
Much to his surprise, Zhang Heng received a greeting card from the United States the next morning.

On it were the Chinese characters for Happy New Year written in crooked hand. There was no name on it but in the lower right corner was a stick figure drawing of Moresby. When he saw that, Zhang Heng instantly knew who sent the card.

He flipped the card over and saw a small sentence written in fine handwriting. It said, "Don't worry about the cheating test. I've already fixed the bug for you, and there no need to worry about it the next time you play. Please continue working hard. Smiley face."

Zhang Heng searched the sender's address and found that it came from a motel.

Although The Tang suited old man gifted Zhang Heng with an extra twenty-four hours every day, subsequently changing his life, he still found himself wary of him.