Chapter 7

???~"my name is...."

Suddenly Maria hears shouting in the distance and she notices Eden and her Uncle Zero running up to her.

???~"well child sorry I have to go now we will see each other again soon"

Maria~"but I didn't get your name"

But the mysterious man disappeared before Eden and Zero caught up to her.

Zero~"Why did you leave the dorm?! We were so worried, what if something happened to you?!

Maria~"I'm sorry Uncle Zero I just wanted to look around. Anyways did you see someone around here?"

Zero~"No we didn't why?"

Maria~" Well I was talking to this man and he says that his father in law is our grandfather."


In Zero's mind.....

Zero~"Oh no it is Kaname. How is he already here? Does he know that Maria and Eden are his children. I have to inform the Principle at once.

Back talking to Maria and Eden...

Zero~"Tell me if you come in contact with that man again. If you do come in contact with him, try and stay away from him and just tell him your fake name and I am your father. Just try be as vague as possible."

Eden~"Why would we have to do that unless he is a threat?"

Zero~"Don't question me! I am doing this for your safety just try and stay away from him and do what I am asking."

Maria~"Ok Uncle Zero."

The twins wondered who that man was, that made Zero look scared.....

The next day.....

Maria~"Oh my god I am so tired I need food!"

Eden~"Alright no need to shout it. I bet everyone in the building can hear you shouting for food."

Maria~" Well they should be informed that I need food" -pouting-

Maria and Eden quickly get ready for school and leave quickly before Zero realises they have left early.

Eden~"So now that we are alone. Do you want to tell me about that man yesterday?"

Maria~"Well that dude seemed ok I don't know why "dad" seemed so scared and angry about him."

Eden~"We know he is hiding something, he has been hiding something ever since we have been born. But now we are much older, why don't he tell us? It is must be a rather big secret if he still can't tell us after this much time"

Maria~"Yeah I guess so. Anyways why is our uniform navy blue? When I was talking to that student his was white."

Eden~"Perhaps he is in the night class."

Maria~"night class?"

Eden~"Yeah the night class, "dad" was telling me about it before we realised you left the dorm"

Maria~"Why is there a night class?"

Eden~"Apparently people who have the highest grades and are from high class families go into the night class and the rest are in the day classes"

Maria~"This school is so weird"

Eden~"How do you know it is weird? It might be normal since we have never been to school before."

Maria~"Come on are you seriously believing that a night class and day class are normal?"

Eden~"Well I have to admit it is kind of strange. I guess this school may also be hiding something as well."

Maria~"Everyone hides secrets I guess it is a normal thing. Now we will be, won't we Taro?

Eden~"I guess we will Lucia"