Chapter 66

After going to the school store every day, Myohan found out that Chandeul went there every day after having lunch. For the first few days, they nodded to each other when their eyes met; Myohan was currently able to get close enough to him to ask what he was buying.

The problem was that Chandeul's eyes still showed fear as he looked at Myohan.

"He's here."

Sinsul ran into Seonhan on his way back with snacks. Sadeol spotted Myohan from afar and jumped up and down happily. Sajun said a few more stupid things and got almost killed by Myo Cheong. Chandeul came out of the cafeteria only after all of them had left.

Myohan stood up, looking at his still chubby face. Jagyeom asked with wide eyes.

"He's the pig?"

Myo Cheong scowled before Myohan could say anything. He wasn't happy about being outside on such a cold day. He shuddered and stomped a foot.

"Hey, shit, he's too thin. There's no way he's the pig."

"Cheong, you must get rid of your prejudice that all pigs are fat."