Conjecture and Exchange Rate

Zhang Heng did not expect the bartender to have been to the Red Island, and not too long ago.

The mud on the latter's hair was the best evidence. Even though there was a lot of red mud in other places, only the mud on the island was dark red, as if it had been doused with paint. Moreover, Zhang Heng had already sensed that the old man's attitude had changed significantly.

Zhang Heng had also suspected that someone had sneaked onto the island while he was fighting the black python. In addition, this also answered the biggest question in his mind, which was why Loki's actions were loud but it didn't cause too much trouble.

Now, it seemed that it wasn't that Loki didn't pay enough attention to him, but it was because the bartender's sudden appearance had disrupted his plan. Otherwise, after defeating the python, he would very likely have to face Jemengard's main body.

But this caused a new problem to arise. Was that why the bartender wanted to help him?