Chapter 14: The place from the dream

There they were, the wind in their hair, the smell of the great salt of the sea in their nose. Tent and Abel sailing as fast as they could. The ship crashing into the waves as it passed islands. It was a mystery how Trent was able to help keep the ship secure and on course with Abel at the helm. Trent gazed out until he saw it. An opening in the mountain for water to rush in to. The canyon was big enough to let the entire ship through. Abel steered it toward the giant crack. Waves started to slow to a crawl as Abel steered the ship to enter the canyon. Abel gazed up and down the canyon walls as Trent did the same. It was a long way up the walls of the steep, rugged mountainside. The ship slowly trudged along the middle of the canyon. It was silent, quiet, cool. The breeze rolled in from outside and cooled the canyon.

"A fine opening this is," Abel said. "If this were any other situation, ye best knowing that I would set up rest right here."

"But this isn't any other situation," Trent said.

Abel turned to Trent in an effort to speak but stopped himself. He knew that he should keep his thoughts to himself, but why? What is the reason why Trent was so bent on leaving without his friend? Trent sighed and stared ahead.

"You are wondering why I want to leave my comrade...," Trent asked.

Abel gazed at Trent once more.

"It doesn't make any sense to me," Abel responded.

"We are...actually on two different paths, him and I...," Trent said. "He is looking for his father, while I am looking for someone dear to me."

"Well that's no excuse to be alone," Abel said.

"Huh?," Trent said gazing at Abel in confusion.

"When ye are by yourself, ye can only do up to your limits, but with a crew ye will have something that will feel limitless. A leaf blade told me that," Abel said.

Trent thought a moment and looked forward.

"Before...I was angry that I didn't have anyone that can guide me...but I now believe that this is my fault...I should have protected my guide," Trent said with a smile.

Abel smiled and nodded to himself as they passed into the clearing. The sun showed its light down upon the water. Trent gazed at the clearing and realized that it looked strangely familiar.

"No way...this is the place from...," Trent trailed off.

"This is where it all happened...," Abel said.

They were in a bowl with mountains on either side and two islands. Abel seemed to gaze around curiously.

"The leviathan hasn't attacked yet...," Abel said.

Trent thought for a moment and turned to Abel.

"Maybe it's waiting...," Trent said.

"Far what?" Abel asked.

"For its prey," Trent clarified.

The ship crept ever so slowly around the bowl. Abel decided to hoist anchor near one of the islands. They stopped near it and dropped anchor. The boat swayed a bit to the waves but it managed to sit still where it was. Abel came down from the helm and walked down the steps. It creaked as he came down. Trent turned to Abel.

"Why stop here?" Trent asked.

"This isn't right, mate. The water is calm and still, but not in a subtle way," Abel said. "Many a captain met have met their end in waters like this."

Trent looked to the other island.

"That island isn't supposed to be there...," Trent said.

"What ye talkin? You don't know these waters," Abel said.

"I know...but I...saw it in a dream...," Trent replied. "That island is not supposed to be there and I know that for a fact."

Abel turned his attention to Trent, then back at the island.

"I have a bad feeling about it too," Abel said. "I say we give it a lite,"

Abel had a massive smile running across his face as he climbed back up to the helm and held it in his hands. He turned the ship so the cannons on the side of the ship, lined up with the island.

"My boy!" Abel shouted to Trent. "Ready yourself on them cannons!!,"

"Ay sir!" Trent said, happily loading the cannons.

"READY!," Abel shouted, "AIM!...FIRE!!!"

All of a sudden, Trent lit the cannons and fired towards the green island. The cannonballs flew threw the air and seemed to phase through the island as if it were made of light. Abel stood in disbelief. The cannonballs crashed into the water on the other side of the island.

Inside, the sound roared throughout the cave. Saria gazed around frantically.

"Someone is here," he said.

"Who?" Owen asked.

"We will find out," Saria answered. "Leviathan, attack mode!"

With that being said, the island stretched itself out and wrapped around the bowl, it turned the tiny ship in the water as though it were just a toy. The slithery sea serpent slithered around the bowl as its head began to form. The creature had a massive head with sharp fangs. It hissed and growled. Standing on top of the leviathan was Saria and Owen. Abel and Trent gazed up in fear.

"Owen!," Trent shouted.

"Abel," Saria shouted back. "You have no business being here, turn around or I will have to kill you."

"You?!," Abel shouted angrily. "The demon? The demon stole my Lilith's necklace?!"

"She is not yours," Saria said. "She belonged to another and you knew that."

"And the demon is a kid," Abel said laughing to himself.

"A kid?" Trent asked.

Saria sighed and spoke: "I am fourteen years old. So yeah, I am a kid...but I am old enough to know what you have done to my sister!"

Saria put a hand to his mask and sighed.

"Lilith is...your sister?!," the other three said together.

"She was my older sister...," Saria said. "And you took her from this world for good!"

"No! You attacked the ship that they were on!" Trent shouted. "Right...?"

Abel gazed at Trent and looked back at Saria.

"So ye found me out...," Abel said with a grin. "The demon is smarter than he looks..."

Trent turned to Abel in disbelief.

"You knew full well what you did...killing her husband and turning her into...," Saria trailed off as tears started forming at the bottom of his mask.

"An Un...?," The pirate captain said as Owen stood in shock of the word. "The most unfeeling and unloving being this world will ever see..."

Owen remembered back when Dave called him and Emily uns. He found it curious so he turned to Saria.

" un...?," Owen said to Saria.

"Now...isn't really time for explanations...I am sorry," Saria said.

"Then what the hell did happen?!," Trent shouted at Saria.

"He attacked the ship to get the jewel," Saria said. "Lilith infused this jewel with the heart of the shows the wearer truth of the path they want and should walk down. It doesn't tell you everything, but it helps. So Abel stole it. He wanted my sister, Lilith for himself, but she was in love with her husband. When Abel learned of this, he had her husband drowned, and with the death of her husband, she became empty. Her face disappeared and there was nothing, for the one she loved is now gone from this world. I managed to get away from the pirates, but I found my sister washed up on shore... Abel had stolen the I had to go after him and destroy his ship and his crew...he has been afraid of the Leviathan ever since..."

"Lovely story...," a voice said behind Saria.

Saria and Owen turned to find a man walking up the back of the leviathan.

"Mind if you hand my son back?," The man said.

Saria stayed silent as he gazed at the strange man.

"Son?" Owen asked.

"It's me, Owen. Michael, your father," The man said with a smile.