

Time dilation occurs when an object goes very very fast and appears to be either getting smaller or bigger, we can say that it is moving in time wrt us, so maybe it is moving in 4th dimension, so we can say that... We cannot completely reach absolutely stoppage of time just like absolute zero is not achievable, till now's understanding , but we can achieve a time flow lesser or faster than us, i wonder how we can achieve a faster time flow compared to our universe's, maybe it will give us a better idea💡

Light goes at speed of light( fast)

So, according to the new big bang theory, our universe expands and contracts, and there was a force field that is responsible for that, i think that force field also influences time.

Time flow of the universe at early stage was very fast, and it slowly decreased... And is decreasing... Today, we can slow down our time but how to go to future?, if we travel at nearly speed of light, when the universe will be contracting, we would reach to past or future(/ in past for universe?), so a person will age slowly today and later he will become older in contracting universe??,time rate in contracting universe will be increasing,which suggests that we might only only slow down time and thus compared to universe time flow, we can only

Today forcefield is acting towards centre of universe, and will continue that way, until the density of universe become very large enough to have some opposite force.

But the last para suggests that time will only decrease for the person going at nearly speed of light,

The world at its origin was made up of 2 things: space and time

Space was so compressed that it was nearly infinite, and time was very slow(nearly static)(referred as energy) (energy was trying to break free of the restrictions while something mysterious was contracting it)(or energy could leak to outside of universe) , and the young universe was contracting, but after a certain limit of max contraction, that mystery force changed direction and started pushing away the universe....

This seems like interaction b/w proton, electron after splitting of neutron when forces will make them separated but before that,they were actually fine.. ....try to relate to that


Each and every piece of space has some true energy associated with it,which governs the laws in that space,

When that part of space moves at near c speed,it will lead to true energy being passed at a lower rate comparatively from outside,

Energy we provide is lost at a higher rate when travelling at c level speeds

But the energy that is supposed to be converted into mass is converted into true energy But, it is not enough,so,

Leading to slowing down of laws in that space

(opposite maybe true,that laws are more condensed?)

True energy corresponds to time

Or to what keeps space time intact

True space corresponds to the space of universe,

So why would it take more time in high speed frame?due to higher intensity of laws or lower intensity of laws?forces like gravitation etc. Must be checked to get a better understanding on it,guess: consider ur bathroom as the chamber,so if water flowing from tap reaches ground slowly(consider artificial gravity),that means laws are weaker,which coincides with our intuition that chamber is breaking free from laws of universe by going at a high speed


People's thoughts are binary in nature like a binary search tree

When going at very high speed,laws of physics reduces,when there is too much gravitation force etc. ,reality breaks,everything is like a game or something...

We humans have been programmed to gain something,we are also emotionless machine,but we are programmed to gain happiness,pleasure,and other kind of emotions and stay away from things that cause pain,etc.....We are not programmed by gods themselves,but are eventual cause of the world they created,our consciousness keeps on increasing every day,when we were kids,we didn't know things,but we gain more and more

Does each and every black hole try to absorb energy,in order to become center of the universe,the one that influences the universe boundaries?center may also change with time if 1 center absorbs more "energy?"

Atomic model

Dust like particles that make up atoms

Atom has positive cloud at center surrounded by negative dust,which will have high density at certain positions....,so the particle bullshit is just a look alike but a derivative of wave clouds performing random motion


Protons are made of positive dust cloud and electron has negative dust cloud,every particle will have a cloud of sub-particles when we consider particle nature and wave nature.

Cloud model explaining forces:

2 protons have positive dust each in nucleus,when they come very close,the 2 dust clouds will obviously become one but before that 2 dust clouds repel each other because both's cloud's dust will try to get the negative dust only in order to become stable,(internal workings determine the exact reason for it becoming stable)

Negative and positive dust attract each other because there whereas 2 of same repel,i forgot a good explanation thinking about dual nature of matter, i had thought of a good reason for existence of forces,rethink

Universe is flat as well as curved from different perepectives,just like earth is flat if we see around us,but is actually curved,similiarly universe is actually curved,...around something ?the details need to be further explored etc.