
"Welcome," 1810 got up first and tried to squeeze a smile on his gloomy face. "We might have set off on the wrong foot the last time we met. I had to perform two surgeries right after that incident. I was in a rush. That was why my attitude was not pleasant on that day."

"Don't worry about it. It's understandable since you are a surgeon. Besides, we didn't know each other that time." Zhang Heng then shook hands with 1810. Frankly, the conflict between the both of them was not that serious to begin with. When they first met, Zhang Heng turned up late, and 1810 had to wait for him. Hence, 1810 thought that Zhang Heng was arrogant and irresponsible.

If Shen Xixi hadn't reminded him, Zhang Heng would have completely forgotten about it after completing a quest.