated day finally arrived! It was a rainy day with little sun and many flower buds on the trees, when my contractions began. I insisted on keeping moving with the ever increasing pauses inbetween, until my water broke.

Adrian then had to carry my back to the room we had set up for birthing. He had made the birthing room after the birth of Sapphire when I told him that I didn't want to have another child in our bedroom because the lingering smell of blood made me sick.

He simply smiled and started preparing the birthing room when we found we were pregnant with Jasper.