Chapter 2.11

So Li Yun was forcefully dressed by the servants. He was shocked because it seems that the servants were aware that he was really a man underneath his beautiful face.

---[Woah!!!! These cute guys were rehearsed, ah!!!~~]

The systems flirty but mechanical voice was transmitted to Li Yun's mind. He now knew that something was up when Mu Zi Lei suddenly appeared earlier but hurriedly left.

" Lady Bai, please close your eyes. "

" Why? How can I knew if this dress look good on me? What if you take pics of me while I'm naked and...and post it on the web?! "

The servants: "....." Take pics? Are you kidding? Master himself confiscated our phones and even installed a signal jammer because of this!!! orz

The old steward who was watching the scene merely smiled and didn't replied. He taked out the dress from the box and showed it in front of Li Yun.

Li Yun: OAO Fudging cocoas!!!

" Lady Bai, don't struggle...Our master just wanted to be with you forever. When he was still younger, he was very rebellious. Maybe...It was the only way he can vent out his frustations and confusions. "

Li Yun showed a confuse expression while glancing at the white frilly and lacey dress that was about to be put on in his body. He was now wearing a lady's bra and boxer shorts after being forcefully stripped by the culprits. He attempted to cover and escape himself but...he was in vain.

Li Yun: T.T Fudge!!!! Really fudging choco with mallows!!! Today was Bai Xiao Ning's 23rd birthday! I was supposed to be a fresh graduate and find a good but descent jobs according to my role but what happened??? I'm forced to repeat a year because of this!!!! *wu wu wu*

" Lady Bai, you were the light of our master...You were the light that lead him to the right path. From being a crazy and violent person to a not so...cold and domineering man he was now. He was a bit manipulative... but he was still a good man. Please trust him... "

" Why should I ? I rejected it!!! Don't force me into this! "

Li Yun: TAT Trust him??? Ha...Ha... He even locked me up in my own room!!! I will not escape this mansion, ah!!! My mission was still not done! And even if I want, I don't even know where this place was located in the manhua world!!!

"Steward Zhang, half of the plan was already done. Let's do this. "

" En."

Steward Zhang sealed Li Yun's acupunture points. The young servant smiled when he saw this. He grabbed a few hairpins and proceeded to arrange Li Yun's hair. The other servants were not idle. They sucessfully put the dress and accesories. They also put the white shoes on Li Yun's feet.

The servants: ^^ Finally...we're done!!! If you only compromise, Steward Zhang will not resort to trickeries!!! Master might be angry but we still did a good job!!!

Li Yun: "....." I'll remember you...You five naughty servants, a butler and a steward!!!! You'll regret this!!! TAT


"Something's up?"

" En. "

Mu Zi Lei nervously replied to Bai Xuan. He know his angel didn't like him but...He will still do it. He was an army commander, he will not back out from this battle. The battle to his angel's heart.

" Xiao Lei,  I should think...You should coax Ning-Er first before doing this... "

Mu Zi Lei glance at his grandfather who was striding towards him. He just merely smiled when that topic crosses his mind.

'Coaxing??? Maybe after this...There will be a lot of time to coax him.'

A man wearing a black suit hurriedly run towards Mu Zi Lei. He was still panting but he still deliveres the news towards the groom.

Yes, Mu Zi Lei will force Li Yun to marry him...and for the reason for rushing this, you should blame his 29th birthday that will be held tomorrow. He himself wasn't against this marriage.

For this most important event in his life, he prepared it with outmost perfection. From the wedding venue, wedding attire, reception, list of guests, wedding cake and for the.....honeymoon.

The resounding melody of wedding march echoed in the air. The sunny and beautiful weather seems to blessed the couple to be married. The roses and sunflowers were in full bloom in the garden. The chirping of the birds seemes to accompany the happy and cheerful atmosphere.

At the bride's side, Bai Xuan was smiling. She was happy and excited for her dear brother. The roses and sunflowers at the venue will not trigger her asthma but she was thoroughly prepare this time. She was a little guilty for thinking of the future benefits their family might receive once her brother married can't be help. She just hope her brother will understand and later on....fall in love for real to Mu Zi Lei or should she say...her brother-in-law.


" Steward Zhao...this thing...Is this for real?!"

" En. You're not dreaming, Lady Bai. "

Steward Zhang's wrinkled face showed a hint of smile. It seems his soon to be young "madam" was not aware of his master's cunning ways. He unseal Li Yun's acupunture points and lead him at the garden.

Li Yun was now at the entrance of the main garden. He was now itching to ripped the wedding dress he was now wearing.

Li Yun: TAT I'm really fudge this time!!! This dress' design was really similar to Qing Yue's wedding dress on manhua!!!

" Lady Bai, please don't disappoint Master... This old man and his grandfather were really eager to see him wed and be happy. Please don't reject him anymore. "

Li Yun gently nodded. For him, what is the use of resisting? He came to this point of no return checkpoint. There was no turning back, only his imminent death awaits if he didn't comply.

It was said in the manhua that a few suitors of Qing Yue barged their garden wedding. It was told that...they were eradicated by Mu Zi Lei personally by sending them to ruins. He did this to clean Qing Yue's dirty record before their wedding because Qing Yue told him that she sold herself to rich people for the sake of revenge. She was very honest and coupled with her tears, Mu Zi Lei paved the way for be the future Madam Mu.

In the wedding day, it was believed that the security of Mu Mansion was very strict to avoid univited guests but due to the cockroach nature of other guys, the suitors sucessfully infiltrated but in the end, they were still arrested.

In Li Yun's opinion, this guys were really blind. They share a filthy woman and that same filthy woman had sucessfully hugged the male lead's thigh and made the just dessert for her enemies and strived to the top. A scenario of "from rags to riches" but a little diferrent because she used her innocent and white lotus Silver Awards acting to capture Mu Zi Lei's heart and copy the temperament of her former young master's, Bai Xuan's sweet childhood memories to attain her goal. She even dared to dye her hair and wear contacts just to perfect the get up.

Li Yun: == A shoujo heroine...indeed....She was very determined and smart for her own good.

Li Yun was guided by Steward Zhao to Bai Xiao Ning's father. The old man was standing at the entrance and when he noticed his presence, his eyes were filled with happiness and excitement.

Li Yun: >.< Don't tell this young man that this handsome but old man of Bai Xiao Ning will lead him toward the altar!

" Son, I know that you were forced to do this. Xuan -Er did her best to persuade Zi Lei to marry her but he really wanted you. "

System: "...." F*ck you!!!!! That potential FL dragged his host's almost sucessful plan to ruins!!! Ahhhh!!! She even coluded to Mu Zi Lei!!! I can't even tell this to my host due to the higher-ups even if I want to! *wu wu wu*

Li Yun was nearing to his end *cough* to the end of this march with Bai Xiao Ning's father. He can clearly see the grinning and excited look of the demon who came from hell but something was off... He noticed Mu Zi Lei's fidgety fingers. He was gripping and tightening his necktie. Is he not afraid to be choked?

Soon...realization hits Li Yun's mind when his "father" passed his hand to Mu Zi Lei's cold hand.

The army commander Mu Zi Lei was pretty nervous. HaHahah!!!!! Ha...Ha.... He is nervous but can it stop this wedding? The answer is obvious. It's a big, fat, caps locked and bold...NO.


" Please observe a moment of silence. For those who were against this wedding, please voice out your thoughts. "

The blonde priest said solemnly while looking at the crowd. He himself traveled from a far away land just to married this two lucky men. He hope no one was against this marriage. He easily agreed because the travelling and his expenses in this foreign land was sponsored by the groom.

(A/N: This author was lazy to create wedding vows...but who knows ?...This author might spill some beans on the extra...XD)

"N o one was against this wedding??? Mr. Mu Zi Lei, you may n---- "

" Hold it!!!! That Bai Xuan was a fake!!!! He was obviously Bai Xiao Ning!!! The hidden heir of Bai Enterprises!!!! People, I, Qing Yue is Mu Zi Lei's real female fiancé and not that sl*t!!! "

The priest was stopped from his actions. The crowd looked at the elegant and sexy lady in red who was shouting and struggling at the entrance.Their faces were filled with mockery.

The guests: Lady, we're indeed attending Bai Xiao Ning and Mu Zi

Lei's wedding. We knew they were both men so if your a homophobe ...just scram!!!!

Mu Zi Lei narrowed his eyes. Bai Xuan who was in the seats glared at the lady with a hint of killing intent. Li Yun showed a suprised look but inwardly he was shock to the core.

'Fudge!!!! I thought he was chased out by this young man's soon to be second husband but who thought this Qing Yue came to her senses from that hypnosis.'


----[The cockroach appeared!!!!~~

It's time to throughly eradicate this pest for good!!!]


[Host, you need to take action before that b*tch dragged you to your original end!!!~~]

The system's urgent and flirty tone was transmitted to Li Yun's mind. He was now thinking of this body's true end. The bankcrupcy, the failed job interviews, the liquidation of their assets, the Bai father's siblings who were eyeing their wealth and many more... This made Li Yun's daze mind (due to the force wedding) to be rational. He stepped down from the pedestal to confront Qing Yue but a hand was placed on his wrist stopped him and a gentle and manly voice was transmitted from behind.

" My wife...I can handle this. "