Chapter 93

She knew that to become like her grandfather and uncle and have good standing and reputation, she could not shrink back.

To be respected and stand at the highest peak looking down on everyone, she must be like her maternal grandmother Goddess Mari.

So she cultivated according to the books her mother left behind. Sometimes, she didn't even sleep the whole night.

Zi You even gritted her teeth and ruthlessly vowed that she would surpass her grandmother Goddess Mari. At the time, she not only could call the wind and summon rain, but she could also rescue her mother Dier. At that time, a mother-daughter reunion would not be an empty dream.

The cobra Weishali practiced alongside Zi You. It was just that while Zi You was practicing, he acted more as a guardian because at times, the cultivator's mind was highly concentrated. She could not be disturbed. Otherwise, her cultivation would backfire on her.

Weishali was very excited these few days because his master was getting better at refining pills. This was crucial to it taking on a human form.

At the same time, in the most famous brothel in the city, in the most famous geisha Lu Mudan's room, a handsome young man masked his face, changed into black clothing, and opened the window, preparing to jump out.

Lu Mudan hurriedly grabbed him. She worriedly told him, "Be careful, little shishu [shifu's (martial teacher) younger martial brother]! Shifu said that person has a very able person. You must be careful."

The young man did not speak. He jumped out the window and disappeared into the night.

Zi You was about to end practice, but heard Weishali hiss in warning.

"Is someone here? Weishali, go block him. If he dares to break in, bite him. Don't be polite," Zi You used her spiritual power to issue orders.

"Hiss." Weishali obeyed. He slithered into the grass and quickly disappeared.

Zi You ended her cultivation practice. As light as a swallow, she flew into her study in Hundred Herb Garden. She changed into black clothing and masked her face.

As soon as she changed clothes, she heard Weishali's panicked voice. "Master, he's too powerful. I can't stop him."

"I'm coming," Zi You answered and leaped out.

She quickly arrived to the front of Hundred Herb Garden. She saw that the person was dressed in black and masked like her. He was already in the front courtyard. He infiltrated step-by-step. He was about to quickly arrive at the gate between the front and middle courtyards.

Zi You did not ask him any questions. She knew even if she asked, he wouldn't answer. She shot out a three-bone nail. Her Silver Light Rain was her last resort. She didn't dare not to use it anymore. She was afraid she would have incriminated herself if her things were found in that bastard Zhao HongXiang's knee.

The intruder was indeed not weak. He saw the concealed weapon shot at him and dodged. At the same time, he had to avoid Weishali's attacks. For a time, he was busy and in a difficult spot. However, he still managed to evade.

Zi You saw that and was no longer polite. She pulled out colored silk and twisted it around Weishali's body. Then the colored silk became a poisonous sword pointed at the intruder.

The intruder was secretly afraid! This yatou was so young, but so poisonous! Using a viper as a weapon to attack people. Just one bite from a king cobra was enough!

The colored silk was filled with Qi [energy]. It was no longer soft. Every strike was like the blade of a sword. In addition to Weishali's actions in front of the colored silk: opening his fangs, biting, and spitting out poisonous venom; it was really difficult for people to parry.

The intruder was angry. He scattered his unique Three Insect Corpse Powder on Zi You…

"Be careful!" Zi You smelled an unpleasant odor and wanted to dodge. But a person flew over. His right hand grabbed her waist and the soft sword in his left hand thrusted at the intruder.

The person who saved Zi You was left-handed. The thin, soft sword shimmered blue. Under the moonlight, it emitted a brilliant light. Every sword strike stabbed at the intruder's vital points.

The intruder secretly trembled. He dared not fight. He hurriedly scattered Three Insect Corpse Powder again. Then he retreated and disappeared into the night with the blink of an eye…

Zi You saw him leave and did not give chase. The Three Insect Corpse Powder smelled really bad. She knew what it was. It used the corpses of poisonous insects to create a poison. Only the shamans in two Miao villages in Nanjiang knew how to make it.

And this second intruder didn't seem to be hostile to her. But then why was he spying on her?

Fortunately, he held no ill intentions towards her. Otherwise, his martial arts were so high. She wouldn't even know if he injured her.

Who were these two people? They actually dared to spy on the General's Manor? Zi You frowned and was about to start asking questions. But she heard the man who saved her taunted, "Idiot! Are your spiritual powers just for exhibiting talents? Why didn't you use them earlier?"

He didn't wait for Zi You's response. He looked at the squirming insect corpses on the ground that had turned into yellow pus. He mocked, "I know you're not afraid of poison. I won't care about you anymore. You're really stupid to death. Someone has to clean up after you everytime."

"Who needs to be saved by you?" ZiYou was angry at him calling her "stupid" and "idiot." She sent a kick over. "This lady has not convicted you of the crime of trespassing in the General's Manor. That's already letting you off lightly. You dare to be arrogant? Just looking at your mask means that you're some scoundrel who can't be seen. Tonight, this lady will have you revert to your original form."

"So fierce? Be careful you can't get married in the future. Not only stupid, but also fierce and ugly. I'm too lazy to look at you. I'm leaving." He quickly disappeared into the night, leaving behind a refreshing bamboo scent.

Where did she smell this scent before? Where? Zi You was sprinkling an antidote powder and thinking hard.

This tone of voice and martial arts… Shangguan LingRan! Zi You remembered that on that day at Duke Yongnan fu, when he grabbed her and jumped out the window, she smelled this same scent.

Also, the tone of voice was the same in the market that day and at Duke Anguo fu.

It seemed like he wasn't like the dandy he appeared to be, with his high martial arts skills. Why did he pretend to be a weak and inept hopeless case? And why would he help her?

There was also the first intruder. He wasn't very tall: around 1.6-1.8 meters tall. His martial arts and method of poisoning seemed that he was a Nanjiang person. Could it be someone her maternal grandfather sent? Or was he someone a wangzi sent?

He shouldn't be someone her maternal grandfather sent. No matter what, they were her relatives. They shouldn't be poisoning her.

Then who was the intruder? What was his purpose in scouting the General's Manor at night?

Thinking of this, Zi You broke out into a cold sweat. It seemed that from now on, she needed to increase her vigilance. Was it because she used her spiritual power at Duke Anguo fu that attracted the attention of different parties? Or was the Emperor uncertain about grandfather?

Regarding her spiritual power, she wasn't too worried because sooner or later she would have to face that day. But she did not want anyone to find out that she could psychically communicate with animals and flowers. She didn't even tell her closest grandfather. After all, it was an ancient form of Indian magic. Not all Great Yan people could understand or accept it.

If the Emperor or someone else wanted to harm her grandfather, then she needed to be more careful and on her guard. Those highly meritorious military officials were always an Emperor's taboo.

It seemed like she needed to set up a battle array on her Hundred Herb Garden and grandfather and uncle's studies.

Zi You couldn't sleep. She pored through the books her mother left behind and once again studied a variety of ancient techniques.

She again felt how weak her strength was. If her ability was comparable to her mother and even her maternal grandmother, then was it possible to do what she wanted, when she wanted, without putting anyone in her eyes?

No. Mu Zi You, you must become powerful and put in the hard work. You cannot rest for even a moment.


August 22 was the day of Duke Yingguo fu's banquet. Because Mu YingRui was injured, he could not accompany Wang Yiping there. She was so angry she almost gnashed her teeth into pieces. She cursed everyone in the Mu family in her heart again.

Thinking of Mu YingRui, Wang Yiping's liver hurt from unbearable anger. Only ten days ago, that darned man who once pledged undying love to her, threw her aside in the blink of an eye. He and that Shui YouLian were as sweet as honey.

Wang Yiping went to see him several times. She met Shui YouLian there everytime and made her stand a long time while curtsying to Wang Yiping. Mu YingRui was distressed to death and would scold Wang Yiping.

They had only been married for less than a year. The past love he had for her had disappeared and ceased to exist.

It was indeed that you see a newlywed smiling, but not an old lover crying. You fickle heartless rat. Wait for me. See how I will make you a cuckold.

Besides you, there are many other people who like me. I don't have to hang myself to death on your crooked tree. Wait and see. You were heartless first so don't blame me for being unjust afterwards.

Wang Yiping looked in the mirror. Her skin was rather haggard and yellow. She picked up the powder on the table and ferociously applied it.

So when Zi You saw Wang Yiping's made-up look, she was scared into almost tumbling over.

It was a ghost! She saw a white person, with spots of red, as if she had just drank someone's blood, like a gaudily dressed ghost in a bright red dress. Standing in front of one with cold and gloomy eyes, even if the weather hadn't turned cold, one's bones would still be chilled.

Née Liu and Zi You looked at each other. Zi You suppressed the ridicule in her heart and walked over to hug Wang Yiping's arm. She smilingly praised, "Mother is so beautiful today! Don't you think so, Aunt?"

Née Liu could only nod. "Yes. Sister-in-law returning to her maiden family today would certainly be the envy of everyone. Very beautiful."

Wang Yiping saw that the two didn't seem to be mocking her, so she smiled proudly. "That, it's still dimei [younger brother's wife] who is beautiful. I'm afraid that when I reach dimei's age, I won't look as beautiful as dimei is now."

She roundaboutedly called Née Liu old. Zi You immediately delicately chuckled and retaliated. "Yes, let's not speak of how the age difference between mother and Aunt is more than ten years. Even if the age difference between Shui Yiniang and mother is two years, father still gifted a poem to her."