Chapter One

On the top floor of the ancient castle was a room facing a vast forest. The room had a dome ceiling and a large window granting the residents a view of the woods. At the top of the ceiling was an orb of light twisting in on itself and slowly spinning. The orb looked as though a small sun was floating with flowing lines of red and pink around it. On the floor of the antechamber was a grand table. Rounded perfectly, it had nine chairs situated around it. The largest chair was directly in front of the window. To the left and right of the seat were four chairs respectively, and on each chair were names carved expertly. In the two chairs closest to the ornate chair, were two children. One, was a beautiful young lady, not quite a woman. She was like a summer goddess. She had beautiful fiery red hair, blue gem-like eyes, and olive colored skin. She was looking at the young man to the left of the center seat, who was reading reports written in half messy writing and some elegant.

"How are they doing Alex?" She asked in a gentle voice.

Alex, who was reading the daily reports answered in a curt tone. "It seems Ember has once again ran off to who knows where and refuses to write her location. Aramis has, once again! gone to Zeta for their scholars knowledge. Even though Mother told him he's forbidden." He said.

"Mother told him he's forbidden, that rascal. What does he think he's doing..." He grumbled to himself.

"And the others?" Said the girl, laughing softly at the angry young man.

"Don't laugh at me Sister! We both know Mother doesn't want him going to Zeta because of that damn bastard!" He shouted while slamming his fist on the table. His hazel eyes were filled with a bottomless hate. Karnation understood why he was so angry and felt it herself at the rotten bastard who once hurt their Mother. But what was more important was knowing how her other siblings were doing.

"Alexander calm down. You know Aramis wouldn't disobey Mother without a reason. After all he is our sibling and Mother's child."

"I know Karnation. But what if Mother finds out and is disappointed in me for not taking good care of my younger siblings? What if she abandons me? What would I do then?" Alexander rambled to himself with a terrified look in his eyes.

Karnation gazed at him with a sad yet understanding look. She got up from her seat and made her way to him.

"Alex you know Mother would never abandon us. Trust in her, and trust in your love to her." She said softly.

"After all if Dorn hears you doubting her he'll give you the what for!" She ended with a light smirk.

"Ugh don't bring him up!" Alexander finally said with a embarrassed look, hands covering his golden blond hair.

"Haha! Enough with the doom and gloom! How is Misha, Aeron and the twins?"

Alexander went back to the reports of his siblings. Quickly reading a letter with neat lettering replied, "Mikhail has found a pretty powerful kingdom in Omega and is currently trying to convert everyone in it. He says it's going pretty well, but there seems to be a cliche love event going on."

"What do you mean 'cliche love event' ?" She asked in curiosity.

"Hmm. He says there's a Duke's daughter who's engaged to the kingdoms crown prince whose pretty obsessed with him. But the prince isn't really into it. Oh! And it seems a Vicounts illegitimate daughter has suddenly appeared and captured the interest and love of the prince." He explained.

"Now isn't that wonderful! Tell our dear Misha he should help that Duke's daughter capture that prince! After all, unrequited love is a deep sin." Karnation said with a smile.

"Will do, but he probably is already going to."

"Now what of Aeron? Is she doing alright?"

"Aeron is currently in Lord Death's Gamma world since it's the best place to train our blessings. And the twins aren't very good at control and keep pulverizing and killing everything in their surroundings, so a place with no life is a great convenience." He said with an expressionless and handsome face.

"Oh dear. Well it can't be helped, the twins after all are only nine years old. We don't want a repeat of that kingdom again. What was it's name again... Well I can't be bothered to remeber! Tell Aeron to thank Lord Death before she leaves with them. He is a kind friend of Mother's after all."

"Alright Sister. Anyways that's about it for how everyone's doing at the moment is there anything else you wanted to discuss? If not we should eat something and continue training. Practice makes perfect."

Alexander said after organizing the letters and picking them up. He got out of his chair and looked at his eldest sister with a smile. With his Heroic looking features and proud bearing any girl would swoon after being smiled at by him. But Karnation was unperturbed, and simply shook her head no.

"Well we should get going then we don't wa-" She began to say when the castle shook violently. Karantion and Alexander both snapped their heads to look into the depths of the castle. From the deepest part of the castle came a wail of pain and anguish so great it would break the hearts of anyone who heard. The children both widened their eyes. One in shock, the other terror. They looked as though someone had just told them their beloved family member was dead. From the deepest part of the castle came a beautiful yet broken voice screaming their names.

"Karnation! Alexander! Where are they!? Where are my children?! WHO TOOK MY CHILDREN!?"

Half way through the shout the voice turned cold and masculine, but still terribly beautiful.

"They've never woken up this early before! Something must be wrong! We need to go!"

Alexander said in a panicked stricken voice. He was trembling in fear. Not for what could happen to him, but for his parent who was in such extreme pain. He grabbed his eldest sister's hand in an attempt to get his bearings. He turned to look into her face, only to see the ever present beautiful and calm smile there. But it was slightly colder than usual.

"Come along Alex, let's go to them." She said and with a wave of her hand upwards, a white magic circle expanded out from her feet, and with a flash of blue light they vanished from where they were.


In a world void of anything living, were three children standing on the vast sea of black sand that made up the planet. With a black sun beating down on them they should have been sweating heavily, but instead their ears, noses, and cheeks were red, showing how cold it was.

The eldest looking no older than sixteen was standing with her hands on her hips lecturing the two children in front of her.

If one were to see it from a distance they would think she was looking directly into the children's eyes while trying to lecture them, but if you were in front of her you'd notice that her eyes were completely white.

She was totally blind.

But that didn't stop her from looking frustrated with the twin siblings in front of her.

"Sol! I've told you time and again to hold yourself back from trying to destroy everything!" She said with her silver and ice blue tipped hair blowing gently. She looked like an ethereal ice fairy had descended onto a void wasteland to bring life. Instead she was lecturing two children of nine years of age on how not to destroy an ecosystem.

But they weren't listening.

"Mother said we should be ourselves."

"Mother said we shouldn't hold back when we have fun."

"Hahhh. I understand. Just don't hurt yourselves." She said with exasperation. She then kneeled down and held her palms out to them. On her palms were tattoos of eyes closed, but when she held them out they opened and blinked once before starting to shine a silver light. The twins knowing what she was doing placed a hand each onto one palm and closed their eyes. The light turned brighter and brighter until it looked like a small star was shining in the black desert. In suddenly vanished and the young lady, Aeron, pulled her palms away from the children and heaved with exertion in the sand, sweating heavily, like she ran nonstop for hours.

The twins looked at their breathless biological sister and used their conjoined power to cool her off.

Aeron looked at the twins and smiled wearily, "We should probably get going after one more day to make sure the Yielding's powers are stabilised."

The twins nodded and were about to start playing with the sand when Aeron violently seized and started floating a few feet off the ground.

The twins, startled, blew up the sand in a three kilometer radius.

"Sister is having a vision again."

"Sister is seeing again."

They watched as her eyes started glowing a silver and black light. They were wide open and eerie whispers could be heard floating around.

After about 30 seconds she slowly descended back to the ground. The eye tattoos on her palms closed and she returned in an even worse state, as though she was going to pass out any minute.

Her creamy white skin had turned into a pasty, corpse white. Her hair, which was silver before had turned into an iron grey. And her beautifully blind eyes were crying tears of blood. She struggled to get to her feet when the twins who were watching in shock reactivated their magic and used it to help steady their sister.

"Sister seems hurt."

"Sister should take Sister home."

The twins replied one after the other, their eyes, one twins golden, the others silver, watched her with unwavering faith.

Aeron seeing the familiar look, gently smiled and said, "You both know I swore an unbending oath to protect you too until it was my time to Yield all I am. Me bleeding a little doesn't mean I can't keep that promise. Also, you both know I've had worse before this, so I'm fine. But we should leave. Lord Death's planet would have been you hadn't decided to hold back a little Sol.

The elder twin, Solaris smiled brightly at that and started boasting about his and his twins progress.

"Did you see Sister? We were startled but we only blew up a little bit of the sand!"

"Just a tiny bit Sister." His sister, Selene chimed in as usual.

"Hahaha. You two..." Aeron was amused by the twins confidence, but remembering what she saw in her vision gave her an immense sense of fear and rage.

'I need to have Eldest Sister and Brother gather the others. I must tell Mother what I saw. And Just what I saw." And with a grim face grabbed the hands of the twins vanishing in whirlwind of the black sand and magic.


"It seems things are about to get very interesting and violent." Said a tall and deathly pale man watching the vanishing siblings from an extremely long distance. One would have to wonder if he truly saw anything that was happening he was so far away.

The tall man placed his hands into the pockets of the suit he was wearing and grinned a heinous smile, his pitch black eyes shining an eerie light.

"It may seem like my dearest and dangerous Sister and Brother are about to start playing again. Oh what great carnage there is to be found ~!"

He laughed a pure and unbroken laugh of pure joy at the dark times to come. He was, after all, created for the end times of all, whether ot be animals, humans, planets, or Gods. He would be there to witness it all.

Not as powerful as the High God himself, but of equal footing to Love, was Death, or less collectively known as Ezra.

Ruler of Death and Keeper of Souls was what Love liked to tease him with. He was the one who found the planet Love was banished and chained too, and was also the one who took care of them when War injured them and they tried to adapt to the High Gods curse.

"It seems I should check in on my lovely siblings. It's been quite a while since he asked me to allow his children to train here. Well, seems it's time for a vacation before the real work begins!" He monologued.

He took a step forward with the same twisted smile and vanished in a puff of black fog.