A Saber Called Hidden Scabbard

Miss F's timely arrival finally allowed Zhang Heng to catch his breath.

He stopped in his tracks and took the item that the former had thrown at him. He tore off the oilcloth on top and revealed the Hidden Scabbard.

Before Zhang Heng left for the third floor, he had requested Miss F to take care of the inconvenient items to carry. When both parties met, Zhang Heng had asked Miss F to help him bring the Hidden Scabbard over. It was also why Zhang Heng had taken such a significant risk to approach Miss F.

This knife was the real reason why he was challenging the Type-VI robot.

Qiu Ming didn't know if he imagined things, but his entire temperament changed when Zhang Heng held the Hidden Scabbard. The previous awkwardness disappeared, replaced by an unrivaled and powerful presence.

Qiu Ming even felt that the position of the prey and the hunter had changed.