Chapter 38: The family bloodline

A little later in the day, Trent's father came home from work. His works on a team in one of the organizations of blades that cleanse spirits. His mother works for the same organization but on a different team. She got out early so she was able to pick him up. Usually Trent would walk home.

When his dad walked in the door, he went straight to the kitchen and saw trent sitting with his head down. His dad just went behind the counter and took out a cutting board. He then open the fridge and felt the cool air hit him as he grabbed the ham from the drawer of the fridge. He then closed the fridge and walked to the cutting board and then he spoke, "You gonna speak, T?"

Trent just sat there, staring at the table.

"Silent treatment, eh? You ready for the weekend, T? You will get a new companion to help you shape up. I mean, before, you didnt seem really accepting of it, but you will see that this is a good step for you.," Trents dad said as he got bread and starting making himself a sandwich.

When he finished he sat down next to Trent, and Trent could smell him. He wreaked of cigarette smoke and he would breathe out of his mouth. Once he done that, he could smell the beer that his dad usually has before he comes home. Trent gazed up at him.

"I dont want the stupid spirit, Dad. We have been through this," Trent said.

" we go. Can you just be open-minded once in your pathetic life. I mean sure spirits are a big problem that needs to be dealt with, but this spirit can help you do that, Trent," His father said.

"I dont need some stupid spirit's help, I can do it on my own. I am strong enough, Dad. I have fought local spirits before and won, I think I can handle more than you think I can," Trent said.

"You are young and a moron. Those are just local spirits. Real ones out there will be ten times harder and tougher than any spirit you faced here," His father said raising his voice a little.

Trent then rolled his eyes.

"As a member of this family and my only child, you WILL ACCEPT THE SPIRIT!," his father screamed at Trent. Trent just looked at him in anger and disgust at what his father said to him.

"Then I will find a way to get rid of this spirit," Trent said as he stormed out of the kitchen. His father sat down with his sandwich at the table. His blood was boiling. He couldnt calm down. The rage was drowning him as he thought of what had just happened. His wife then entered the room and sat next to him. She put her hand on his. She was nice and kind and gentle. She looked him in the eyes.

"He doesnt want to take the responsibility of being a blade, Lily. He is too selfish," he said.

"Shh, I know, Max. He just needs sometime," Lily said.

"Time? There is no time left. Now is the moment that it has to go to him Lily and he doesnt accept it...," Max said.

"You told me that you didnt even accept it when you were his age," She said as she tilted her head to the side.

"T-thats different...I never knew what I had...until it showed me who I really was...," Max said.

"Maybe that's what he needs," Lily said, resting her head on Max's arm.

Max then sighed and got up.

"W-where are you going?," Lily asked.

"I'm going to set things right...," Max said.

He then cleared his throat and spoke, "thank you, Lily".

Max entered Trents room where he saw Trent laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. Max sat next to him on the bed.

"What do you want, old man?," Trent snapped at him as he turned away.

"I...I'm sorry for screaming at's a stressful time for all of us...I know...but...this...spirit will be a good thing...Trust me...,"Max said patting his son on the head. Trent then smacked his hand away and then huffed. Max then got up and walked out the door.

He then closed the door and smiled.