Chapter 1: Adam

'Sometimes I do want to know how the world can be so cruel and merciless'

A middle-aged man thought while he was on the ground suffering for an unknown reason. And by just looking at the face of the man in front of him he could at least deduce what that unknown reason is and as for why it happened, we would have to start from the very beginning.

Adam was born into a rich family. Though they were rich, they did not have any relatives. All of his grandparents have died before he was even born. His parents were both unique children, and he is too.

After their death in an airplane crash when he was 12 years old, Adam has been forced to mature quickly to be able to live in this cruel world. Thanks to all the money his parents gathered he did not have any money problem, but the fact that he was living alone was the problem.

To avoid starving to death, he was forced to learn how to cook. To avoid being robbed he learned martial arts, but that did not work. Adam noticed that learning only one martial art was not a good choice since all of them had loopholes so he started learning a lot of arts at the same time and tried to create his unique style. He managed to create his own and managed to bring to a near-perfect level through real-life experience, meaning fighting in the hood.

He also went to school, even though he did not want to he forced himself to as a form of respect for his old parents since their only wish is to see him well versed in all areas of expertise. Whenever he was asked why his late parents wanted that he would answer "How would I know?".

That was until he found out that what he learned in school was not enough for his new acquired thirst for knowledge. He decided to start studying at home and before entering high school, he at least had as much knowledge as a university professor in every subject.

In high school, he quickly found classes boring and did not want to participate in them thus after his first year he transferred from one of the best schools in the world to one of the worst schools, those schools would celebrate if even 20% of their students graduate just to be free and not be bound by any rules from those prestigious schools.

After he entered that school he found a world that was as interesting as learning new things, a world he has never even tried to think of participating in, The Underworld.

He started by creating a small gang within the school and started expanding to all the other schools of the same genre as their own. After conquering all the 'schools', he had gone to the streets and started his expansion. He graduated with flying scores but did not go to school and continued his rise to power in the hood.

After several years he had managed to become one of the most venerated people in the world. Though they were a mafia, they did not use their power to do absolute evil. Adam only did things that would benefit him and his crew, be it good or evil, he did not discriminate.

Unfortunately, he was betrayed by one of his most trusted men. 'I can't believe I died due to poison, I look like one of those kings in history books' Adam snickered in his mind. Not that he could talk anyway, he is currently present in a white room alongside two other people. One was obese and he was also wearing glasses, he looked like a nerd and that was verified by the fact that he was excited by the situation they were in.

While the other one was a handsome male, he was surprised by the situation but did not want to show it on his face, unlike the first guy. That could not escape Adam's sharp eyes though, being the boss of one of the greatest groups in the world he was forced to learn to pick up any kind of information by only looking at somebody. Without that skill, he would have been eaten by the hungry wolves a long time ago.

While Adam was contemplating his past actions and all the errors he has done an old man with a long beard started approaching them. When the old man stopped in front of them, a low table and four big cushions appeared out of nowhere, the old man smiled at them and signaled them to sit around the table with him.

"Hello, I guess you all know why you're here so I'm going to skip the explanation"

We all nodded and the fat guy with the glasses couldn't contain his excitement anymore and asked the old man.

"Are you a 'God'?"

"Indeed I'm one" The old man answered smiling at him

"Then that means that I can reincarnate in a world of my choice, right?" The nerd, in Adam's perspective, asked impatiently. The handsome guy did not know what they were talking about so he decided to ask

"What are you two talking about?"

"Since you have died and failed to enter the purgatory to be judged, I brought you in my domain to let you reincarnate in another world each with one wish"

The old man said, the handsome guy finally understood and became excited and started to think about his wish. Adam, on the contrary, was having none of that. He is the type of guy to analyze everything before jumping in, he never wanted to reincarnate and the self-proclaimed 'God' explanation was lacking. So he decided to interfere.

"Can you elaborate more, I've got a lot of questions but I'm only going to ask those that don't make sense to me. First, What do you mean by we failed to enter the purgatory? Second, Why do we need to reincarnate? Since you are a 'God' can't you just teleport us there? Third, why are you giving us wishes? I know I did a lot of bad things back to Earth so what gave me the right to obtain wishes?"

The old man was slightly surprised by the questions, it's pretty rare for someone to fail to enter the purgatory so when it happens it is the only time the old man has to interact with people since he is always in his domain, lonely. So meeting people like Adam was the most entertaining thing for him, he smiled and looked at him.

"I can answer your questions but will need to stay longer than the others" Adam smiled, at that answer he did not plan to go unless he got all his answers anyway

"That's not a problem"

"What about you?" The old man asked the other two, they heard the whole conversation and was kind of curious but the excitement of the nerdy guy took over and influence the handsome dude

"I already thought of my wish, I wanna go right away" responded the fatty

"Me too, not that this information would help me anyway" The handsome dude also chose to go right away. The old man just smiled at them and waited for them to make their wishes.


AN/: I tried to correct some of the errors so thanks to condemned for pointing them out. Now i have to go to school, see ya later.