
Since I will consider our universe to be actually a very big blackhole.

This leads to many interesting possibilities :

1. It means that if a particle travels at the speed of light, there is a tiny possibility that it might be able to go out of the universe. I think only particles at the edge of blackhole from outside can escape, but there is also a possibility that something could happen at the singularity or when 2 blackholes merge? That's not the main point here.

Since the outer multiverse can contain a highly "developed" black-hole like our universe, that means : the level(strength) of space-time in the parent universe should be much lower, i.e. less restrictions(probably) on speed of light etc maybe.

I think the restriction on speed of light should me much lesser in that universe and this restriction should depend on the size of the universe. This simply means that speed limit is much higher only if the space inside our universe has actually been stretched which means that a small blackhole of parent universe could be the one hosting our universe.

3. Since gravitational field is what constitutes space-time, this theory of mine can be proved if the universe is find to be curved which can be proved if light has to travel the curved path of the universe which will be diffcult.

We can think of it as just like our earth. Universe is also spherical.

If there is a relation between speed of light and the size of universe, that will imply that there are levels to reality (fabric of space-time).

A little experiment :

Consider a blackhole in our universe. If this blackhole is as developed as our universe, then:

The force that binds the reality is the gravitational forces. They are the ones that occupy the whole region and keep the space-time in that shape.

This also means that our universe's space-time is maintained in its form due to gravitational force.

Gravitational force is something that acts between any 2 mass particles and these particles are the ones that make up the space-time itself.


Any particle having mass placed on space-time should conduct these gravitons allowing it to pass through them as well (exact specifics to be considered later).

Consider the blackhole as a ball full of gravity in which the gravitational field is what constitutes the space-time.

Now, lets consider that another blackhole came into existence inside such a ball.

Now, what is it exactly that this newest blackhole distorting?

If the size of blackhole is very small, there wont be much effect but when it is very large....This is similiar to something coming into existence inside a ball full of gravity acting along the lines of space-time themselves.

I think changes in gravitational field or space-time is what constitutes the light.

Light is made up of electrical and magnetic fields, one is in effect when charges appears moving and other when charges are static but both of them actually exist.

what is the relation between this space-time(made of gravitational force) and electromagnetic forces? I think there must be something in this direction that will link them up hopefully.

If electrical and magnetic force are something that are there due to existence of a charge, what is this charge exactly? How does it relate to the gravitational field that constitutes reality?

Everything in our universe is actually made up of reality, then why did atoms form?

Due to existence of charge?why did charges form? what is mass exactly(inside atoms)?

All these subatomic particles were formed after cooling down of the universe. Even mass only existed after cooling down, or did the god particles that give mass to objects exist even when universe was made up of energy? Was it really just made up of energy or it is just an assumption of big-bang theory?