Chapter 17

Baby's POV

It took an additional week after the bubble was pushed out to coat my skin before I was able to push it past my skin. I gently and carefully strained to push it further and further away from me. As I did so I realized something.

It was that I could 'see' everything that was contained in my bubble. I really wanted to rename my bubble since the word bubble seems so stupid, but I haven't come up with a better term for it. It wasn't like I could see everything clearly, but the outline of objects and people were highlighted for me. I worked for an additional week practicing maintaining about a 5 foot radius around me.

'No one's going to be sneaking up on me anymore' I thought gleefully.

A week before I turned 15 months old I was able to expand my bubble outside of my room. I was even able to discover the hidden guards stationed nearby, which ensued another visit from Voice 1.

"Little girl" Voice 1 said in a stern voice. "You're disturbing the guards".

I was surprised at his words. It wasn't really what I pictured him saying, but from what I had seen of his personality, I should have guessed; very direct with no praise for doing a good job. Then again, 'why did I even want his praise?' I wondered. I was also puzzled though as to how I was disturbing them.

My puzzlement must have been all over my face because he answered with "your ambient aura is disturbing them. It stands out like a beacon for your enemies and confuses the senses of your allies, making it harder for them to protect everyone here."

'So I'm supposed to give up on this chance for independence?' I thought in disbelief.

"Not saying you can't use it at all, but maybe try keeping it low, like below the knees so you are less likely to be labelled an intruder." And after saying those last words, he was gone.

I seriously thought over what Voice 1 said. I didn't want to be the reason someone could sneak in and hurt my family. Granted I hadn't seen them in over a month, but they were still my family and the only thing I could think of was that something or someone was keeping them away. I also thought lovingly of my nurse who had been by my side for over a year and whom I also had not seen in that same amount of time. I hoped everyone was alright, but believed that Voice 1 would have said something if there was something seriously wrong.

The next couple of days I spent working my 'ambient aura' as I now referred to my glowing bubble into a flat surface at my feet instead of the dome-like structure I had it in. It was really hard work getting it to be flatter and flatter; shaping it to my command. I eventually got it so flat that it was basically a part of the floorboards and no one seemed to notice, unlike before when people would comment, but were unsure where it came from or what they were even feeling.

I had started to hear a lot of noise coming from outside my room, but I couldn't ask anyone and still was not proficient enough to get my aura that far away. It seemed to get closer and louder as the days went by until I turned 15 months. That morning I was bathed per usual, but I was not returned to my bed. During my bath I heard what sounded like furniture being moved and lots of voices talking, although I couldn't understand all of it since we were in the bathing room which seemed to cut off noise from my room.

When my bath was finished and I was carried back into my room I quickly spread my aura out to find that most of my things had been removed. I was puzzled and wondered if I was being moved to another room. They maids fed me mash that tasted kind of like cream of wheat, but with the texture of oatmeal. Then I was bundled up in a coat and hat and carried outside. I was not carried to any part of the house I explored with my brother Jasper. Instead we went under covered walkways and across courtyards until reaching what turned out to be the front of the house.

I was passed up into the arms of my mom who was sitting in a carriage along with my brother and sister.

"How's my baby girl?" my mother asked. "Did you miss your mommy?"

I nodded and smiled at her, but was worried about how tired her voice sounded. I noticed that although Jasper was in the carriage with us, he didn't say anything in the way of a greeting. I wondered if I had done something for him to ignore me like that. I mentally shrugged since there was no way I could ask him.

I snuggled into my mother's arms and quickly fell asleep, being worn out from my morning practice and my bath as well as being in poor physical condition after not having really used my body much the past 2 months.

I woke up much later to the strange sound of animals outside the carriage and the air on my face feeling colder and smelling fishy. The one holding me was no longer my mother, but my brother. He leaned down to whisper in my ear "I'm sorry...sorry for not being able to protect you". I could feel his anguish in his voice and I didn't want my beloved brother who had taught me so much to be burdened by guilt.

I couldn't tell him it was okay, so instead before he brought his head back up, I kissed his cheek. That is when I was startled by my surroundings.