You Want My Coffee?

It was probably because the team had experienced too many unimaginable things in one night that the 01 did not appear to be shocked, but rather, desensitized when Zhang Heng said that he could hack into CTOS. 

After seeing a solid wall melt before their eyes like warm chocolate, Waldo would have probably believed it if Zhang Heng claimed to be Thanos who had come to Earth in search of the Infinity Gems.

Amid the oblivion and confusion, Little Boy was the first to break the silence.

"Can you hack into CTOS and disable it?" she asked.

"No, I'm not going to do that. Now that Iron Fist is dead, we need to find Edward as soon as possible," Zhang Heng answered calmly.

Little Boy looked unconvinced. "Wait, don't tell me you're thinking of using CTOS to get to Edward?"