Chapter 0.1: 'The Cursed Shipper'

" Hahahaha!!!!!~ "

Li Yun, a seventeen year old fudanshi was currently throwing pillows like a maniac at the wall. He was laughing yet his face was wet with tears, snot and sweat.

Gross, right?

Well, for Li Yun, this was not the first time that he failed in this making a CP (Couple Pairing) thing.'s natural. Yeah..natural. Very natural, nothing unusual.

" Li Yun!!! Open the door! There's an update from that webtoon.The Seme MC (Main Character) one! And It's live reading!!! "

Li Yun stopped. He straightened his shirt which is crumpled and wiped his face. Apply some powder like nothing happened then stride out of the room like a child that is just done with his occasional tantrum.

" En! I'm going out."

" Hurry! It's already starting. "

Ming Lan walks toward the laptop after informing Li Yun. She full-screened the web page and grabbed some snacks laid it on the table and find a comfortable seat.

Noticing her friend's arrival, Ming Lan can't help herself from teasing Li Yun. " Oh! Done with the shipping failure pillow dance? "

" Shut up!!! "

" This time, don't ship, okay? I beg you, Lao Da! I waited weeks for this! "

Li Yun arched his brow and glared at the second rich generation heiress beside him.

" Hmph! You rich girl should rent you're own apartment, ah! It's stuffy here. "

He commented while squeezing himself at the seat. He suddenly thought thay he should save some money to buy another one.

" Aiyo!!! Don't squeeze too much, you old ungrateful thing and don't attempt to divert the topic.~  "

" Old? Ungrateful? I, Li Yun, is already old?! And ungrateful? "

Ming Lan noticed the air temperature inside the room suddenly dropped and closed her silly mouth while silently retorting in her mind.

' Why focused on the old something? It's my future ship we're talking about! '

She is afraid that she will be driven out and decided to quickly change the flow of conversation.

" Eh... Forget that. You're a young grateful friend. You let me inside you're apartment and let me stay here for few days, ah! And I, in return paid you're internet bill this month as a gift of thanks. "

Li Yun gently jabbed Ming Lan's shoulder and with a chuckle said, " Yes.. Yes.. You're indeed a good comrade, Lan Er. "

" Don't call me Lan Er. It's gross. I'm remembering that load of sh*t fiancé because of you! "

While the two are arguing,the webtoon live reading started. It made the two to ceased fire and it transform them to a group of children eagerly listening and watching at a cartoon.

Half an hour had passed, the two are cuddling each other and munching some chips when Li Yun's eyes twinkled.

" <> "

Ming Lan: ORZ

The page flipped and the voice over continued.


" Wang Ye, Zhao Ming was targeted by the bandits..."

" What happened to him? "

" He retaliated and the men Wang Ye sent out for him were all killed... And he was taken as a captive. "

The MC's eyes turned red and slammed the table.He held the hilt of his sword and free it from it's scabbard and pointed it at the man.

" Prepare the men, we'll save him! "

" Wang Ye, It's too late. My subordinate reported to me that Ming Jun is dead. "

" Bring Benwang to him. "


" Lao Da!!!!! You!!!! You've destroyed my power couple! " 

Noticing the transpired events, Ming Lan blames the one seating beside her.

'Abandon the ship!!! Gonna seek to my reserved one <>. ' She silently thought.

As if seeing through Ming Lan's mind, Li Yun calmly said, " No, this ship will not be cursed. Zhao will escape and be with the MC, ah! Or MC will save him in the knick of time. He's (ZM) the uke. He has a powerful help-me-save-me halo exclusively for Ouyang Zhen. "


" Marry me, Ming Er. "

" No, I will not comply to you!!! My loyalty belongs to Zhen Ge! "

" Hmph! I don't need that loyalty of yours! Your body is enough. "

" No!!!! "

Yi Feng undressed himself until his thin inner robes are present and slowly approach the chained Zhao Ming.


Appreciating this events, these are the two's reaction:

Li Yun: =.=

Ming Lan: T.T


" They're not here! You lied to Benwang! Ming Er is a strong martial artist! He might escaped when he's held captive. "

Ouyang Zhen's eyes turned red because of rage. He gritted his teeth as he endured the tears escaping fron his eyes.

" Sorry, You're Highness!! Please forgive this servant! They're not here when I've arrived and assumed he's dead. "

In a blink of an eye, another bloody head dropped at the ground.

The MC turned his head to his lifeless loyal subordinate and with a cold tone asked:

" How much did they paid to get you're loyalty, Han Yu? "

~to be continued


" Now, my back-up ship is brought into this mess!!! Ahhh!!! Li Yun, this is you're fault! "

" No. It's butterfly effect. Don't blame me for the MC's actions. "

Li Yun lesuirely explained the facts to Ming Lan. He stood and pat his pajamas to get rid of the chip crumbles and sat again.

" And... Did you just said that you have a back-up ship? "

Ming Lan turned off the laptop and ignored Li Yun's question. Just now, she decided to use Li Yun for her own benefits to get back for what he did to her all powerful shipping efforts. She'll say her  fake ship and Li Yun will agree then, poof! Her real ship will be save!

" Ah! Yes. Yes. Yes. I'd forgotten if you didn't asked me. "

" So... Who is it ? "

Li Yun eagerly waited as Ming Lan organized his laptop. She then slump at the floor and a wicked light flash at her eyes but it disappeared.

" It's Ouyang Zhen X Yi Feng. "

" Eh? But he's the top. In the last chapter, he wanted to eat Zhao Ming. " Li Yun logically reasoned out as he munched some chips.

" Ha!! Obviously , it's reverse rape, you know?"

" But... Ouyang Zhen X Han Yu is a better back-up ship than yours, you know?"  Li Yun smiled towards Ming Lan as if he was declaring his victory.

Ming Lan: *sweat*  ' Is this what they called, "Bringing a stone just to smashed your own foot? " '

Li Yun: ^//^ ///♡♡♡

" A possesive, tyrant seme and a loyal, submissive uke.That's your back-up? "

Ming Lan said as she mockingly criticized Li Yun's ship. It's just... She can't just surrender her ship's sail yet!

" And Ming Lan, your pairing's not bad. A possesive, tyrant seme X

A badass, strong uke but my ship is cuter than yours! "

Ming Lan : *sweats buckets* I'll lit an imaginary candle for my real back-up ship, Li Yun. You Cursed Shipper!!! >=<


The night after the live reading, the two rotten apples were eating dinner composed of a plate of red braised pork, sauteéd veggies and tomato soup which was cooked by the frustrated chef, Ming Lan.

" This is heaven! If not knowing you're a rich second generation, I'll suspect you're a student working in a restaurant to pay off your tuition by being a cook, ah.~~ By the way Lan Lan, do you need something? "

Li Yun asked Ming Lan when he noticed she stopped eating. While waiting for her response, he picked another piece of braised pork from the white porcelain plate.

" Umm.. Please change your back-up ship Yun Yun!! " Ming Lan's eyes twinkled upon her request when he saw Li Yun's enjoyment through her cooking.

Li Yun: "....."


A certain only buying soysauce (passerby) cannonfodder:

-----My love is much precious than loyalty, I'm prepared to die for it, Your Highness.