What About Lady Elise?

"I heard Kelly won the battle duel with Alameda's Heiress." Lord Killian Delacroix spoke in a low voice maintaining an emotionless gaze. The people who were sitting at the same table with the Lord was shocked to hear such rare comment from the master of the mansion.

"You heard it right my Lord." Lady Kelly's personal maid responded in a civil way. People started to rose their brows by such interesting news. The Family of Alameda is quite gifted with first-class mana so it's an honor to win against their heiress. Well, it is reasonably expected from a Delacroix second in line for the heir but people started to question what about the first in line for the heir, Lady Elise?

Lady Elise who was sitting right next to his father Lord Killian felt ashamed for herself. Unlike her cousin Kelly who is known to be greatly talented in magic, unfortunately, she was not. She doesn't even know what class of mana she has.

Her cousin Kelly discovered her mana at the age of 4 contrary to Lady Elise who can't wield her mana even she's already 15 years old. A reason why people started to doubt Lady Elise's blood. People started to presume her late mother from cheating where Lady Elise was the product of her mother's dishonesty.

'Why am I even here?' Lady Elise thought as she took a glance from the people who were sitting with the same table as her. Everyone at the dinner was known for their first-class mana. She felt lost all of a sudden realizing she is having dinner with powerful nobles and people. All she wanted was to get out and rush to her room.

But her struggle came to an end when the musician starts to play the violin. The music was tingling and inviting that it sent people from the tables to the floor. Swaying elegantly with their partners. His father Lord Killian stood and went to the balcony. Leaving her cousin and her behind.

Without thinking she stood and walk away. But before she could take another step someone stopped her. Her cousin Kelly.

"Why are you leaving all of a sudden cousin?" Her cousin Kelly asks her sarcastically.

"Dinners is not my thing, Kelly." She answered in a calm way. Maintaining his posture.

"Are you sure about that or what if there is another reason you are leaving?" Her cousin Kelly questioned her with a smirk on the face.

Elise stood speechless. No words were coming out from her mouth. "No need to tell me the real reason cousin. Because from the very start I know it, you are ashamed of yourself. An heiress who doesn't have mana, an heiress who is weak. An heiress who is fake, there is no doubt your mother cheated on Lord Killian and you were the product!" Her cousin exclaimed but before her cousin could walkout. Elise's right hand landed on her cheeks. Giving her cousin a strong slap on the face.

"How dare you disrespect my dead mother. Who are you to judge her that easily? Mom will never do such a thing! I'll prove you wrong!" She exclaimed, it was fine for her to take all the insult but insulting her dead mother is way too much.

"How can you prove everyone's doubt with you and your mother when your days are counted, cousin?" Kelly sarcastically questioned her. Elise's brows furrowed.

She does not understand at all.

"What do you mean counted?" She questioned her while frowning. Something was daunting her.

"You see cousin, I sneak at Lord Killian's office and I saw your father and my dad talking. And surprisingly they are talking about you. They are talking about what to do once you are unable to wield mana before you turn 16. But what exactly they are going to do? Hmm, I think it is something to do with death." Kelly told her with a big smirk.

"You're lying. He can't do that. After all, I'm her only daughter!" Elise insisted. This can't be, her days are counted. Her 16th birthday is only a month away.

"Sorry to correct you but it's fake daughter, You don't have Delacroix running from your blood Elise if you are really Lord Killian's daughter you should already have wielded your mana like many years ago." Kelly asserted raising her right brow.

"No, I don't believe all of your fuss. I may look weak and is unable to wield mana but I will work harder 10 times harder than before. I'll show you, Kelly, on the day of my birthday, how deserving I am to be the Heiress of Delacroix. Remember that Kelly. If it means bathing with blood and going through sweats, I will do it. That will surely face slap people who can't stop doubting my mother and me. And that's an Heiress's Pride."